"JUNE 21 I
, 1990
Chairma¢ Horn eallod gho mootino go ordor..
MEMBERS ~REsE~qTa Clark Horn] Jim Bohn, Don Chm'iol and Tom Workman
MEMBERS ABSE~tT: Charlie Robbins
STAFF PRESENt: Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director
Gerhardt: .Basically item number 1, election of officers. Under this item,
Chairman cliff Whitehill has been replaced by Mayor Don Chmiel and
presently Clark sits as the Vice Chairman and Jim sits as the Secretary of
the HRA. I laid out a small recommendation for a motion, if somebody would
like to. I had talked to Charlie who had recommended that Clark be
Chairman,, Jim be Vice Chairman and himself be secretary.
Workman: I'd move it.
Chmiel: I'd second it.
Workman moved, Chmiel seconded to elect Clark Horn as Chairman, 3im Bohn as
Vice Chairman and Charlie Robbins as Secretary of the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried.
Workman moved, Bohn seconded to approve the Minutes of the Housing and
Redevelopment Authority meeting dated May 17, 1990 as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
Horn: Brad or Clay, Visitor presentations? Since youire the only
visitors. Do you have anythi6g?
Clayton 3ohnson: 3ust an update on the hotel. The hotel is currently
scheduled to open on August 17th. We have Our first reservation. We have a
commitment to the lender that we will complete sometime around August 8th.
The closing on the permanent financing to occur before November let so we
expect to be open on the 17th of August. Now we do have the rain recently
bas dealt us kind of a difficult hand on the parking lot but I think we'll .
find a way to overcome that. The other thing that really is not of
immediate concern of the HRA but more in way of'information. We the
Bloomberg Companies will be coming to the Planning Commission on August
with the plan for the retail building that's going to go between the hotel
and 'the existing retail' facility. We'll have those plans in, submission
date is 3uly 2nd but I believe the first Plannin9 Commission date is-August'
let. Any questions on the hotel?
Workman: Who's the first reservatioo?
Clayton 3ohnson: I don't know but I understand that we've got a party that
Housing and R~development .guthority Meetin~
June 21, 1990-- Page 2
they committed to some time ago for the week of the 17th.
Workmar,: Tlle whole thing?
Clayton Johnson: No, not the whole thing but a significant reservation.
Horn: Good. Looks good.
ChmJ. el: I like the brick on itl
Clayton 3ohnson: Yeah. How about the color?
Chmiel: I like 'the color
Bohn: Was that. the color of brick that we talked about outside of Herb's
Clayton Johnson: I don't know. There was a mock up of it. The decision
was made from a bigger mock up. I think the brick you looked at at Herb's
house was a little sample and that made a 6 foot mock up. This product
that, the wood siding is actually pre-stained that color. I mean it's kind
of a permanent finish.
Sohn: It's going to stay that color?
Clayton Johnson: Yeah.
Horn: I didn't comment on the bricks because I was on the shingle
Clayton Johnson: I think the car port turned out nice I think. Nice
proportions. I mean everybody was a little concerned about that but I
think it's going to look great.
Horn~ We'll get a better perspective once the lots in and everything.
Clayton Johnson: Right.
Chmiel: I was recently just over to the old Gillette Hospital today, over
by Phelan Park and they're either going to restore it or tear it down, one
of the two and they've been restoring it for the last 12 years and haven't
done anything. They have some beautiful tile on that roof.
Horn: Any other visitor presentations?
Brad Johnsonr I'm going to bring you up to date on Market Square. We're
in the process of getting the financing. There's a fairly lengthy
checklist that will start to appear of things that we all have to do in
order to get there and a lot of them are agreements that have to be signed
and in somo cases w¥itten. You haven't finalized the redevelopment
agreement, the development agreement, the PUD agreement, the purchase of
those t. wo lots. I mean just a lot of stuff that's in process so we want to
alert you to that. We have scheduled a closing for approximately ~u~ust
Housing arid Redevelopment Authority Meeting
..Tune 21, 1.990 - Page 3
1st. And a lot of these, this list of things that we've got, we're getting
it, you've got a copy of it. It's a lot of stuff and more than, no more
than r, ormal buL it's a lot so we probably have to keep both the HRA and the
Council aware of all the little things that are necessary to get from here
Lo there and we'll probably ask for your help in that area because a lot of
that stuff is more technical in nature and the attorneys have to turn it
out and you guys will have to review it so I imagine that your next HRA
meetin9 we should have everything done but Mayor and Tom, there will be
some .~Jtuff for the Council to review I'm sure also. So in order to hit
that deadline that we all set, we're just going to have to be aware that
the.,je ~re the documents that have been pretty much approved but not
necessarily finalized.
Bohn: Ground breaking scheduled for what?
Drad 3ohnson: Well we're shooting for August let but as I said, it's just
a ton of document~ that sort of are not in your control or in our control
that have to ~et processed. ~round breaking will probably be in August Jim
but. I'm just saying, ~e'~'e shooting to try to close prior to August let.
But all of us that have been through these deals you know with each other,
we know what can go wrong so we're trying to anticipate that. All I'm
saying is ther~ may be a special meeting or something that we need to deal
with some documents or questions or changes or whatever that have to
approved by all of you because there's a number of things. They'll
probably sta~'t surfacing the first week of July as to what our time table
will be on the documents and some involve the Council and some involve the
HRA. Most of them will come to a head the last week and what the planner's
going to r~quire is that we'll probably have to have all those documents
done and in ~ignable form a week before we close and normally during that
week we're running a~-ound trying to get them all signed.
Bohn: We have not seen the final plans for Market Square.
Brad Johnson: Yeah, you have. That's all been through.
Bohn: There's been no change since last?
Brad 5ohnson: No changes. There were no changes.
Chmie].: You said your target date was going to be August 17 Get
evevythin~ pulled together?
8~-ad Johnson: We've been directed you know by the HRA and the deal that we
cu]°rently have with you to be done by then because our assistance, that one
agreement you had on assistance? ...date now. Some of this will be out of
our control so we don't mind some urgencies at this point in the game so we
know if we keep some urgencies in place, this will get done. We want to
get it done. Normally in the attorneys processes. We've got attorneys
that are slow and ~verybody's got attorneys that are slow. I mean we'll
admit to that and so unless we've got a gun at their head, they don't
normally move any faster than...
Sohn: Hav~ you submitted architectural plans to the Planning Commission?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 1990-- Page 4
Brad 3ohnson: It's been all approved.
Gerhardt: Council's approved them.
Srad Johnson: We've been through twice.
Bohn: Okay, we've seen drawings but never seen architectural plans.
Brad Johnson; Oh, the a~'chitectural plans won't come until after the
building permit.
Bohn: Okay, that's what I want to see.
Brad 3ohnson: You're talking about the, you've had 7 different plans but
you do not have the wor kir,g drawings.
Hob-n: What's the scheduled date of our July meeting?
Gerha~-dt: 19th.
Horn: Would it be prudent to delay that?
Bohn: I thought we changed the July meeting?
Gerhardt: That's the third Thursday.
Bohn; We changed it.
Brad Johnson: That's probably a good day for us to shoot at, don't you
think so?
Horn: Is that right?
Clayton Johnson: Yeah.
Bohn: I thoug}~ we had it scheduled, we changed the July meeting to the
26t. h didn't we?
Norkman: Yep. But I'm flexible.
Bohn: Yeah, we changed the 3u1¥ meeting to the 26th.
Gerhardt-' Was that for Charlie?
Bohn: He.
GerharcJt: You. You "re going. Okay.
Clayton John]son: Todd, we had a submission date yesterday for a Council
meeting. For the vacation of the easements. What date is that Council
Gerhardt: We. met last night. That would be in 2 weeks.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 1990 - Page 5
Clayton Johnson: So that's a submission...
Eohn: Yeah, July is the 26th.
Wo~'kman: Clayton, you said Planning Commission August 1st or start
Clayton Johnson: No, that was for the retail building that will connect
the hotel and our existing retail building. That submission is July 2nd
with the first Planning Commission meeting August 1st.
Brad Johnson: Jim, what I'll do is I'll get you all we have in plans but I
think we brought everything in. We went through it a couple times.
Gerhardt: He'd like to know what kind of materials are being used.
Brad Johnson: They're all in there.
Bohn: I want to look at the parapets because we had a question about the
parapets on these buildings.
Brad Johnson: Whatever. You know we raised them up higher.
Bohn: 5 feet. I ti]ink we raised them to.
Brad Johnson: It'd be good to check that though. Those things sometimes
fall through the cracks as the saying goes.
Bohr,: Why don't we just, I don't need them. I can look at them if there's
someplace they're available i can see them.
BYad Johnson: Well let me just give them to you. I'll call you. Anyhow,
I just fo~'esee certain things and if we see a problem, we'll probably be in
about the w~ek after the 4th. I think next week we'll be pushing as much
as we can to get our commitment from the bank next week. There's just a
lot of stuff that hasn't been formally finalized. The redevelopment
agreement has to be redrafted. The PUD agreement is not normally a problem
and so it would be the HRA meeting and maybe our goal should be by the
middle of the month we've got all that stuff and you've got it with staff
comments so there's no big surprises on the 26th.
Hob-n: That's the other thing too. We'd like to give staff plenty o-f time
to review these things before our meeting.
Brad Johnson: Well part of 'this is.
Gerhardt: We're starting next week. Next Tuesday we're meeting with John
Dean, 3ira Winkles~ myself~
Brad Johnson: Make sure Rich is at every meeting. Okay? But it does look
like it's moving along and we're anxious to go. Bernie calls me about
every other day wonde~'ing how we're doing you know. That kind of stuff but
IJousing and Redevelopment ~uthority Meeting
June 21, 1990 - Page 6
... It's not easy to put together a real estate deal anymore but we seem
to be, after 3 y~ars.
Workman: Toc) many iron, s in the fire Brad.
Horll: In your opinion is it doable Todd?
Gerhardt: Yeah. There's a punch list of about 20 items. I think the
biggest one out of all those would be the development contract modification
and getting John Dean 'to complete that in time.
Bohn.' Check their vacation schedules.
G¢:rhardt' V;.~cation. You've got to get that on the Council agenda and
getting tho~e completed because that has something to do with the platting
process and ycu can't close on the property until the plat's filed.
Brad Johnson,: We don't think we've got any issue issues that you haven't
ap~-~rove¢{. They're not documented so that raises issues.
Clayton 3ohnson: Cases of easements though will be on the next Council
Horn: Keep us posted if we need a special meeting.
Brad Johnson: Jim, I'll get a set of plans over here and make sure they're
the most current ones. I'll try to remember parapet because you're
right... The only other thing I've got is just an update on the Hanus
building project and we're going through, we were directed by your staff
way back in, you, way back in February to work this through the Planning
Commissio¥~ and the Council process simultaneously. That's what we're doing
so we want to see if there's any flags or anything because we're looking at
accomplish. Probably next week we'll have that package and until now this
has all been submitted through the Planning Commission I believe on the
23rd meeting we make our first presentation on this. If that sounds like a
right date. If you recall, in this particular project we go through the
concept first. Okay, concept plan so they want us to go all the way
through with the concept plal] and then come back later with a plan that
would, you know the total plan which would include elevations of the
buildings and things like that so...but this is generally what we're tryin~
to accomplish there. Theoretically everything is sold and ready to be
built. Now that's hypothetical. In other words, there are people that
want to be in eve~-y one of those sites. We've got probable people.
Wot kman: Hardee's?
Brad 3ohnso~-,." Yeah. And then there's two retail stores that would go in
Horn: That's unfortunate.
Chmiel: Is Hardee's still being proposed for that location?
B~-ad 3ohnson: They have made an option to purchase the land, yes.
Housing ar, d Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 19-90-- Page 7
Hol'l]: Is there any other interest?
Brad John.~on: For that site?
Horn: Right.
Brad 3ohnson: No.
Bohn: It's a good use for it.
Horn: Well yeah but I don't know if Hardee's is the right store.
Brad Johnson: Wsll slid we can't say what store from our end of it. It's
just a restaurant and they're interested. They'll come through the
pla~]nir, g Commission process and the store will have to be approved by
the Planning Commission and Council. In our opinion it's a good use. You
guys have any problem with that?
Horn: No. I think it's...
Workman: You said you're going through the Planning Commission and Council
simultaneously. You've doing that currently? Ne haven't seen any of this.
Brad 3ohnson: No, you'll see something like that.
Chmiel: I guess I still have some concern with that Hardee's with that
particular intersection. My reaction.
Brad 3ohnso)]: Hardee's can answer the questions of safety and stuff like
that fairly clearly. We've gone .through the Planning Department so far ans
they've approved basically that. From th~ staff level that site has been
Florn' Has that b~n reviewed at all by Public Safety?
Bi'ad Johnson: Yeah.
Chmiel: It. has?
Brad Johnson: Yes.
Chmiel: What was their recommendation?
Brad 3ohnson: We'll hear it but this plan has been basically, that's why
it's taken so long. We'~'e going on 4 months, that there is no problem.
Th~ only question, where there's a question. See this only generates 560
cars a day so if you take 560 and divide it by probably 16 hours of
opeYation, theYe's not a lot of traffic there.
Horn: Could we take this designation off?
Brad Johnsonr What's that?
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
Juf~(, 21, 1990 - Page 8
I--lorn' State Highway 101.
~-ad 3ohn~on: You can't until it is and that won't be until you do your
new development.
Horn: To me that's what makes it work.
Chmiel; I agree with that.
Workman: What?
Chmiel: Making it a State Highway.
Horn: Taking TH 101 off of there.
Chmiel: Makes Hardee's works in there.
Horn: Takin~ 101 out of that street. Moving it down.
Workmar,: You don't think Hardee's would.
Brad Johnson: They don't care.
Horn: No, no but from a traffic standpoint. The whole downtown is screwed
up because of TH
Chmiel: Right. The traffic flow is not goin~ to be there once TH
Horn: Right..
B~-ad 3ohnson: Well I know they've ordered the study and why don't we wait
until that study comes back. It's part of your I think the Council br the
HRA, somebody ordered a study on traffic flow throughout the downtown.
Horn: The HRA did.
Brad Johnson: And that corner's included in that plan.
Bohn: You know I noticed another thing. Originally when we show this
Amoco thing. There was one entrance into the Amoco and it was directly
across the street from...
Brad Johnson: That's our drawing. That's the most recent drawing that was
available to us of Amoco. Okay? Now maybe what you've done is, maybe
that's the way it is. I know Brown wanted the curb cut there.
Bohn: He had two curb cuts but I thought that was going to be changed with
only one curb cut into the Amoco?
Gerhardt: Unless Amoco
Bohn: I could care less but I just...
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 2'I, !-090 - Page 9
Gerhardt: Amoco and Brown needed to work it out i It was between those
two. The City did not get involved.
Brad 3ohnson: Now that drawing may not be correct. We're not Amoco. What
we did is we 9et the only drawing that existed at the City as to what they
thought that. location was, because as I understand there's only one curb
cut. 8ut that'a~ the one that was available.
Horn: Is this their pumps or what is this?
Brad Johnson-' That's the car wash.
Her n: Oh.
Brad 3ohnson: I also understand that Brown and Amoco had worked out a deal
~e tl~at there's a curb cut there. That's a temporary curb cut. And that
when t.}~e car wash is removed, that curb cut goes away.
Horn: So this will be like this?
Brad Johnson: See there's no island there.
Horn: You mean there will be two?
Brad Johnson: I don't know. I'm not Amoco. I'm just saying, where that
came from was from the most recent drawing that existed at the City at the
time and 'the City had just required us to lay Amoco'in there so people knew
~here it was. $o it may not, as I understand it, there's only one.
Horn' The whole entrance to this site is through here?
Brad 3ohnson: That's coYrect. We've worked with the staff as much as we
can. They have not had comment back from their outside people but one of
the processes we promised we'd go through is we hired a professional and
~e've be~n working with Kraus$. If it gets to the point where they felt
that, this is a far better plan than we first submitted. They were
concerned a lot about internal traffic flow. We've taken care of that.
Bohn: Will there be access for vehicles between the Amoco station and
Brown ' s?
Brad 3ohnson: No.
Chmiel: I iii<ed the landscape concept plan but it doesn't indicate what
the species of the given trees are going to be.
Brad 3ohnson: We'll be getting that. Remember there's two processes here.
One we go through 'for concept. Then we spend more money to come up with
the total plan. That's the way a PUD. And we can do both at the same
Chmiel: And I don't know why it can't be. If you're going to come in with
Housin,3 and Redevelopme~]t Authority Meeting
3Llf,e 21, 19.00 - Page 10
a concept plan, you have a pretty good idea what you're going to be
plantir, g.
Brad Johr, son: Oh we can do that. It's just that.
Chmiel: What I'd like to see is what the species are in each of these as
to what you're proposing. The kinds of mix.
Bi-ad 3ohnson: Part of our problem is we're trying to deal with the Hanus
building itself and it's just hard to work around it. Then the second
phase we thought we'd come with some elevations but this is more the idea.
Okay? Any questions?
Horn: What's this over here again?
Brad Johnson: Retail stores.
Chmiel: Retail facility.
Brad 3ohnson: There's some question as to how TH 5 will interact with
that. They're planning a, the State Highway bepartment's planning a
retaining wall alon~ there. You'll see that outlined in one of those
Chmiel: You've had no other nibbles for this particular piece of property?
Brad Johnson: Oh, we've had people but I've had options and once you had
options, it's up. It Nas sold subject to. I mean people have been
interested ir, that site. That's not the question. This is the best use,
as our opinion is, to work withthe Amoco amd because the City has a real
lack of places to put ~hat you call a "fast food" restaurants currently.
There are no other sites in town.
Were they the only fast food interested in it?
Brad 3ohnson: They were the only ones that were interested in it. Dairy
Queen was interested in it. There's a number of other people but not as
good a use. I mean you've got a car wash that wants to come in there.
Full service car wash has approached me. All uses which would not, I don't
thif]k, be as good looking as this particular project.
Wor kmal~: DaiYy Queen would have been fun.
Brad 3ohnson: Yeah, but they can't, afford the land cost.
Bohn: Hardee's isn't asking for anything are they?
Brad 3ohnson: No. No assistance whatsoever.
Her n: 0 kay. Than k you BI' ad.
Workman: Should I make some Council presentations now or do you want to
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 1990 - Page, 11
wait until the end?
HoYn: We'll do it at the ~nd.
Ge~',-ha~-dt' I'm missing that item in my packet also but I remember what I
wrote. There's a memo attached to mine from Fred Hoisington outlining his
review of the ~pple Valley Ready Mix site and we had asked Fred to look at
som~ alternatives and relocation fo]' that facility. Dirst we asked him to
c:hcck outlyin9 areas outside the community and we had him check areas
within the community. Results ware one, there wasn't anything outside th~
community. Ther~ wasn't interest of other communities wanting them. There
is a location] ~ithin the industrial park. ~e're looking at the lot that
sits ~outh of Prince's facility at the end of the cul-de-sac behind PMT.
I-leav~].¥ ~ooded oal< trees that would buffer it from Prince's facility. Then
~e haven't ~ot. ter, i¥]to the designs, of how that would look back there but
with conversations with Brad and a couple other people, that facility can
be self contained within a structure and eliminate a lot of the stacks and
tanks that you see today out there. $o I just wanted to update you of what
we've been doin~ to date on it and that at our next meeting in July, have
gred come ir, an~J we're going to meet inbetween there and discuss it more.
Put at that time: we'd probably lay out a budget on what acquisition costs
fei- that facility ~ill be. We haven't gotten our appraisals back yet from
the appraisal company.
Florn: It couldn't look much worse than the mess around the public works
Gei'hardt: Our public works building?
Horn: Yes. And I can't believe that anything that they'd store there
would be any worse than the salt that they store out at the public works
building. They've killed all the trees in that lot so I don't think that
we ca'~ be too picky about what we do out there. 'We're the worse example.
There's ju~k cars out there. There's all kinds of stuff in that lot.
GerhaYdt: Well right now there are some things that are outside due to
losing 7,0C0 squaJ-~ feet of storage off of TH 41. They have had to lay
some of their cquipment outside. We're in the process right now of
buildir,~ a cold storage facility out there.
Horn: I don't think junk cars fall in that category.
Gerhardt: No. I don't know about those.
Chmiel~ ...junk cars and I've addressed that they require is for the
useage by the fi¥¢ fi~hter~ for training. In order to cut cars apart to
-~et into and get people out. Just as they did here for public safety but
you're right. That wa~ supposed to be...
Workman: Send a memo to Warren.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
Jur~e 21, ~f~90 -- Page 12
Chmiel: That was supposed to have been addressed some time ago. If we
aren't goin~3 to keep them, get rid of them.
Horn' My othe. r concern in this is that Fred to me presented the image of
comins off ar3 ~ivinG u3 legal advice and then in the last paragraph when he
consulted Knutson, it sounded like he may have been a little off base.
Workman: Well it sounded like there's a word. It sounds like there's a
word, it sounds like Ne indicated that precedence suggests a relatively
Io~ i think that's supposed to be he right?
Horn: I assumed that too.
Gerhardt: Well there's no question that if we work with Apple Valley to
Y.',-y to keep them within the community in their operation, their number one
conc~:rn i~ to stay in this area. You know it's tbugh to relocate these
type of facilities anywhere. You're going to fight them wherever they go.
It's a heavy industry. It's almost considered a smoke stake industry
because of how the operation works.
~.ohr,: What ,~ould existing landowners next to where this would be say about
i t?
Gerhardt: I'm sure they would.
Bohn: Spin trucks going up and down the street.
Horn: Put it out on Volk's old place. They've got all kinds of heavy
equipment out there. Chaska's got that now anyway don't they?
Wot krn;~n: Where?
Horn: Mer].e Volk's old ~pot.
Gerhardt: Th¢;~'e's a variety of locations you can find for him in the
community. I mean if you want to put him in the rural area, he can operate
the~-e. 3ust in the industrial, keep them within the redevelopment area,
gives you a little more option~ in how you can spend that money.
Hob-n: How about the spot where Blood was going to have that garbage
Workman: Oowr, on TH 1017 Wasn't that discussed in the memo as access onto
Gerhardt= Yeah, they want to stay closer to TH 5 corridor. We looked at
putting them down on TH 169 and TH lO1 and they didn't prefer that.
Workman: How about by Timberwood?
Horn: They don't want to be closer to new 2127
Wo~-km.a.n: I guess that'~ an inside joke.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
Julqc-'. ~ :1.900-~ Page .1.3
Gc~-ha'r-dt: Oh yeah, that's not funny.
Horn: I don't like this answer. I think we have to keep working. This
ar, swe~' is only like, well hey. There's nothing you can do and we have to
keep working that i~sue and get something to happen on it.
Gerhardt: I think there's things we can do. I think what Fred's trying to
say is to try to locate th~m outside the community can't and that 3ust to
buy them out and that they don't exist anymore is going to be very, very
,~l,,,.zel: Doos that particular business, if we relocate them, isn t that the
choice of relocation to where we say they're going to go as opposed to
where they want to go?
G¢.~.-hardt.' No because they have to agree to it. If they don't agree to the
location, Ne can"c, force them to relocate into a certain area, no.
Horn: I thought they wer~ under a conditional use?
Gerhardt: They are.
Horn: ~ell then doesn't that put them in a different status?
Gerhardt: No because.
klorn: Or non-conforming use?
Gerhardt: On that location, yes but as long as they stay there, they can
continue to opeYate as
Horn: As long as they don't expand which they've done.
Dohi~,: Ye:3 they did. They were supposed to, they had 2 year~.
HoYn: Right.
(There was a tape change at this point in the meeting.)
~orkman: Two things I wanted to bring up. One I mentioned and Todd, maybe
you can help m.~ out. I:m again thinking about the U.$. Open coming through
town and how the town's going to look on TH 5 specifically. Maybe Frontier
Trail too. ~hat are we, aye we going to do anything special? Are we going
t.o clear, it up? I know there's going to be some construction on TH 5 and
Horn: I think that will be delayed until after the start.
Workman: Nell it'~ supposed to be let in March.
Housine end R~d~v¢lopm~nt Authority Me~ting
Jun~ 21, 1990 .- Page 14
B~'ad Johnson' They're doing the bridge this fall.
Workman: Yeah, that's a part of the Eden Prairie segment, the bridge is.
But I was sitting on TH 101 going north at TH 5. Right by the legion. As
I looked over at the Holid¥ and they sit kind of up and there's this kind
o'F ;'i~]9e arcul'~d the bottom there you know. Something, what I'm thinking of
is, arc, we going to. with maybe the help of the new garden club that we've
sot o]' something. I don't know where that's at. Are we going to take a
little bit rno%'e of an active role in trying to manicure intersections and
trimming. The reaso.~ I mention the Holiday because it kind of sits there
and it really, you could put and this is elaborate thinking but you could
put .a be:d on the side of tho hill that said, "Welcome to Chanhassen" o~'
s¢~met!'~ing. Flowers o;- something. You know what I mean because it's almost
like a nice sloping hill that you could actually read something if it was
~J. ttin:~3 on there and it was trimmed and nice and looking. Is the HRA or
somebody going to spend some money on a sign saying Welcome to Chanhassen
at. the Eden Prairie border or anything?
Horn' I think that's a good suggestion and we should have staff look into
to just see what our options might be. Then if the HR~'s an appropriate
body to at least give some il~centive to some other group.
Workman' It's promotion
Gc-:',-hardt' It's kind of sad that TH 5 isn't done up to CR 17 because as a
part of that letting of that, it's all going to be concrete. That section
from ~dcn Prairie to CR 17 and at the intersections in Chanhassen it's
going t.o b~ red b;'ick. They're going to inlay red brick at all the
ir~te~'~:ect~ons of Market and TH 101.
~o]-kman: It's going to be nice. You know I come back from Chaska every
day and I sit there by Instant ~ebb. I sit right by Instant Webb and I'm
going to make a left up CR 17. ~nd the median has got dirt and sand and
weeds and things you know. What I'm saying is what we need to do is get a
couple people and I don't kno~ how this, and I don't know, tell me. Put me
in my place but we need people to adopt an intersection or somebody to
adopt each individual intersection to manicure and do a little bit of
sweeping or trimming to make it look a little bit cleaner so as people are
coming through. These are just details that
Brad Johnson: Public works.
Wo~-kman: Public works. But what I'm saying is maybe as a part of the
garden club type thir, g or ~3. nother committee to look at what we can do.
Ma] k th.o thing to ese what Ne can do to both leave a positive impression
and p~'omote the city as ~5,000 cars are driving through.
Brad Johnson: The best thing you could do is get rid of the Ready Mix.
Workman: Well okay. I was getting up to that. ~dopt a cement factory but
you know, thi.~ i'~ going to be a high impact thing that's enormous and it's
a once in a lifetime opportunity for lots of us and so I think if ~e can,
and I don't know. Maybe it all sounds corny to adopt an intersection. I'd
H. ousir, g and Redevelopment ~utho¥ity Meeting
J'.~ll~ 21., 1990 - Page 15
bring rny mower out there or I'd work on a Saturday with some of the utility
vehicles t.o try and clean up some of this. You know we can't have 6 inches
of sand blowir,g in the gutters or something. We've got to sweep or do
something. So I'd like to begin and I don't think it's too early to besin
thinking about, what we"re going to do. Chaska is thinking about natural
~¥ai]-ie Orasses and flowe~-s along TH 41. ~hat are they ~oing to spend?
~80,000.00 to update that access road into Hazeltine. It sounds like
they're going to plant 3 row. s of corn all the way along that for Dave Hill.
~bout $ rows of corn along that.
GerhaYdtr :-I~ was there the other day and he likes the place now.
Workman: But what I'm saying is we've got to start thinking'about what we
want to do because it's a high impact thing that we should start preparing
fo~- and I don't think any idea is too bizarre. You know we've ~ot two of
the bizarrest thinkers in the room and they're not listening to me right
now and you'd think they could come up with something.
Chmiel: I think that's a good idea. I really do. But I don't know
whether it should be HRA or should be the City.
Workman' Well I'm just thinking the HRA funds. Maybe HRA funding because
promotion can be a natural expense out of that. I don't know.
Horn: Who's carrying the ball in Chaska for this?
Workmar,: Well where I've gotten all the details about it is from Dave
Po key ny.
Gerhardt: I've talked to Kevin too and he asked us if we wanted to
participate in extending the wildflower thing on Chanhassen's segment of TH
4! all the way out to TH 5.
Workman: I'd say yes.
Gerhardt: Fie was going to try to write for a grant to get that and he
hasn't gotl;.cr: back to me to look at that. I mean we can't spend our tax
increment dollars over into that area.
Horn: Well w~;. ca~'t decide tonight but I would suggest that at least from
what I'm hearing up here, that there's a consensus that we'd like to
promote this type of activity and I think the staff could come up with a
recommendation as to best. how that should be spearheaded.
Gerhardt~ Well for the TH 101 intersection, Ted Korzonowsky owns that
piece of land that lies to the south of the Holiday station. Den's asked
me for the last 3 months to try to nail down a purchase agreement with him
or, that.
Chmiel: He asked you to do what?
Gerhardt: To nail down a purchase agreement and buy that piece from him.
It's non-buildable. You can't put a building there.
Iqousil~g and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
J[~ne 21, J. 990 - Pag~ 16
Wo~-I<manr What do we ~aln by buying it though?
Gerhardt~ We can go in there and landscape and put shrubbery that says
WoYkman' See, go look there. It's just that nice little side hill that
would work.
Co~-hardt: Cost of there would range somewhere between $2.75-$3.00 a square
foot on it.
Workman: Even if we can't buy it, something needs to be done. We can work
with Ted l(orzonowsky or something and then right at the border it'd be nice
to Qet: a nice monument ~ign or something saying Welcome to.
Ge~-hardt: Don had, you know he's been out there and he drives by and he
looks at all this stuff and he would like to see some type of planting that
says Chanhassen th~Ye. As you bend right around, it's the first thing you
Workman'. Which one?
Gerhardt' Right. behind the Holiday.
Horn: I think there should be a definite group or committee that
s~earheads this thing.
Gerhardt: Well they do have, I mean you can't do too much because of TH 5
construction coming in there and grading and ripping up and you know
they're tieing to change.
Chmie].: A~'o they 9oin9 to cut in that far there?
Gerha~-dt: And then we also have a landscaping plan that will beautify our
segment of TH 5 in Chanhassen once that's done too.
Horn: But if you do it something like they talked about, all you'd need is
a small earth berm and annuals in there that would be gone anyway.
Gerhardt~ That may be fine. We can do that.
Workman' And I'm talking specifically before the Open.
,~o, n Will you carry th~ ball on that Todd? Keep ail of us in tune on
that. Did you hav~ anything else Tom?
Workman' Yeah. I 3uot thought maybe, Carol Watson, she was never on the
HRA. Councilmember and everything else like that got i~ an accident,
severe accident and 7 rib~ or something and then the squad car behind her
got hit too with Julie Dougla~ in it and I'm just wondering if maybe we can
get a card or something. City Council also.
Gc~-hardt: I think we did.
~-loLtsi]~9 a~]d Redevelopment ~uthorit¥ Meeting
J~.~¥~'. ~1, 1990 .-Page 17
Work.man: From the HRA or something.
G<:rha~'dt: Well it comes from the City.
I4o~.'n: Whicl: ~-ep~-esents everybody. How i8 she doing? 14ave ~e got an
Ge~-J'~ar<Jt.: Good. Just sore. I don't k~ow if she's home.
~orkman: She I]a~f ~i pLtnctLiYed lung and.
Brad 3ohnson' 12 ribs or something like that.
GeYhardt: I would think she'~ home now. Sho was at home Sunday.
Workmate: That's all I had.
Horn: Okay, Jim did you have an item?
Bohn: Y~ah. Is there a way that we can terminate our agreement with BRW?
Gerhardt~ That would be kind of tough to do. I mean you're in the middle
of a lot of p¥ojc:ct~. You'l"~ in the middle of the north side parking lot.
You'ra in the middle of an agreement ~ith the parking lot as it surrounds
the hotel. They are also consultants for Lake Drive East and Lake D~ive.
Sohn: [4hen doe~ our agYeement with BRW end? I mean it's an ongoing thing.
G~-hardt: Well it's really up to the Council. They're the ones that make
the decision.
Bo~r]: ~Jc.'~-a ~aying the bill. Maybe we just cut out funds to BRW and not
approve the bi!l~.
GerhaYdt: Th~: bill that you s~e here is for services that we request.
Cortaid-: thi~]9~. Retainin~ wall design. Ouestion~ regardin~ downtown
Sohn: ~ghen does it end? When can we say BRbJ you're done?
Gerhardt: ~hen tho~e project~ have been completed.
Bohn' Ou¥ agreement, i~ a~ lon9 as we're remodeling, it's an on~oino thino?
Get haYdt: Yeah.
Bohn: Is that in writino?
Get hardt: 'des.
~ohn: ~hat. doe~ it say?
Ger~ar(~t: WIqat do Wou mean?
IJou~i1~9 and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
2I, 1-990 - Page 18
Dohn: I mean how is it worded that we have to keep going with BRW? I
don't understand this.
Gerhardt: With the projects?
· O. ohn: Yes. They're got an agreement as long as we're doing redevelopment
they're going to be our engineering firm? Doesn't this come up every year?
Gerhardt: No. Just with the downtown improvements that we're making,
they:ye got a contrat with that. I mean you're continuing to do
landscaping. You've got sevearl phases. You've got West 79th Street.
You'v~ gct West 78th Street. You've got the parking lots. As long as
those projects are active, BRW is going to continue to provide those
services and engineeril~9 and inspections of those.
Bohn; They're doing a lousy job. We can't terminate the agreement with
them then? Or the City Council has to terminate the agreement with them?
Serb. ardt; It. ~ould be very difficult to terminate the agreement. You
would ,g~;t into a variety of lawsuits and they would want their money.
Wo;-krn,~n: They would take t!':eir plans with them wouldn't they?
Bohn: No, we o~4r, those.
Gerhardt: I mean you would have to pay them whatever the total cost of the
project. Lost money and change orders or whatever down the line and you'd
almost double the cost of the engineering fees.
I~orn: We could do it on a project by project basis though couldn't we?
Any new project starts up, we start out with someone else?
Gerhardt: That's cor;'ect.
ChmJel: Yeah. That could be done.
Wor'kmau: What specifically do you have Jim? Generally everything?
8. ohn' Everything. With the street. We approved one thing. They do
something else. The old City Hall. We approved one thing. They did
something else and I've been waiting for the pond down there and that was
supposed to have been completed a year ago. Year and a half ago. It's
still looks like it did a year ago.
Workmau: Vegetation supposed to be on it or?
Ge,.'hardt: Well, they keep releasing the water out of the pond. There's
supposed to be a couple of fountains in there. One lit. One not lit.
Land~caping completed around the pond. It's not so much BRW's fault. It's
more tho fault of those, well TH 5. They're out there pulling dirt out of
there. ~o they can't ~et in there and complete it. There's always usually a
va¥iety of things that interrupt the projects and we're to blame at some
poip. t. BRW's the blame at some point and the contractor's to blame at some
14ou~in,j and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
Jul"~' 21, ~.90 ~- Pa~e 19
point. They're doing projects elsewhere. To try to bring them in and
coordinate to: do it. They"re in to doing it and then TH 5 people come in
and start pulling out the dirt so they prepare to do the bridge section and
theYe'~ a variety of ;"easor, s why a lot of that hasn't gotten done.
Horn: Todd, I'd suggest this. That the HRA, if the Council is the one who
makes th~ decision on DRW, that the HRA would compose a letter to the
Council ~xpr~ssing their discontent with the way BRW has progressed and
suggest that th~ Council might look into the options with them.
Ge.'rharclt: Well Don and I had a talk today and we have scheduled a meeting
with them. There'~ a variety of things that we're not happy with either
and fcel that we sort of got short changed on some design elements as a
pa'Ft of th,~ parking lot back behind the Medical and we'll be meeting with
them reo~ardincj that.
'~4o~kn',an: And Todd, ~hen the Target thing came up or just before, prior to
the Target thin9 I kind of had a little list of looking at once and for all
what we could do about the main street. It's width and medians and
evcrythin~ ~lse. Then ~hen Target came up, you know Don kind of thre~ it
in and made it pa~-t of a larger traffic study and what w~ were going to
need to do if Target came in and everything else like that. And that died.
That ~::o;-t of died now. Are Ne still looking at a traffic study?
Gerhardt: [de're doing it.
NoYkman: Is Floward Needles doing that?
GerhaYdt: Nc, BRN is not doing that.
Workman: Howard Needles'?
Chmiel: Howard Needle~ is doing that.
i-lorn: No, E~RW isn't doing it though.
Gerhardt r It'~ thm guys that do the 394 work over there.
Workman: Oh, those guys.
Gerhardt r They're a very reputable firm.
Workman: Out. they're doing the study now?
Gerhardt: Traffic count. Meters were placed out in the streets here just
recently ~o they're ~tting nsw counts but a large portion of that study
has been completed so I would expect that sometime in the early part of
August that we come back with that.
Workman: I've been developing further ideas alor,~ those lines.
Horn: I'd suggest that what you do is you call us all individually when
you're putting that together for specifice that we're concerned about. Jim
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 1990 ~ Pag~~. 20
has expre,~-~ed a couple. My concern is the fact that I don't believe they
worked ir, good faith with the existing business people when they put the
plan in place. To me that was the biggest problem. Obviously they didn't
work with us either. They went ahead and did their thing and I think they
really alienated us with the business community in the way they' approached
those thin~s and t}~at's my biggest concern with them.
~ohr;: Do they have an inspector from BRW that goes out and looks at jobs
when they'ro doing it to see if they're doing it according to what...
Chmic:l' Th¢~y're supposed to.
Gel'hal-tit: Ye:s, they have Todd Wickman is out here. He's the landscape
architect. }.!e inspected the trees as they were planted and locations and
va~.'icJzic:s and iuopects the stock before they bring it and once they plant
it. Grog Roy is the inspector regarding the utilities and things like
Bohn: Who's doing the curbing?
Gerhardt: That would be Grog.
Bohn: I cannot believe that he cannot line up a sidewalk with the clock
to,er and get it in line.
Gerhardt: In that a'rea it's not so much, I mean our curbing is set out
with designs o'f parking lots. You cannot shrink a parking lot. It is the
path fyom the apartment building is what they matched their, where they
made the sort of the handicapped divot in there. They matched up to their
path. Their path is off 18 inches.
Bohn: That path is in line. That asphalt path is in direct line with the
clock tower. The curbing coming off from behind the blue building, is 18
inches off from the clock tower and the one in the middle of the parking
lot. is about 5 feet off.
Gerhardt.: I haven't talked to Grog after I asked him to go out there.
Dohn: My' brother came over Monday night. He runs a surveying crew for
NSR-. He came over with a transom and looked. 18 inches off on that one
and 5 'feet off on the other. Apparently they don't have engineers out
Gerhardt: The engineers don't go out. A survey crew goe~ out and lays the
~takc:~ fo',- the area and Schaffel- builds it to where the stakes are and the
height~ and everything.
Bohn: The stakes were in the wrong place then.
Ger!~ardt: Well that's one of the areas we'll be looking into. If it's
they pull it out again and do it over.
F~oh',~: Thank you.
Housinj und Redevelopment Authority Meeting
June 21, 1990 .o Page 21
:--lorn: Dc, you have specific concerns that you'd like Todd to include?
Worl<man: For t/-ansportation?
Horn: No, with BRW.
Woykman' Oh yeah, Don indicated you know are we going to get a rebate for
tyoes that they pulled out. I know they're going to reduce the numbe'r and
maybe that got lost in the shuffle too. They were going to rearrange and
do som~ things and it didn't sound like we were going to have to pay.
Horn: No, they were supposed to do it.
Geyhardt: They paid $25,000.00 to Nobel·
Workrrlan: Mor~:? So we know we're not getting no rebate·
Al! of Lis up here have hoard the .concerns of the local people.
Workman: And I'm continuing to hear the concerns of the downtown road and
I don't know what more w~ can do about it but I've got some more
suggestions on that when the time comes.
Hol-n- I.~ theYe anythin~ else on that that anyone wants to comment on?
Chrniel: Not on BRW.
I-lorn: Did you have another item?
Chmi~l: Yeah, just a quick one. Regarding the 78th Street. Sweeping of
it. I t}link on an averag8 basis that street should be swept at some given
' · ' I erl
time. Ivc been thinking that it looks like beck It s filthy· It loo,~
bad and I realize we've got the construction going there but something
should be clone so that styeet looks as it should be. Not as it is. It's
not a gravel road by any stretch of the imagination and that's the way it's
been for the past week.
Cerhaydt: I know I've talked to A1 Smith, the contractor on the hotel. I
think that's the area you're talking about. His frustrations are yours.
That the contractor over there with that forklift loves to mud through
those hole'.-~ thore with that thing. It's 4 wheel drive and then all the
wheels have assist and he tries to dry it'out and they drive through it and
he will not haul things if it is muddy. I mean they've asked him to do a
lot of work which would 3ust muddy up the roads and he knows that we would
bo or, him.
Chmiel: We should be on him now.
Clayton Johnson: You've got another contractor in there. You know we had
that contaminated sci!.
Ch.miel: YoaI~.
· ·
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
Jd:'~c: 21, 1gOO - Page 22
Clayton Johnson: P,- ~
.ou~ten came in and hauled all that out too right after
that big 'r'ail]. They were I don't know.
Chmiel' Was it last week?
~> ~u Johnson~ Yeah. Last week.
Chmio!' Ilz really looks like hell on both 8ides of the street.
Workman' ~a~ it tho stuff under the bag?
Clayton 3ohmson: It was the stuff under the bag but they came in right
aftci' a big rain so I kno~ it had to be muddy. I didn't realize, I didn't
see thc: dirty streets but I can imasine.
Chrniel: It's not only dirty streets but also withi~ the gutters there'8 a
lot of deb~-is and different things that are laying there a~d it's from the
ccnst~'uction. And I don't kno~ ~ho can do what but I think it should be
swept on an intermittent kind of basis.
~-:ornr Spc, akin~ of the streets and what people can do, can you run track
vc~hicles on our street? Do ~e have am ordinance against that?
Wot kman: What?
Horn: Tracks vehicles. Typically on most roads they have to have rubber
tire vehicles to run on them. Do we have such an ordinance?
C}~r,~J. el' No, I don't think we probably do.
Ho~-n' W,~ need it because they're been running that trap scoop up and down
Wcs;~. 70th and F~'ontisr and back down Erie. They keep going back and forth
the'Fo about, ! don't know how ma~]y times they've done that and they're
tearing up the s;treet.
Ge~-hardt: 8RW did that? 0]- Schaffer?
Horn' Whoever that something Con Construction Company that's doing that
storm sewe~- thing bctween Frontier and Erie. And then they come down there
and slide around the corner¢ and scuff up the pavement.
Chmiel: ,~nd not only that, I've also ~otten phone calls at 12:20 at night
from a very distraught neighbor who said damn it, if I can't sleep you're
not 9oins to sleep either. This has been going on for 4 blankety blank
nights. My kids are up. The young child can't sleep.
Horn: From that pro3ect?
Chmiel: Yeah.
~-~orn: That outfit down there is something else.
Gerhardt' On Frontier?
Housing ar, d Redevelopmer, t Authority Meetin~
3un~ 2i: 1.990 Pa~ 23
_.-'lo'-n' The Frontier and Erie project. It's a sewer project of some type.
:.JoYkm~;'~: ]'hey'~'o wo'~-ki;qg at midnight?
Cr;n,iel' Yep Ail the way straight through Ne took care of it
Horn: They ran it across the street again today.
Ge~-ha'~'dt: I'll pass that on to Gary.
,~lorn: I know that it'~ been passed on before because the last time...
complained and nothing happened. They're still doing it. They're going in
f'~-om both :::ides. From Frontier in and from 5]-ie in on the back side and
then t. hc:y run that thing back and forth instead of hauling it around on a
traile¥. They've 'got this great big scoop, steam shovel type thing on
ir:otol t~-ead,~ ar:d they go, ride right around the street on that thing.
~;'a,:'J Johnson: Around the house~?
HoT'n: Yeah. Ripping up, whenever they make corners. Look on each of the
cornerc on ~¥ie and 76th.
Chmi$1: That should be within their contract to put it back in the natural
etat,~ that it was.
l.{o~-r,~ ~ell they should repays that street. Frontier is ~oimg anyway but
FOth and Erie aYe~]'t. ~e all ~till remember dearly the assessments on
thccc st~'~,ets and ~e don't like to see them ripped up.
Ger~',ardt~ That's what would happen. I mea~ they'd have to do your
patchinu in t~at area and just, I'll look into it.
Brad 3ohnson' By our house they disconnected our ~ewer a~d didn't hook it
uF s~aJ n.
Ch;niel: They didn't?
~rau 3ohnson No. i led our basement
Workman: You're on a hill.
~rad 3ohnson: I drove out of the house one morning and I san this bubblin~
coming u~'o like wate¥. It wa~ our sanitary sewer dumpin~ into the street.
?lorn: &ny otho~- items?
Sohn: Long range plans about our main street. Turninu into eventually the
medical center, when 8ernie'~ comes do~n, are Ne goin~ to be able to hav~ a
curb cut Nit. h a lane, extra lane making that turn into that medical center?
Gerhardt; No. He Nar, t~ a ri9ht hand turn lane in. And yeah, you can
stihl ~t that.
Flousing mr:d R~development Autho¥ity Meeting
~u,,~' S'I, 1990 '- Page 24
Sohl',: ,%nd a].~:;o.
So~'ha;-dt' I thought I had that. Didn't we show that to you?
~loYr,: I don't remembe¥.
~do'rl<mo.~'~: bio. talked a. bout it recently somewhere.
ae','haYdt: It was in one of the packets.
Bohn' A~-e we going to have ~iso a cross~ng Jnto the Dinner Theater park$~g
~c,t from there?
}torn: No.
Cl~yton 3ohnson: Isn't there a crossing? There's a sidewalk.
t-lo,-n: Thc~-~'s a sidewalk but there's no curb cut in there.
Wo~'kn',~n' Ye~h there is isn't there?
$ohn: No. The~-e used to be at one time.
Workman: By tho clock tower? I thought there ~as one across there.
SeYha]'dt' No. Their- entrance would be in front of the Rive¥ia.
Clayton 3ohnson~ Thc reason for that was the line of d~pth there for
~:tack~.ng. There's no stacking. If you ~ere to allow an entrance.
~ohn: You'd have to have another lane.
Clayton 3ohnson: Yeah, but there's also no interior stacking.
Horn: It's on a corner.
Oohn: I'd also like to make a request of the City Council. Sometime if
they can't cha~e that name from 79th Street and give it a name.
Wo~' kman: ~hat?
2ohr~' 79th $tYeet. Sire it a name. Chanhassen Road.
Chrr, i~l: N~ll it's going to change a lot of businesses off in that ar~a
which would mean doing a lot of changing within their own business forms.
Their checks. All the other things.
Bohn: They car, 'still change the name and still use the 79th Street and
Horkm~: %dc~ should chan~e West 78th then.
Housing and Redevelopment Authority Meeting
.TLi'.'~ '"1 :, 'I '""'"","', ·
' .-. ., :, ..',~Pa~e 25
Dohn' Ssme thing. Should 9ire it a name. There's only what, 5 businesses
th¢]'e. 10 bu¢ino.ssoc down there.
Chn',iel: Yo(;.'re talkin~ 79th. Is that ~hat you said?
Sohn' Yeah.
~ - I ~m SO~'ry.
}.lo~-n: We've ~ot 76th, 77th, 78th, 79th.
Gerhardt: I won't, touch that one. You don't play with people's addresses.
I lead-ned that.
Wovkrna~n: 3in can keep on that. West 79th, I brought it up to Gary Warren.
It ha3 two eight. The old sign and the new sign. The beveled on both
sides. Is it still there?
G~:rhardt' Yeah.
,~o~ kr,]an And you'v~ ~ot a wood o~e down?
Ge-thai-dr: No, thc;r~'== tbs one that saws Great Plainz and ths other on~
sayc wo~t 78th. There's two posts.
Worl<ma~: No, the~'e'~ on.:~ on the other side. There'~ one on the New
Revolution corner and there's one on the Hoiidax corner. The old and tho
ne~ and t~c~y'rc both there.
Chmi~i moved, Bohn seconded to adjourn the meeting. Ail voted in favor and
the motion carried. The meetin~ ~as adjourned.
Submitted by Don Ashwo~th .~ou~ive Di~'ector
Prepared b>' Nanr, Opheim