MAY 7, 2024
Chairman Noyes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Eric Noyes, Ryan Soller, Edward Goff, Steve Jobe, Katie
Trevena, Jeremy Rosengren.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Perry Schwartz.
STAFF PRESENT: Rachel Arsenault, Associate Planner; Eric Maass, Community
Development Director.
Commissioner Goff moved, Commissioner Jobe seconded to approve the Chanhassen
Planning Commission summary minutes dated April 16, 2024 as presented. All voted in
favor, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
Eric Maass, Community Development Director, presented background information on the R-8
Zoning District and the R-12 Zoning District. He reviewed the current standards for each zoning
district for the minimum lot area, minimum lot frontage, and minimum lot depth. He provided
example projects to demonstrate the planned unit development and the current base R-8 zoning.
He explained the draft revised standards for the R-8 Zoning District and the R-12 Zoning
Chairman Noyes asked if there were two R-8 areas and how developed they currently were or if
there was an expected redevelopment.
Mr. Maass answered that there were two R-8 areas and that he did not expect any redevelopment,
Planning Commission Minutes – May 7, 2024
but there could be areas eligible for the R-8 district in the comprehensive plan that are not
currently zoned in this way.
Chairman Noyes asked if the examples provided meet the draft revised standards for the R-8
Zoning District.
Mr. Maass answered that the example projects would be short on the lot depth but explained that
the lot depth is impacted by how deep and long the buildings are.
Chairman Noyes stated that it would be helpful for the examples to meet the draft revised
standards. He asked if there would be a tax difference between zoning of planned unit
development, R-8 zoning district, or R-12 zoning district.
Mr. Maass responded that there would still be the same number of units, but it reserves planned
unit development as a specific tool to utilize when appropriate, rather than to do away with the
minimum lot areas.
Chairman Noyes suggested if there was real planned unit development data to show how they
could exist as R-8 zoning district or R-12 zoning district.
Mr. Maass stated that the intention was to not rezone existing planned unit developments but
limit more in the future.
Commissioner Jobe asked for clarification about the square footage for the R-12 zoning area.
Mr. Maass answered that the square footage is the lot area rather than the home being built.
Currently the minimum lot width is 150 feet which would then require that for an attached
townhome that the townhome be 150 feet wide. This is not realistic and should be amended.
Commissioner Soller asked if the intention is to zone more land as an R-8 in the near future to
conform with the comprehensive plan and what the immediate action would be from these two
Mr. Maass answered that they are not looking to rezone additional property to R-8 or R-12. The
immediate action would be to amend the ordinance so that properties which are currently guided
and eligible for R-8 zoning could be developed without the need for variances or to be rezoned
into a Planned Unit Development.
Commissioner Soller asked if the rezoning happens when there is an attached proposal along
with it.
Mr. Maass confirmed this information and provided an example of the lot south of Trouvaille
Memory Care Suites.
Commissioner Soller asked if the rezoning requests come before the Planning Commission.
Planning Commission Minutes – May 7, 2024
Mr. Maass confirmed this information and that they require a public hearing at the Planning
Commissioner Soller asked if there have been instances of rezoning land in the city over the last
two years.
Mr. Maass explained that if the Planning Commission has approved a planned unit development,
there has been a rezoning.
Commissioner Rosengren asked if the West Park Project had been R-8 zoning district and the lot
depth was not a minimum of 50 feet, if there would have been a need to change the design or a
Mr. Maass stated that if they had not come through a planned unit development, they would have
needed to seek a variance and explain what is unique about the property that does not allow them
to meet the standard.
Commissioner Rosengren asked if the proposed changes to the R-8 and the R-12 zones did not
match the provided examples and would there be continued difficulties. He encouraged creating
a change that would be easier for projects to fit.
Commissioner Soller questioned if the burden to rezone a land is different if the end point is an
R-8 zoning district or a planned unit development. He asked if it would lower the scrutiny of
these project approvals.
Mr. Maass answered that it would not be difficult but would rather be more straightforward. A
planned unit development would still be available if someone had a unique property
development and the city saw the benefit.
Commissioner Soller asked if there was a conflict with the comprehensive plan, it would be a
barrier. The comprehensive plan would have to change before the zoning could change.
Mr. Maass commented that they are not looking to change the density for the R-8 or R-12 zoning
Chairman Noyes asked if other zoning definitions needed to be considered further.
Mr. Maass answered that there were likely additional parts of the city code requiring review but
at this time staff is only suggesting revisions to the R-8 and R-12 zoning districts.
Commissioner Trevena commented that it would be helpful in future presentations to utilize a
map to graphically show what areas are zoned or guided for eligibility for R-8 or R-12 zoning.
Commissioner Soller asked if this would be discussed further in June. He asked if the main high
points of the conversation had been addressed.
Planning Commission Minutes – May 7, 2024
Mr. Maass stated that it would be a scheduled public hearing for the June 4 meeting if the
Planning Commission wanted to move forward. He answered that the request for diagram
examples of the development proposals was helpful, and they can prepare this for the next
Mr. Maass stated that the Planning Commission could cancel the regular meeting for May 21 and
instead hold a work session to discuss items in the 2024 Planning Department Work Plan.
Chairman Noyes stated that it would be helpful to meet and hold these discussions and requested
to leave the agenda up to the staff.
Commissioner Soller requested a draft agenda a week ahead of time so they can review it and be
Mr. Maass stated that the city staff will provide the adequate information needed before the
Commissioner Rosengren moved, Commissioner Soller seconded to adjourn the meeting.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Planning
Commission meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m.
Submitted by Eric Maass
Community Development Director