Final Plat KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Sienna Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, fee owner, of the following described property situated in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot G, LAKESIDE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota and Outlots Band C, LAKESIDE SECOND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as LAKESIDE THIRD ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Sienna Corporation, a Minnesota corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 200-----z SIENNA CORPORATION as STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of . 200-, by as of Sienna Corporation, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Minnesota \ \ ./ Y --/vS /' 9~0" .6=01009' 46" / SOO~O!8.~"~ S00020'00"E ........_----/7R=2480.00 / ?s.OOi;.'O\~> 28.74 / ~ 50.33 '1...c..'SO 90 ,....." \ I t\! 1</ r ,......... I O.JU 0 I ,\ L - '", b"1.-0 I" - /\ r, L_ "-' 1 / ~ ~fQ <o~ ,.....- -.... V7 ~~~. I / I I...I.J / Cj I -- I C/) I L'J \ ~~ \ <. L \ C.B."=N470 , '21 41"[ J \ L1:::::13017'15" / R:::::162.00~""/ \ 37.57 '.....___ \ 18.02~~-~=== 546027'07"E ' "" ~ "'" r- L_ ,......... '", "-' I L_ t\ /\ 1</ r , I t\ 1 / r- L - 1\ r \ L_ S00049' 46"W 202.99 n L/ r L_ o ~ I"") :: m t")~ co t") :- .0 .., C\lo- ' O)m 00 z ~ ;rt") ...... :- t") '"\ 0 . \./ T"'""CO mO) 00 z ~ ;rco :-C\I 1')0. ~ T"'""CO mO) 00 z .....- 86.00 N00049' 46"E ~ I co~ I C\I:- .0 .., ~~ ;" I Il.J Z I N00049' 46"E 86.00 ~ OUTLOT C I') ~ ,...... u ......,.. C\J L() O^, .. 0"" C'\J .0) 0<0 · o T"'""O) ~..-~ ~,,~ <jfX. -..... ....- \ I '~7.27 S03023'50"E - - - -- / '- 136 N1505 ..00 N09042'39~l5 o 15't 8 W...." o -r- -.....' , ....- / 178.00 NOo021 21"E /'"'\ \....., ~ ~" " ~ ~ 8 .......... <1 -'?~ S. 1 ') -- C.s ~ ~SO < . ~I\t / OS~OO '</0') <f. 7 "" "" </" , \ 1 ~ '<"~ '-~~ 9.21 139.91 ~ R:::::980 0 R:::::630.00 ____ --=:01.07'24,:6"= 12"43'27" - - _ Drainage & Utility Easement"....... - - - ).\ ----- 4 '-- -- - - --- All monuments required by Minnesota Statute, whether shown on this plat or not, will be set within one year of the recording date of this plat, and shall be evidenced by a 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe marked by RLS 20595. I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as LAKESIDE THIRD ADDITION; that this plat is a correct representation of the survey; that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot; that all monuments will be correctly placed in the ground as shown, in accordance to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02 Subd. 1; that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat and that there are no wet lands as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shown. LAKESIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF THIRD ADDITION PLAT FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver County, Minnesota Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this day of Terrence E. Rothenbacher, Land Surveyor Minnesota License Number 20595 By: Joh n E. F reem yer Carver County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER, Carver County, Minnesota day of I hereby certify that taxes payable in Dated this day of and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat. 200_. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Rothenbacher, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 20595. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 200_ by Terrence E. Laurie Engelen, County Auditor/Treasurer By: Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Minnesota COUNTY RECORDER, Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this plat of LAKESIDE THIRD ADDITION was filed this at o'clock _.M. as Document No. day of This plat of LAKESIDE THIRD ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of . 200_., and is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subdivision 2. All monuments will be set as specified by the City Council and as stated on this plat, according to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.02, Subdivision 1. Carl W. Hanson Jr., County Recorder CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA By: By: Mayor I I n L/ r- L_ ,......... '", "-' r- L_ n V " I I " n L/ 1" v By: Clerk t\ 1\ n L/ n U -, I I I ---------~--- "\N 50005\'29 ........1' 9.66 008'3\,'\N 0 ~I T{_ 0 -', /.... I N89 / I _-/"'7' 8.00 / / S00051'29"W I 85.87 n V " I I " I 1 I I .6=04012'17" R=730.00 53.57 ::Lu o __..IV) ;fo-- __ t\ 0 0 1\ ~ ,.,; U)~ .6= 11024 '33" t\ Rg462.00 t' ....-- 2.00 -_ \ 0 II .... I 0 ''\ 10r- T-- \1 ,/;..... I~ - - 72.83 0 -- -- __ \9; P; .... .b.==09007'58-n -..:- __ I 07,"t ':) -J VaT. / i.. r\ L/ b.:::: 02056' 53" R::::830.00 ............--r 42.71 S00020'00"E //.... \. 90.84 .6=07042'59" ~=04042'12" R=370.00 R=730.00 49.83 59.92 D --- ,......... , '" "-' I I r- L_ 006'39" .6=04 3016'53"E R=870.00 5049 77 62.42 . OUTLOT A 86.00 " N03016'53 W \ (f) (f) co (Oq \ q~ m~'" I') ~. ~tN_' \ ~ tN_V..! V..!8 -1") ~V..! ~ IL- \ ~ N03016'53"W 86.00 -.... -.... .....- 86.00 N00049' 46"E I .., I , -1-1 I I I I N00049' 46"E 86.00 -.... ~ t");r t")AT"'"" .0 COT"'"" O)m 00 Z ~ ;rt") I') T"'"" ~ 0 · T"'""CO mO) 00 Z -..... ....- -..... ':)'6 .././ be. ,,~ \' '69 sooO\ \ I ,\ '7.25 SOl026'03"W '-~13.96 S04022'54"E ,......... , "\ "-' 1" n ~ n v V /',,' I L/ 10.77__ N03021 '32"E .....;, OUTLOT B Drainage & Utility Easement over all of Outlot B r- L_ A / / , u 5.39~"" -+-' o +-0 ::Jz 00 o~ !-J-I (/) tr>co cv !"l1O .~~z N' - ~ 0 NN ..c (/) i= 0 0 -+-' W _ 0> T""" ::J~O 00 0<(0 z (/).....J<( I l ,----- 178.00 N01036'33"W -1h \ 1'-' \ t\ r\\ n I 1\ L/ U N01036'33"W ~5.38 w at"- o~ .1'0 .., CON , ooro 00 Z \ \ \ I') ~ /f 'I /.,...- /, 1'.... (:. o ,-' / / --- ---- -- ~ C ~ .8 '- .:::::::S ......... <j ~ :< <f. 076 ' "'-...... R:::::::<f.<f.oOS" </""W "'-.. -- ')0 SO'S"" "- -- ~ 1 .00 ............ -- .......... .80 .......... .......... ~ ~ .............. ~ ~ .............. " () ,,""" > /, / ?Q ut\\\ty /"" /'" e& --- 0(0"\(\09 ((\e(\t _ _ _ - _ _ - - ~ // (OSe _ ' ~ ' ( ( --- --- , ~ \ \. 00 ~, \ \ /"" --- -t 10.30 \ '\ '\~. , \ ~ ,,~ 7 ~ 0'" ~ o~~ ,~9 R::::: 73. 12 ----<' /'" ~ '\ oO~"!J9029'58 f).-::::-S57:J0f><O 4:::::31027" oq'~X.....,i \ <p' t>- ~.-::::-~2 OUTLOT E 40 / ',,\,,~,.........._ 9.04 c. / ___;-- R=20.00 , " / ~=2505310 70 r-. t"'.. ~~ / "V(J'V ~ / r~.rJ"'<0Vj ~~ / v " o~ ~ \xc) I 4;frA ~~~~~~ / '<1-7 ~" / ) __ ~....._ \1 ,,'" -7 _ ~~---.:..:.=~~ t> - -7"--="~~\ A / / vba / ~ O~..T"'"" / I ooai~~ I <0 qAO " ~ I f"I')o~ O:::N I tri<O~ " "'-0 I OO/lt0 <] I \ O:::~ \ -- ~ I / / / / / /"" / ~ ~ <:5()~ / \~\)~96~ ~~ ~O\:j / f).-::::- '\ r']; ,/ ! Drainage & Utility Easement! over all of Outlot A -- -.... .....- -.... , \ 86.00 N00020'OO"W I I -1 ~ I 1\.../ I N00020'OO"W 86.00 86.00 N01 033' 41 "E I .., I I') , ~ -1 A I 1"-' I N01 033' 41 "E 86.00 86.00 N01 033' 41 "E I · I 'J -1';::: I ~ h__J I -...., , I I ~ "! :: 00> m t") ~ w co:- ..T"'"" C\I ci~ N ~ <0 .oo~oooo f'J T- tr> 00 00 0) T""" r> z 00 OT""" Z ~O rAz I /, / ~ t")a t").P .0 CO~ O)m 00 (f) ~ at") I') .P t") ~ 0 · ~co mO) 00 (f) ~ t")m t"):- .<0 cof'J 0)00 00 Z ~ mt") AT"'""t") <0. f'Jco (00) 00 Z ~ t")m 1':- . <0 1'f'J 0)00 00 Z .., , r- L_ ,......... , "\ "-' n L/ r- L_ I L_ t\ /\ 1 / r\ I I -...... , _~~11.09 / I - - 43.17-..... / "I 1 '2.f"j~"" N03032'1 O"W ~ L-......../ ... V -z."\ 0" '-N ,'" J ,,"' ~ so'\ 04..) ~ ~'\<V ~..::::;: L~ ~?o(J~ "'\.~ 0V:) ~ C)~ ~ / ~ ~ / I -- -- ~- ~- n I I -, V U I L_ 34.65<"----- N36031 '07"W , , I \\ 4 ':lo.. .76 S0200 ' 4 5J''c n -, V I t....j ~ \./ \ \ \ I -, I I II I 178.00 ....-- ~ ~Lu 0<0 0..C\J .~ /8 cf'J 1 0> '" U) , \ !-J-I 0, COT""" ~~ / 100 1"'--00 00 / ....-- - --- ^ " w -1-7 1/ I') ~ ~Lu ~o ~ CoO \./ f'J cO f!:~ U) r-.....o ~o 1'0. A NCO ~,. ro 00 00 Z n V /"'" G " , 'v / (/ / 'v " I I " OUTLOT CJ Z 03 (Jl ......,J 0 O>~ .0 cD~ -!. ITi / (/ / 'v "- " , 'J G c) 244.96 N00003'30"E nl 1-'1 n-' VUIL_VI -_/ Drainage & Utility Easement over all of Outlot D 109.17 135.79 o t\ /\ 97.66 R=380.90 " ~=14043 28 ~<oo C.S <j~9~ 7<.O.<~ .~A; So> oT- - J.sov6~ '0 ---- -- ............... O<S>{5t.... "'" ~ ~ \ \ I I I ,1..- " -- / ~ ~ I & T""" ~tro 0, :Lu 0\1' ;) ,..... 0 .~tr~ 10 OJ AO ~~OCO.~ 0'. " ~~ ~ .<]~ I"') ^ 00 I \ I C/)~== 19~ I \, 0- -- ~'<7" .- 49.33 -..:.... \ 8.64L~""/! '- 62 > S00032'05"W R::::: 7419 -- I ~:::::24 0 'Po ! ':48 34 I" I I --- --------- ---- ~(..... I L_ r- L_ I I ,......... '", "-' t\ 1\ 1 / r<, n U r- L_ o Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked with license number 20595 " , 'v 7~~ 25 I r-- I -- GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 ~ PI a NEERengineering For the purposes of this plat, the south line of Outlot C, LAKESIDE SECOND ADDITION, is assumed to have a bearing of North 89022'33" East. CNIL ENGINEERS LAND PLANNERS LAND SURVEYORS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ~ ../' 50 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 50 feet 200_. 200-, 1'.... i..: ~ "'-.. ^ / /' / "" ~ ~ "" ""