FEBRUARY 16, 1989
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at
7:32 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Bohn, Swenson, Horn
and Robbins. Also present were Don Ashworth, Executive Director
and Todd Gerhardt, Asst. Executive Director.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Horn, seconded by Whitehill to
approve the January 19 and 21, 1989, minutes as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
explained the process to be used for each of the developers to
discuss their proposal to the HRA. Each of the developers were
asked to leave the Chambers and that each would be given the
opportunity to speak to the HRA without the other party present.
No questions were asked about the process.
Andy Merry gave an overview of the negotiations between Lariat
Companies and Crossroads National Bank. Through these nego-
tiations neither party could come to an agreement as to the rela-
tionship that the HRA had endorsed at their January 21, 1989,
Mr. Merry then went through an overview of the following options:
1. Split the site into two parcels, sell the westerly portion
to the bank and sell the easterly portion to Lariat.
2. Designate Lariat Companies to develop the entire site.
3. Designate Crossroads (or Woodbridge) as developer of the
entire site.
4. Start the process over.
Split the site into two parcels, sell the westerly portion to
the bank and take a new request for proposal for the
remaining 3 acres.
Chairman Whitehill then asked Mr. Flaherty to give his presen-
tation and asked Crossroads to wait in the lobby.
Mr. Flaherty explained that they would build the entire develop-
ment in two phases. The bank in the first phase and the second
phase would be retail/office of 6,000 square feet and would also
put up a letter of credit for the development. Mr. Flaherty also
added that he would buy the bank site for $4.50 per square foot
for only 70,000 square feet and $2.50 a square foot for the
remaining portion of the property.
HRA Minutes
February 16, 1989
Page 2
Mr. Flaherty also wanted flexibility so that he may submit an
alternative site plan if he could not find a bank within a cer-
tain timeframe.
Chairman Whitehill asked if the HRA had any questions from Mr.
Flaherty. Commissioner Bohn asked if Mr. Flaherty would have any
problems with the HRA having architectural review. Mr. Flaherty
had no problem in entering into an agreement giving the HRA the
right to architectural review. No further comments/questions
were asked by the HRA.
Chairman Whitehill then asked Crossroads National Bank to make
their presentation. Tom Mork, President of Crossroads National
Bank, gave an overview of their project consisting of a 10,000 -
14,000 square foot banking facility on a maximum 3 acre site and
purchasing the buildable property for $4.50 per square foot.
Mork also added that the Crossroads actions these past few months
shows that they are very interested in locating in Chanhassen and
working with the community.
Chairman Whitehill opened up the discussion to the HRA members on
the proposed Crossroads development. Commissioner Swenson asked
if the new bank facility and organization could support the $2
million proposed development and would they have a problem with
the HRA having architectural review of the development. Mr. Mork
responded by saying they have financial support of the bank's
board members and by the selling of public bonds. He stated that
the comptroller in this project felt very comfortable in sup-
porting the development of a 10,000 square foot banking facility.
Mr. Mork also added that he had no problem with the HRA having
architectural review of the site.
Commissioner Robbins asked if Crossroads is prepared to start
construction in the near future? Mr. Mork responded by saying he
felt that preliminary approval of their charter is expected some-
time in mid-March and would look to a July or August construction
timeframe. Chairman Whitehill asked if they would be leasing any
of the 10,000 square feet out to other office users? Mork stated
that the bank would use 6,000 square feet and 4,000 square feet
would be leased out for approximately 5 years at which time the
bank would then probably expand their operation into that space.
Commissioner Swenson asked how critical the soil issue was on
this property. Ashworth explained that the engineer has esti-
mated approximately .25 a square foot of correction costs on the
entire 6 acres.
Chairman Whitehill made the comment that the HRA is very for-
tunate to have two very good developers looking to build on this
site and that HRA will have a difficult task in selecting just
one developer.
~RA Minutes
February 16, 1989
Page 3
Chairman Whitehill made the motion of accepting Lariat Companies
proposal as presented tonight. The motion was seconded by Horn.
Another motion was made by Whitehill to accept the Crossroads
National proposal as presented, and seconded by Robbins. Both
motions were opened up for discussion.
Whitehill started the discussion by stating his feeling about
both developments and expressing his interest towards the Lariat
proposal, with hopes that the two parties could come to some
agreement of working together.
Commissioner Horn commented that whomever is selected for the
West 79th Street development, they should be aware that they are
entering into a partnership with the HRA in areas of architec-
tural review, future development of the land to the east, etc.
Horn also commented that the sooner we have a development going
ahead, the sooner the railroad will complete their work on the
crossing arms. Horn expressed his interest towards Crossroads
National Bank and would hope that Lariat would submit application
for the remaining two acres if the HRA sends out a RFP.
Commissioner Swenson expressed that she had no reservations of
dividing the property into two lots and having architectural
control over both of the lots. Swenson expressed her interest
towards Crossroads National for the reason that the bank would be
a financial benefit to the city in accepting $4.50 for the entire
bank site.
Commissioner Bohn commented that he liked both projects and
wished that both parties could have worked out an agreement, but
felt that Crossroads National should be the developer of the
westerly 3 acres.
Commissioner Robbins was divided also between the two develop-
ments but expressed his interest towards Crossroads National.
Chairman Whitehill called for the vote of Motion #1, selecting
Lariat Companies as the exclusive developer of West 79th Street.
Whitehill voted in favor and Commissioners Horn, Swenson, Robbins
and Bohn were opposed. The motion failed.
Chairman Whitehill called for the vote of Motion #2, to sell the
most westerly 3 acres to Crossroads National Bank. Commissioners
Horn, Swenson, Robbins and Bohn voted in favor. Whitehill was
opposed. The motion carried. The motion is subject to the
drafting of a purchase and development contract containing the
purchase price, size of the property, architectural review, etc.
HRA Minutes
February 16, 1989
Page 4
CONDEMNATION UPDATE ON HARRY PAULY: Ashworth explained the nego-
tiations to date with the Pauly's regarding the settlement price
of the lot south of Pauly's restaurant/bar. Ashworth introduced
Roger Pauly, attorney for Harry Pauly, to explain the settlement
of the current litigation.
Roger Pauly explained to the HRA that Harry Pauly is looking for
payment for the value of the land at which the liquor business
is situated and relocation costs. The total amount of these
costs are estimated to be $377,550.
Due to the dollar amount of difference between the Pauly's
request and the appraisal, the HRA did not take any further
action but hoped that the two attorneys would continue to try and
work out an out-of-court settlement, if not the HRA would look to
the Commissioner for the settlement amount through condemnation
proceedings. No further action was taken.
HOTEL PROJECT UPDATE: Ashworth explained that Bloomberg
Companies requested time on this evening's agenda so that they
would be able to update the HRA on this prograss to date with the
hotel project. Clayton Johnson introduced his hotel team and
reviewed the proposed site plan. The HRA expressed two concerns
about the site plan. They were:
1. The impact of traffic generated by the hotel on West 78th
2. The lack of a restaurant attached to the hotel.
Staff was directed by the HRA to look closely at traffic implica-
tions of this development and the use of right turn lanes, stop
signs or lights, etc. No further action was taken.
explained that this item was placed on the agenda as an infor-
mation item and should have been included in the Administrative
Section of the packet. No further action was taken.
PARTNERS: Gerhardt explained that included in the HRA packet was
a request from Chanhassen Park Place Partners for special
assessment assistance for the development of a 25,000 square foot
office/warehouse complex. The outstanding assessment against
the site is $48,324.90. The project would qualify for $57,050.
Staff recommended approval of Resolution No. 89-2 and authoriza-
tion of its execution.
Motion by Horn, seconded by Bohn, to apgrove the Special
Assessment Agreement for Chanhassen Park Place Partners.
voted in favor and the motion carried.
HRA Minutes
February 16, 1989
Page 5
to the HRA that placement of this item on the agenda was to reaf-
firm the three year maximum for incentive for new development to
locate in Chanhassen. This program would be that the total
incentive arrived at through calculating three years of taxes can
be used for either special assessment reduction and/or land
Chairman Whitehill made the comment that the existing agreement
should include this policy change and directed staff to redraft
the agreement with the mentioned change.
Motion by Whitehill,seconded by Bohn, to modify the special
assessment agreement to include that the total incentive arrived
at through calculating three years of taxes and be used for
either special assessment reduction and/or land reduction and
direct staff to redraft the agreement with the above mentioned
changes. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
the BRA on the sale and transfer of property from the BRA to
Bloomberg Companies. This item was to advise the BRA of the
progress regarding each of these parcels. No further action was
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Born, seconded by Bohn, to approve
the bills as presented. All voted in favor and the motion
ADJOURNMENT: Whitehill moved, seconed by Swenson, to adjourn the
meeting at 11:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.