1989 06 22HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES JUNE 22, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Whitehill, Swenson, Horn, Bohn and Robbins. Also present were Don Ashworth, Executive Director and Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Robbins to approve the May 15 and 25, 1989 minutes as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE SALE OF LAND~ LOTS 1 AND 2~ BLOCK 2~ CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK SECOND ADDITION: Chairman Whitehill called the public hearing to order and asked if anyone was interested in addressing the sale of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 2nd Addition. No comments were received from the public. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Horn to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Horn to authorize the sale of Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park for redevelopment purposes and that the Chairman and Executive Director be directed to execute all documents necessary to accomplish the sale of the property. All voted in favor and the motion carried. UPDATE REGARDING THE LOREN ANDERSON ACQUISITION AND CLEAN UP ACTIVITIES: Gerhardt updated the HRA on the progress to date regarding the necessary action needed in correcting the soil con- dition on and around Loren Anderson's property. Gerhardt also explained that he had talked with a reprensetative of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to the meeting and reviewed the amount of work that needed to be completed on the site. A final report from MPCA investigation and action plan will be submitted to the City within the next several weeks. No further action was taken on this item. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE ACQUISITION OF THE BERNIE HANSON PROPERTY: Ashworth updated the negotiations to date regarding the Bernie Hanson property and explained the three options available to Mr. Hanson. They are: 1. Acquisition with relocation into the new shopping area under a best efforts position of the HRA. 2. Acquisition of the property if he decides to relocate on some other site within the redevelopment area. 3. Acquisition assuming that relocation was not possible. Ashworth introduced Mr. Hanson to address the HRA regarding his thoughts over the past several months. Mr. Hanson explained HRA MINUTES JUNE 22, 1989 PAGE 2 the reason why he has not signed the purchase agreement has been due to the lack of communication between Mr. Winkels, the devel- oper of the retail center, and himself. Mr. Hanson further explained that up until the other day, it was unknown where the project stood. However, Mr. Hanson did say that he had a good meeting with Mr. Winkels and that the shopping center was ten- tatively scheduled for the Planning Commission agenda in August. Chairman Whitehill expressed his concern regarding the HRA's legal obligation to the medical arts facility. The HRA directed staff to work out the final details with Mr. Hanson and if they are not completed by July 15, 1989, staff is directed to start condemnation proceedings against Mr. Hanson. No further action was taken on this item. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF THE PROPOSED CROSSROADS NATIONAL BANK: Gerhardt explained to the HRA that as a part of the purchase agreement with Crossroads National Bank, the HRA reserved the right to review the concept plan for the banking facility being proposed on West 79th Street. The review criteria would include configuration of the improvement, materials and color of the building, park and traffic plan and landscaping. Chairman Whitehill asked if ventilation equipment would be screened from the site line from Highway 5. Mr. Mork, President of Crossroads National Bank explained that ventilation equipment would be screened and would not be visible from Highway 5. The HRA directed staff to look at alternatives regarding the use of the proposed metal roofing material being used on the bank, as a possibility for metal building construction. Motion by Horn, seconded by Swenson to approve the concept plan for Crossroads National Bank with the condition that a joint driveway access can properly be constructed off West 79th Street. AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE BIDS FOR THE REMODELING OF COLONIAL CENTER (KENNY'S MARKET BUILDING): Gerhardt explained to the HRA that included in their packets were the site elevation plans and detail sheets for the new facade for Colonial Center. Gerhardt also explained that work would be done in conjunction with the north side parking lot project and would be the responsibility of the HRA to bid the project out. The HRA directed staff to keep the same type of signage that was used on the Retail West development and to finish off the west and east sides of the building with lap siding. Commissioner Swenson also requested staff to look at options regarding the back of the building. HRA MINUTES JUNE 22, 1989 PAGE 3 Motion by Horn, seconded by Robbins to authorize staff to take bids for the remodeling of the facade for Colonial Center and to add the option of installing lap siding on the east and west sides of the building. The signage plan should be consistent with what exists on the Retail West development. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Swenson and seconded by Robbins to approve the bills as presented. All voted in 'favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared by: Todd Gerhardt