1989 07 20Note: I cannot find my notes from our July 20, 1989 meeting.
Accordingly, please help if you can recall votes/other salient
CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at
7:30 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Whitehill, Horn, Bohn
and Robbins. Absent: Commissioner Swenson. Also present were
Don Ashworth, Executive Director; Jerry Hart, St. Francis
Regional Medical Center; Jack Anderson, EOS Corporation.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn to
approve the June 22, 1989 minutes as presented. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
AWARD OF BIDS: Jack Anderson presented the bids received for the
remodeling of the Colonial Center (Kenny's Market) building. The
bids ranged from a low of $124,898 to a high of $154,600.
Following discussion, Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn to
approve the low bid of Contract Service and Supplies in a total
amount of $124,898. In awarding the bid, staff was instructed to
make sure that Alternative No. 3 did not become a binding part of
the contract with the determination as to whether such would be
completed depending upon future discussions with the owners of
Colonial Center. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
MEDICAL CLINIC: Jerry Hart of St. Francis Regional Medical
Center was present to discuss the current status of the medical
center project. He stated that the demographics for the area
continue to improve and that the hospital is very interested in
seeing a medical clinic in Chanhassen. The medical group they
are working with has also expressed a desire to move into a
design phase.
Commissioner Whitehill moved that staff be instructed to work
with Dave Weir and Jerry Hart in developing a specific site plan
for the remaining property owned by the HRA on West 79th Street.
Refinement was to include negotiations regarding the specific
price to be paid, definition of proposed construction, time
tables, etc. Commissioner Robbins seconded the motion. All
voted in favor and the motion carried.
HERITAGE PARK APARTMENTS: The Executive Director discussed his
memorandum regarding preparation of a special assessment reduc-
tion agreement for the Heritage Park Apartment project. The HRA
agreed with the Director's position that the HRA should enter
into such an agreement for a one year period of time. Following
the one year period, the HRA, at its sole discretion, would make
a determination as to whether such would continue into the
future. The Director noted that the apartment owners had agreed
JULY 20, 1989
and are fully knowledgeable of the fact that staff will be recom-
mending denial of continuation of that agreement for more than a
one year period of time. Commissioner Whitehill moved, seconded
by Horn to approve the recommendation of staff. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY: The Director discussed the current status
of parcels located within the proposed north side parking lot
improvement project. Discussion included the Anderson, Modeen-
Hendrickson, and Mason properties. Also discussed was the
current bidding process and anticipated award. In a similar
fashion, Brad Johnson updated the Commission on the shopping
center project. Mr. Johnson noted that financing was very near
and that a revised development contract reflecting negotiations
in behalf of Bernie Hanson and Merlin's needed to be addressed as
soon as possible. Other design elements of the plan were also
discussed. No action was taken on any of the update activities.
The Director also noted that negotiations with Mr. Kallestad
(Pony Express) were proceeding on the basis of the Director's
report from the last meeting. Assuming that the terms do not
change from those presented, execution of the purchase agreement
could occur within 30 days. Commissioners did not vote, but
agreed that finalizing the acquisition, in accordance with the
previous terms, was the position of the HRA.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Commissioner Robbins moved, seconded by
Commissioner Horn to approve the bills as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Bohn moved, seconded by Commissioner
Horn to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m.
Don Ashworth
Executive Director