2 Discussion-Comprehensive Plan Update CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission 111 FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DATE: June 19, 2007 SUBJ: Discussion Regarding C~omprehensive Plan Update On May 17, 2007, the Commission held a working meeting to kick-off the update of the parks and recreation section of the Comprehensi ve Plan. Attached please find draft documents prepared following the work session. Included are an "existing facilities map and text" and a "future possibilities map and text." These are the materials that will be displayed at the public open houses scheduled for June 27th and 28th. The involvement of commissioners at these open house sessions is essential. Please plan on attending all or part of one of the sessions. It would be best if commissioners could agree on a schedule to ensure complete coverage on both nights. I will be present both evenings and representatives from the Hoisington Koegler Group will be present on Wednesday evening. Commissioners will be engaging citizens in conversation about the city's existing park and recreation systems, but more importantly, acting as a sounding board for ideas for the future. Please invite your friends and neighhOl s to attend these important meetings. Following the open house meetings, a compilation of the comments received will be forwarded to the City Council and Commissions. Later this year, public hearings will be held offering citizens additional opportunities to provide input. The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. City of Chanhassen, Minnesota Departments and Services Page 1 of 2 June 18, 2007 Inside City Hall Our Community Parks & Rec. Safety in the City Seasonal Tips Depts. & Services Administration Building Community Dev. Engineering Finance Library Maps Natural Resources Permits & Licenses Projects Property Information Public Hearings Public Works Senior Center Staff Directory Utility Billing FAQs Home City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 952-227 -1100 Fax: 952-227-1110 [)i$<;leti mE3f Contact Us I Job Opportunities I Site Indexl Chanhassen: n. tree of sweet sap Quick List I I I I I What is your vision for the City of Chanhassen? I GET INVOLVED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PROCESS - YOU ARE NEEDED! Comprehensive Plan Update Open House Schedule As the City continues working on the draft of the comprehensive plan, there are two opportunities for public input. Each of these meetings will have the same agenda. The City hopes that the two dates and locations provide a convenient option for every resident. The greater the participation, the more we learn about issues that are important to the community. As the plan comes together, there is special focus on: I I . Growth management including infrastructure (sewer and water) improvements and phasing of these services. . Parks, open space and trail needs. . Sustainability, including preservation of existing resources. . Transportation system impacts, including the Hwy. 101 Corridor and the future river crossing. . Additional locations for neighborhood convenience retail, possible expansion of downtown retail, and the potential of a regional mall (lifestyle center). . Housing, including future needs. The City values the input and ideas of its citizens and business owners. The purpose of these workshops is to learn about residents' views of the draft plans. The open houses are scheduled for: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 6 to 9 pm Chanhassen Library Thornton Wilder Meeting Room 7711 Kerber Boulevard THURSDAY, JUNE 28 6 to 9 pm Chanhassen Recreation Center Lake Ann/Lotus Lake Meeting Rooms 2310 Coulter Boulevard If you cannot attend the meetings and would like to provide feedback, simply send an e-mail to<;QJDPpletD@<;i.GhetOO?$$E3D.mO.l.]$ http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/serv /compplan l.html 6/18/2007 Existing Park and Recreation System REVIEW DRAFT June 19, 2007 inia . . ;\ CO"."O. .,1':0"."0. " / -1fr.L-- -. . J . '-'-V\' ChnsrmasLak~ l~ n e Ion k a , /T9wnlineJt_\ Millll,./tI::'-....._'-~.=-\v=;~"~~~~~- - _.-.~_. - .lIrll" 1 ~ . I MiIMI" Sdum Pllrke-----" 11'''.\1 \. ~ '~r (/1n'a .. Lake Lucy Rd Iklldl cvorllf'LOltU I . PIIll'Krtl/lIIl1 I ,. )- I, i' . .11"" -11f" ,.lJ "0 > iii (iInW ~ . _ ~ lleu,./, ~ .:\;' ~\ PllrA Z-:. ~ if J -: .r- Lotus Ld~.~ Lake Lucy II ,\--J Smull I.otu.\ I. Ilk,' Pllrk '" ,', (( . . . . Mckmght. . / " tak(, i.~ Lake Hazeltme -; . --;0"1>'11 . 'Mlln/, i,~ l I.llk" Pllrk I ..,. ,.-..../ Rlc~ ...&.rsh Lal<~ .- I E." e n P r air i ~- I I I . I ~ake Riley Rd I I Lake Rdey i Lake "0 a: :c Cl c >< u ~ m &g WOOdS) L.k~ \ Legend t:J City Boundary *' Public Destinations ~ Streams Network Lakes - Railroad Existing Chanhassen Parks and Recreation taJ Community Park _ Neighborhood park _ Nature preserve Other Parks and Recreation r::J Minnesota Landscape Arboretum vd . ' _ Regional Park and Open Space Features r Golf Course ) /"" Existing Trails and Sidewalks ~ - City of Chanhassen Trails & Sidewalks ) "- ..-... Chanhasen trail under construction \:~ Overpass 'II Underpass - Paved trail in adjacent community nm_ Unpaved trail in adjacent community 0.5 N o Miles _~. I r-- 101 , " I ~\ - .....0...: s.'t701 . anI llIIIlIIISlIJ Parks and Recreation Update City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Planning Process Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. m13 ~n J Existing Park and Recreation System REVIEW DRAFT June 19, 2007 The Park and Recreation System Today Chanhassen's Park and Recreation System is a source of community identity and pride and greatly contributes to our quality of life. The City places a strong emphasis on parks, recreation, and open space. In the 2007 Citizen Survey, recreational opportunities was one of the three highest rated characteristics of Chanhassen! Chanhassen's Current Park and Recreation System Includes: 5 Community Parks: City Center Park, Lake Ann Park, Lake Susan Park, Bandimere Heights Park, Recreation Center Park. 22 Neighborhood Parks throughout the City. Most residents live within a 1/2 mile, or 10 minute walk of a City park! Recreation and Senior Centers Recreation Programs for all ages Approximately 275 acres of land in Nature Preserves, which provide for wildlife habitat and protect the City's natural heritage for future generations to enjoy. An 80 mile city-wide trail and sidewalk system that connects neighborhoods to parks, schools, commercial and civic destinations, and connects to the trail systems in adjacent communities. Regional parks, open space, and recreation* including: Minnewashta Regional Park, the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, Camp Tanadoonda, Raguet Wildlife Management Area, and part of the Minnesota Valley national Wildlife Refuge. * Regional resources are located in Chanhassen but are not owned or operated by the City. System History The City's park and recreation system is the result of almost 40 years of planning and City and citizen commitment. In addition to adding parkS and trails to the system in conjunction with development, the community has supported major initiatives for park improvements throughout the years. Key dates: 1969 - The voters pass the City's first bond referendum for parks resulting in the acquisition of Lake Ann Park; the beginning of the neighborhood park system of tot lots and ball fields; and preserving much of the community character that residents today still enjoy. 1988 - The voters pass a bond referendum for phase two of Lake Ann Park and the purchase of park lands in the southern half of the City. 1996 - The voters pass a bond referendum for the acquisition and improvement of the park system resulting in: improvements in 18 parks system- wide; the construction of Bandimere Community Park; the reconstruction of City Center Park; preservation of over 40 acres of open space; and 7 miles of new community trails. . Parks and Recreation Update ~ City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Planning Process Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 11113 ~n J REVIEW DRAFT June 19, 2007 (Future Possibilities What Will Chanhassen's Park and Recreation System be like in 20301 That depends on how we plan today! Over the past 40 years Chanhassen has built a strong park and recreation system that greatly contributes to the quality of life today's residents enjoy. Initiatives over the next 25 years will improve and 'fine-tune' the system. We want to know what you think! Below are DRAFT initiatives to guide Chanhassen's Park and Recreation System over the next 25 years. Tell us what you think. Have an idea not listed here? Add it to the list! 111 Promote a sense of community though recreational facilities and programming 1A. Expand Lake Ann Park to create a premier community park. Expansion of the park would incorporate natural woodlands west of Lake Ann and would preserve views across the lake; protect wildlife habitat; and preserve the community's natural heritage. The expansion would also allow for a loop trail around Lake Ann and a connection to Lake Lucy. 18. Ensure all residents have equitable access to park and recreation facilities. 1C. Pursue arts and theatre programming. Explore creation of an Arts Council / Community Theater. i2~ Provide recreational facilities to meet the Community's needs 2A. Continue to add neighborhood parks to the system as development occurs. 28. Create a new ball field complex to meet demands created by increasing population and the planned new High School. 2C. Explore possible expansion of the Recreation Center to provide additional indoor gym space and an indoor ice rink. 2D. Improve the ball field at Lake Susan Community Park. 2E. Identify possible locations for a disc golf course. 2F. Explore expansion of the Senior Center. 131 Preserve the City's natural heritage 3A. Expand the nature preserve south of the new Highway 212 to preserve natural heritage, enhance community image from the new Highway 212, create a variety of park types experience for residents in the southern half of the City, and to buffer future residential development from highway impacts. Explore the possibility of building a community nature center in the preserve. 38. Continued commitment of resources to complete Bluff Creek Corridor. 3C. Cooperate with other government entities to ensure the preservation of Seminary Fen. 3D. Provide leadership in demonstrating sustainable practices such as rain gardens, pervious pavement, native plantings, and others. 3E. Acquire additional open space areas that typify the City's natural heritage, as opportunities arise. . Parks and Recreation Update ~ City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Planning Process Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. m~ ~n (Future Possibilities 141 Connect the community with trails and sidewalks J REVIEW DRAFT June 19, 2007 4A. Continue to add to the trail network according to the City's to the existing trail plan with the following key segments: 4A-1. Loop trail around lake Ann and trail connections form Lake Ann Park to Lake Lucy and Galpin Blvd. 4A-2. Connect the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and Lake Minnewashta Regional Park 4A-3. Create a loop Trail around Rice Marsh Lake 4A-4. Complete the Bluff Creek Trail 4A-5. Completion of the trail along Lyman Blvd. 4A-6. Connections to the Minnesota River Valley 48. Explore additional grade separated trail/sidewalk crossings: 48-1. Overpass of railroad tracks into the Historic downtown 48-2. Highway 5 in the downtown area 48-3. Intersection of Highway 5 and Highway 41 48-4. Underpass at Highway 41 into Minnewashta Regional Park 4C. Support regional trail efforts: Highway 101 regional trail; Twin Cities and Western Regional Trail; Highway 5 Regional Trail. 40. Continue to make connections from new development to parks and the city-wide trail system. 151 Explore strategies to supplement the City's capacity to expand and maintain the park and recreation system 5A. Identify and explore community partnerships with private organizations, other public agencies, and athletic organizations. 58. Explore the development of facilities that create a revenue system as opportunities arise. 5C. Consider possible alternatives for the future of Bluff Creek Golf Course. . Have an idea not listed? Add it here! . . . . . . . . . . . . Parks and Recreation Update & City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Planning Process Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. mil 8iD -----' --'\i..r....J.."... ? ............ j "'" /" LakeComo II lLu.~ -l~"..._..~r~ S h 0 r e woo L 4A-1. Trail connection ~ f1~k:;';;n Park ,~, u~ '6 , Lake Ann Park to Galpin Blvd. 1('111an\ complete lake trail loop . f..-....-. \+\ I"'-:=-:~;;::;;'" I ;t'''' -J -=- L"d FllrI//.\ ~ ' Prt'.\('n'~ ~ :::~;;,~I:: ',~." p." -------1 \ = I Ill'.\! · ~ (imw ~ /; _ , lit-lid, \' rtl'L )f' Mill Pllell,\tl"t, r ~ PIIII';:rml/ld ' (II : ~::"), l' \ :;: . .1I,;t' rllr,; J Hill Pllrk, iii ,., ~ .. 3: o ll. (Future Possibilities fila 1;-2. Minnewashta . Park I Arboretum trail 'if. IJ 4C. HighWa~ RegiOn~1 Tr~ 48-3. Possible grade separated crossing * . 2nd 51 W 'JIN 1./l/Id,\CIIP(' Ah(lrel1"" =:-'=~~;::.,.,I ", ' 2C. Possible Rec i ' .~ Center expansion .. ~,~ " ~ -I"'~ J REVIEW DRAFT June 19, 2007 2F. Explore Senior Center Expansion 4C. Twin Cities and Western Regional Trail Legend t:J City Boundary .. Public Destinations Streams Network :;;;'::( Seminary Fen (general location) Bluff Creek Corridor Existing Chanhassen Parks and Recreation ral Community Park _ Neighborhood Park _ Nature Preserve Other Parks and Recreation .:.= Minnesota Landscape Arboretum _ Regional Park and Open Space Features D Golf Course Existing Trails and Sidewalks \ - City of Chanhassen Trails & Sidewalks ...... City trail under construction % Overpass '" Underpass - Paved trail in adjacent community .un, Unpaved trail in adjacent community Conceptual Future Trails (DRAFT) - City of Chanhassen Planned Trails/Sidewalks (existing trail plan) . I Potential key trail connections Proposed Regional Trails - Planned trails in adjacent communities '" Planned underpass Conceptual Future Parks (DRAFT) _ Conceptual park expansion area o Future neighborhood parks 4A-5. Trail along Lyman Blvd nd.l~mllt1 2B. Additional athletic field complex (location south of Lyman Blvd?) 4A-4. Trail along bluff creek [.:E-aI.e n P r air i I I 2E. Explore possible .;I locations for ~ a disc golf course - ~ Bandimere Park? - /lllll/Jill/t'n' Ilt'(l:ltt.\ I'/lrk Lake Riley 2A. Continue to create neighborhood parks in conjunction with new neighborhoods 3B. Completion of Bluff Creek Corridor " 4C. & 3C. Highway 101 Regional Trail \ Possible future corridor expansion to include Seminary Fen (regional initiative) \ " N o Mile~~ I f- 0,5 V .. d 1\ IV !J '" "'\ . anII' IlIIIDJ Hoisington Koegler Group Inc, llU3 ~n Parks and Recreation Update City of Chanhassen 2030 Comprehensive Planning Process