CC Minutes 6-25-07City Council Meeting - June 25, 2007 CONSENT AGENDA:Councilman Litsey moved, Councilman Peterson seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated June 11, 2007 -City Council Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 11, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Summary and Verbatim Minutes dated June 5, 2007 e. Award of Quote, Resurfacing of Tennis Courts. f. Approval of Two Registered Land Surveys, 1050 & 1030 Pleasant View Road and 910 & 950 Pleasant View Road, Applicant: Fortier & Associates (Beddor). g. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Beer & Wine License, Harvest Festival, August 18 & 19, St. Hubert's Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. Resolution #2007-36: h. TH 101 Improvements, PW067F4: Approve Resolution Supporting STP Funding Solicitation. i. The Arbors, Project 07-05: Approve Amended Development Contract. j. Tanadoona Drive/Dogwood Road Reconstruction Project 06-06: Resolution #2007-37: 1) Adoption of Assessment Roll Resolution #2007-38: 2) Accept Bids and Award Contract 3) Approve Easement and Right-of-way Acquisitions 4) Approve Consultant Contract for Final Design & Construction Services All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. B. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO CITY CODE CHAPTER 4 RE: ESTABLISHING A PLATTING FEE AND AMENDING THE CONNECTION FEE. Mayor Furlong: Item 1(b), that was pulled for purposes of tabling. Is there a motion to table? Councilman Peterson: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman Litsey: Second. 2