1989 08 31HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES AUGUST 31, 1989 CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Horn, Bohn and Robbins. Absent: Chairman Whitehill. Also present was Assistant Executive Director Todd Gerhardt. APPROVAL OF MINUTES= Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn to approve the July 20, 1989 minutes as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None were made. AWARD OF BIDS FOR THE SITE DEMOLITION OF THE UNION 76 AND THE MODEEN-HENDRICKSON BUILDING: Gerhardt presented the bids received for the demolition of the Union 76 gas station and the Modeen-Hendrickson building. The bids received were as follows: 1. Diamond 5 Wrecking, Inc. 2. B & D Underground Construction 3. Widmer, Inc. 4. Rieck Excavating $10,500.00 12,050.00 14,177.00 23,050.00 Gerhardt further explained that staff had received several phone calls from Mr. Hanson regarding the demolition of the Modeen-Hendrickson building and the security of his property due to the impact of this work and requested time on the agenda to express his concerns. Staff then introduced Mr. Hanson. Mr. Hanson addressed the HRA requesting to delay demolition of the Modeen-Hendrickson building until the spring of 1990. Mr. Hanson's request was based on the security of his property and the use of the building for storage until the spring of 1990. Gerhardt further explained staff's concern regarding Mr. Hanson's request as it would delay the north side parking lot improvements and impact our current agreement with the medical arts group in providing a specified number of paved parking stalls and access to their property. The HRA directed staff to work very closely with Mr. Hanson in finding additional storage space in Chanhassen to meet his needs and modified the working drawings to construct a fence that would make Mr. Hanson's property as secure as possible. Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn that the HRA award the demo- lition of the Modeen-Hendirckson and Automotive Unlimited gas station to Diamond 5 Wrecking, Inc. in the amount of $10,500 and the condition that work will not start any sooner than October 1, 1989 and that Mr. Hanson may use Modeen-Hendrickson's building for temporary storage until that date. HRA MINUTES AUGUST 31, 1989 PAGE 2 ACCEPT PAT SWENSON'S RESIGNATION FROM THE HRA: The HRA was very reluctant to accept Ms. Swenson's resignation based on her valuable knowledge and determination in continuing-the efforts of redeveloping downtown Chanhassen. Motion by Robbins, seconded by Bohn to accept Ms. Swenson's resignation with deep regret. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Robbins, seconded by Horn to approve the bills with the exception of checks 038263, 038528, 038373 and that staff provide an explanation of each bill at the next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Bohn, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared by: Todd Gerhardt