2.5 Chanhassen Nature Preserve - Trail Master Plan CITY OF CHANHASSEN hOD [JQ Administration Building Inspections 118U Engineering Finance Park & Recreation Planning & Natural Resources Public Works Senior Center Web Site The City of Chanhassen · f\ ,{ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 1// FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DA TE: June 18,2007 SUBJ: Chanhassen Nature Preserve - Trail Master Plan The Chanhassen Nature Preserve is a 11O-acre park preserve located south of Highway 5 and west of Galpin Boulevard. The preserve has street frontage on Highway 5, Galpin Boulevard, Century Boulevard and Coulter Boulevard. This parkland was assembled in three separate acquisitions initiating in 1995 with the donation of 57 acres. Subsequent acquisitIons were made using parkland dedication and cash purchase. Today the property is the largest open space preserve in the city's park system and serves as an Important refuge for many plant and animal species. The area is predominately wetland interspersed with lowland and upland forested areas. Deer, wild turkeys, hawks, owls, beavers, raccoons, mink, ducks, geese, egrets, herons and many varieties of songbirds inhabit the preserve. The area is also home to a rich array of amphibIans. Three storm water management ponds are situated within the park near Coulter Boulevard and provide open water refuges for waterfowl and other animals. Additional storm water ponds are located on the southern fringe of the preserve adjacent to the Autumn Woods neighborhood. Master planning for the park preserve has focused on the development of a 2-mile trail loop around the perimeter of the preserve. The inaugural segments were constructed starting in 1997 as a condition of approval for the Autumn Ridge Town Homes and Autumn Woods neighborhoods. Additional trail segments were constructed with the Galpin Boulevard and Century Boulevard road projects. More recently a significant section of trail was completed in conjunction with the building of the Holiday Inn Express Hotel. The trail construction project linked to the development of Arboretum Business Park ih Addition represents the final section of the 2-mile trail loop. The developer of the 7th Addition, Chaska Gateway Partners and S. Asim Gul, are responsible for the planning, engineering and construction of this final section of trail. The city, through its park and trail dedication fund, will refund the developer for the cost of trail construction in addition to a 10% construction management fee. In preparation for the construction of this final section of trail, WIHl 1\ rllii,j Park & Recreation Commission June 18, 2007 Page 2 the city retained Brauer and Associates to complete the master planning for the Chanhassen Nature Preserve Trail. Representatives from Brauer and Associates will make a presentation concerning their work at your June 2007 Commission meeting. We anticipate that the developer will initiate work on their project, including the trail work later this summer. G:\park\th\Chanhasscn Nature Preserve Master Plan.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market POBux141 CirailhassPII. MN 55311 Administration !)52 2271 ~ UII lax C)52 227111!J Building Inspections 952.227 1 t 80 lUll Engineering ?27.llbO 1171J 11,10 1110 Park & Recreation Pho:,,: 952.2211120 9522211110 Recreatiun C8iller 231U CUIII:cr Bculp'iar,j Pirone 952 221 HOO rax 952.22i 140:1 Planning & Natural Resources I'hll[: 952227 I1.JD 1110 Public Works 1:)(11 Park licarj P~-Ior!fj Senior Center 952.227112:) ~3X: ~Ei2.~ll1 ~ 1 () Web Site WWW The City of Chanhassen · 1\ Q'GWIIHj MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Generous, Senior Planner Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Dircctor DATE: May 7, 2007 SUBJ: Park and Trail Conditions for Arboretum Busincss Park ih Addition The subdivision requcst by Chaska Gateway Partners, LLP and S. Asim Gul for Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition is subject to thc following trail construction conditions: Tmils The developer shall be responsible for planning, cngineering, and constructing the "wetland trail." This trail follows an alignment generally described as the western edge of Outlot B, Arboretum Business ~ark. Connection points for this new trail shall be the terminus of the Trotter's Ridge trai I, the intersection of Century Boulevard and West 82nd Street, and the intersection of Century Boulevard and Water Tower Place. Portions of said construction will occur off-site of the Arboretum plat within land owned by the City of Chanhassen. Trail easements within Outlot C will be required to accommodate the trail. A diagram depicting the general alignment of the "wetland trail" is attached. In consideration for this trail construction, the city shall compensate the developer full costs of trail construction plus a 10% design and construction management fee. Bid documents, including plans and specifications, shall be approved by the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to soliciting bids. Project bidding shall occur in a competitive environment with a minimum of three bids being received. The results of the bidding process shall be reviewed with the Park & Recreation Director and City Engineer prior to award. Cash payment for trail construction shall be made from the City of Chanhassen to Steiner Development upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the trail. In lieu of crediting trail fees against said trail construction, full trail fees shall be collected per city ordinance for all lots in the Arboretum Business Park. Said fees shall be deposited into the city's trail dedication account-the same account that will fund the cash payment being made to the developer for trail construction. The cash trail fce for Lot 1, Arboretum Business Park 7th Addition is $4,960. Thc cash trail fee for Lot 2, Arboretum Business Park ih Addition is $5,230. CITY OF CHANHASSEN 17110 Market BOlli,:VdrrJ POBox 147 C!la:lllaS5i'II. MN 55317 Administration Phu'le 95?m.l11J0 9S2.227 111 U Building Inspections 951'227 1 1190 Finance lHO Park & Recreation 11;U f)ller;i; ~15U27 liDO 952 227 1004 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.m.1130 952 227 1110 Public Works Ph"le 952 227.1300 9~1?_227_131 D Senior Center 1115 1110 Web Site The City of Chanhassen · 1\ Arboretum Business Park i" Addition May 7, 2007 Page 2 The current plan submittal does not include this trail. Future submittals must depict an agreed upon trail alignment and details for a required bridge crossing and typical construction cross section for a 10-foot wide trail. Parks All park conditions of approval have been met for Arboretum Business Park ih Addition. Nltir I ~,'::':': ~ ,~~~;~;;: :::": " 10417 Excelsior Houlcvard Suite Number One Hopkins, MN 55343 Tel (952) 238-0831 Fax (')521 2JB-0833 Vvcbsitc: www.brJucr-ltd.com To: Todd Hoffman From: Scott Yonke, Landscape Architect, Brauer & Associates, Ltd. Date: June 15, 2007 Re: Chanhassen Nature Preserve - Trail Master Plan Todd, One behalf of Brauer & Associates, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to assemble the Chanhassen Nature Preserve Trail Master Plan and related documents. The following information and graphics has been prepared for review by the City of Chanhassen Park Board and other City staff. At your discretion, please share the information attached with staff and appropriate individuals as needed for the Park Board meeting scheduled for June 26,2007. The information and graphics submitted for review is indentified below: . Trail Master Plan- illustrates the proposed alignments and connections for the trail and amenities in the primary corridor and the future corridor areas. Items included within the primary corridor consist of the primary trail, trailhead west (Detail 1 ), and the pedestrian bridge (Detail 2). The interpretive nodes (1-3) and the proposed stairway can be included within the primary corridor or can be additional add on items. These items have been identified as additional add on items within the master plan cost estimate. The alternate trail location identified on the plan is an alternate trail alignment for the primary trail. Items included in the future corridor consists of the Trailhead North, parking lot, boardwalk and future trail alignment connections for the trailhead north to the boardwalk and the loop along the southern edge of the wetland basin to the pedestrian bridge . Trail Master Plan Sections - highlights indentified areas indicated on the Trail Master plan (Detail 1-4) with character sketches if efforts to provide a sense of place and themes for the proposed trail and amenities. . Master Plan Cost Estimate - highlights potential costs to develop the park as defined under the master plan. The costs has been indentified for items included within the primary trail corridor and additional/future trail corridor. I will be prepared to discuss each of these items at the scheduled Park Board meeting on June 26, 2007. The entire Brauer team is pleased to be at this stage in the design process and is looking forward to discussing the overall master plan package with the City of Chanhassen Park Board. We are also very pleased with the involvement of the City Staff and look forward to more input as the project's design is refined. Thank you, Scott Yonke, RLA Landscape Architect / Project Manager MASTER PLAN COST ESTIMATE Item Primary Trail Corridor Total Bid (In Dollars) 1 Bituminous Trail - 8' Width (includes aggregate $95,000.00 subgrade) 2 Trail Clearing (assume 25' swath) $11,000.00 3 Trail Grading (assume 25' swath @1' depth) $42,240.00 4 Site Restoration - Trail Corridor (Native Grass Seed $12,000.00 Mix) 5 Retaining Wall (Boulder) (1.5' avg hL) $30,072.00 6 Culvert (under primary trails) $2,000.00 Trailhead West Interpretive Node (includes surface 7 material/subgrade, Kiosk, boulder sitting area, $10,000.00 ornamental boulders, plantings) 9 Pedestrian Bridge (assume 12' width x 30 span') $45,000.00 10 Creek Restoration (boulder stabilization, reconstruct $6,480.00 waterfall Subtotal: $253,792.00 Continqency @ 10% 25,379.20 Fees, consultants, survevina, testina (ci) 15% 38,068.80 Total Estimated Cost: $317,240.00 Item Future / Additional Add On Items Total Bid (In Dollars) 1 Bituminous Trail - 8' Width for additional loops and $33,000.00 connections (includes aggregate subgrade) 2 Trail Clearing (assume 25' swath) $3,750.00 3 Trail Grading (assume 25' swath @1' depth) $14,760.00 4 Site Restoration - Trail Corridor (Native Grass Seed $4,000.00 Mix) 5 Retaining Wall (Boulder) (1.5' avg hL) $2,880.00 6 Culvert (under additional trails) $2,000.00 Trailhead North Interpretive Node (includes parking lot- 7 10 cars, bif enclosure, kiosk, Identification signage, $55,000.00 ornamental boulders, plantings, site furniture, retaining wall for parking lot, clearing, grading) Other Interpretive Nodes (includes surface 8 material/subgrade, display board, boulder sitting area, $15,000.00 ornamental boulders, plantings) 9 Wood Boardwalk (assume 8' width) $300,000.00 10 Timber Stairway (assume 22 risers @6" per riser, 8' $4,500.00 width) Subtotal: $434,890.00 Contingency @ 10% 43,489.00 Fees, consultants, survevina, testinq @ 15% 65,233.50 Total Estimated Cost: $543,612.50 Brauer Associates. Ltd. H:\DRAWINGS\2007\07-17 Chan Trail MP\docs\estimates\master plan\Master Plan - Est.xls Page 1 '"0 " 0- g 0;' " g' p; ({i - -~ ~ ? .t \7 '-1 r ? I ~) J.:, --9~ - ~ ( -' DO g: !2 Vi ~ " ~ 3 ;:; o' " ::.. r: o ~ (' co !P. " S 5' ~ :;I ~ ( ) ,( "~ _. , " -- ~~. " " :::..; (j~ "'''' ft. ,.... " " O-C/) ~ fro '" n " :;;.>' '" ~ ~ z ;:; E "'- '"0 0;- 2. do v);:o /,J) -. 0 " n ;' ~ (JQ ::0 ?O - " ~ ~ ~!:0 ::Te ~;:; o " n 0- ""n Ol_ o ro ..... ro ~ '" 0:: OJ r9: (l; V> 0- ~ " o (j) M- E::. I --l .... ~ ::;- (j) po 0- ~ Vl M- CI (j) g. N I -0 (j) 0- (j) Vl M- ::1. po ;:l Cd .... ~ IJO (j) ("'J .... o Vl Vl ;:l IJO C/; " " II ~ if_ " n zoo '" 0 :::'. () ~ "" " Ol '"00 E:';::: " ;:;: =. (C " -, ~- Vl I " \. 5' >- C~~ ~ rg -:"'t.:; o _ o " ;r."UJ ?: n; t? ~ R ~ ~ ~ ? rr:: r~ " fTC * '"0 5- o o " ~ 0' o '" ~ '" 00 g: " S ;:; o r;; ::;1 ~. F' tT1 " ~: fjC ~ :f [ t--J CI r, 8" w I '"T'j o .... (;) ~ ~ ~ ~ ::J 0- o < o .... 5" o r:- CI (j) [ -+"'- I --l .... ~ IJJ (j) (') M- O' ;:l v, a / " " ~ ~ '" ~ ~ r; ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :;:-1 " ;.: Trailhead West Interpretive Node (typ) * Natural Sitting Area * Interpretive / Education Infoflnation * Kiosk Existing Bituminous Trail (typ) In Street Boulevard Areas Proposed 8' Biullninous Trail (Alternate Trail Locatioll) I ~RAUE~ ~ ASSOCIATES,-.1m. I lAND USF PlANNING ANn DFSIGN - ~"! ~ 150 0 150 300 450 ~1EiI= I Scale 1" = 150' ~ lJJtlD ~ Project# 07-17 Date~ June 15th,