CC Minutes 6-11-07 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 11,2007 Mayor Furlong called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Litsey, Councilwoman Ernst, Councilwoman Tjornhom, and Councilman Peterson STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Roger Knutson, Laurie Hokkanen, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, and Jerry Ruegemer PUBLIC PRESENT FOR ALL ITEMS: Mark Undestad Forrest Adams Rick Dorsey Jeff Fox Planning Commission Chanhassen Villager 1551 Lyman Boulevard 5270 Howards Point Road PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Peterson seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated May 29,2007 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated May 29,2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated May 15, 2007 -Park and Recreation Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated May 22,2007 b. Approval of Private Fireworks Display Permit, Lake Minnewashta Fireworks Committee, July 4. c. Resolution #2007-35: Renewal of Gambling Permit, Chanhassen American Legion Post 580, 290 Lake Drive East. d. SouthWest Village, Final Plat Approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to o.