1988 04 21HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES APRIL 21, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:39 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Robbins, Swenson and Horn. Commissioner Bohn was absent. Also present were Don Ashworth, City Manager and Todd Gerhardt, Administrative Assistant. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Robbins to approve the March 24, 1988 minutes as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. CITY HALL LANDSCAPING AND EXPANSION PLAN: Don Ashworth presented the previously approved parking lot modification plan which achieved the "straightened" Market Boulevard (Plan Sheet No. 31.75). The work was not included in the original feasibility study as the assurance that amicable negotiations could be achieved with the Postal Service was unknown (a city cannot con- demn federal property). The next item on tonight's agenda completes that acquisition process and assures the City/HRA that the plan modification prepared in the fall of 1987 could in fact become a reality. Work encompassed through the "straightened" Market Boulevard includes the expansion of the existing parking lot area, continuation of lighting/boulevard treatment up to and around City Hall. All work functions would be exactly as con- tained in the municipal parking areas within the downtown area. In re-looking at the previous detail plan for "straightened" Market Boulevard, the Manager noted that the work called for adjacent to the new addition of City Hall was extensive, but necessary to assure reasonable/safe access to that new addition. Of concern was the fact that the ultimate building plans would reconstruct much of the work currently proposed (the plan sheet noted above was used to show areas of reconstruction). The Manager noted that the long range building plan called for a "courtyard" to exist in the area abutting the existing City Hall and new addition to the south. Eventually, there would be building construction to the west and north of the proposed "courtyard". The courtyard could be considered at this time, but some form of wall construction would be required on the north side to support the skylight roof design proposed over the cour- tyard area. The Manager presented an alternate plan prepared by EOS (architect for the new City Hall addition). The alternate design showed a new conference room area on the north side of the courtyard. The Manager noted that tax increment money could not be used for municipal building areas, i.e. those areas where business would be transacted, offices or personnel housed, etc. By contrast, the courtyard itself was a valid tax increment func- tion in that its primary purpose would be to serve as an amenity and would be designed using materials similar to those proposed within Heritage Park. The Manager recommended that the alternate plan be considered by the Housing and Redevelo~ent Authority as an amendment to the downtown project and the costs of such be paid for by the HRA instead of expending the dollars previously outlined as a part of the "straightened" Market Boulevard plan. HRA Minutes April 21, 1988 Page 2 Commissioner Horn asked what the additional cost would be for this modification. The Manager responded approximately $70,000 to $90,000. After further discussion, Chairman Whitehill moved, seconded by Commissioner Swenson, that the proposed courtyard, as depicted in Sketch Plan No. 31-75, be approved as an amendment to the pro- posed downtown redevelopment project. Motion was approved unani- mously. APPROVAL OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH RICHARD STEINER AND POSTAL SERVICE: Todd Gerhardt stated that a draft of a purchase agreement between the HRA and Richard Steiner, owner of the post office, and the United States Postal Service was included in the packet. The acquisition of the property would allow a smoother transition of traffic off of Chan View to Market Blvd. Gerhardt further explained that the agreement also included a waiver of any special assessment assistance for either of the two parties. Commissioner Horn moved, seconded by Commissioner Swenson, to approve the purchase agreement and authorize its execution by the Chairman and Executive Director. EASEMENTS/AGREEMENTS - CHANHASSEN STATE BANK: Don Ashworth stated that all of the agreements the HRA and the Chanhassen State Bank have entered into as a part of roadway easement, driveway entrance and sidewalk construction were included in the packet. Staff further explained that no specific action needs-to be taken on this item but was placed on the agenda as a infor- mational item. No further action was taken. OPTION AGREEMENT WITH BLOOMBERG COMPANIES: Don Ashworth explained that due to the lateness of receiving this item, staff has not had enough time to review the attached agreement. No specific action is needed from the HRA tonight. Ashworth further explained that this item has also been passed on to John Dean for his review and recommendation. The request will be on the next HRA agenda outlining option available under this agreement. No other action was taken. BRW PRESENTATION ON LOCATION OF RAILROAD DEPOT AND DESIGN ALTERNATIVE FOR HERITAGE PARK: Don Ashworth introduced Jim Lasher from BRW to present several alternatives for the relocation of old City Hall within the Downtown Redevelopment project. Mr. Lasher presented two alternatives, the first being setting the old City Hall back approximately 20 feet from its original site. The second alternative was to move old City Hall over to the Klingelhutz site. Chairman Whitehill asked if staff has a purchase agreement from Mr. Klingelhutz for the property. Ashworth explained that he has had discussions with Mr. Klingelhutz about the acquisition of the property and trying to redevelop the area. HRA Minutes April 21, 1988 Page 3 Chairman Whitehill also asked what is planned for the Pony, Pauly and Pryzmus sites. Ashworth explained that we have made offers to Mr. Pryzmus for his property and have just started to work with Mr. Pauly and Mr. Kallestad in either acquisition of their property or the placement of a new facia. Chairman Whitehill then asked what would occur in the area if the City acquired those properties. Ashworth replied by saying that property could be redeveloped or turned into a park. Mr. Whitehill then commented that due to the uncertainty of the area we should stay with our original plan. Commissioner Swenson stated that we should still move the building back 20 feet to open the park up and provide more room in the area. Chairman Whitehill moved, seconded by Commissioner Horn, to stay with the original plan for the location of old City Hall until definite plans have been outlined for the Pony, Pauly, Pryzmus and Klingelhutz area. All voted in favor with the exception of Commissioner Swenson who voted against the original location and perferred the building be set back 20 feet. The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS - JOHN PRYZMUS ACQUISITIONr WEST 78TH STREET: The Manager noted that he had met with Mr. Pryzmus to consider the potential acquisition of his property on West 78th Street. This alternative was being pursued on two bases; i.e. 1) general discussion from the previous meeting as to the desirability of having the entire block on which Heritage Park sits become a park; and 2) the recognition of any new facia plans for Pauly/Pony/Pryzmus (also a priority from the previous meeting) would be difficult if not impossible given Mr. Przymus's current financial position. The Commission reviewed the proposed option agreement as pre- sented by the Manager. After discussion, it was the concensus of the HRA that the HRA did not wish to become a building owner without knowing the long-range plans of the property owners on either side. If the proposed acquisition would help to accomplish building expansion plans for either the Pony or Pauly's, the acquisition may have merits. Similarly, if the acquisition of Pryzmus would enhance the ability to cause facia improvements to the Pony/Pauly's, such may also have merits. Finally, should Pony and/or Pauly desire to sell their proper- ties, the proposal may again have merits. This latter option may lead to an expanded green area in the present location of Pony/Pryzmus; a municipal park for this entire park; or a site for new commercial/office development. The HRA concluded that the Manager should pursue all of the options noted above before reconsidering the Pryzmus purchase option agreement. No motion was required/made. HRA Minutes April 21, 1988 Page 4 APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Commissioner Robbins, seconded by Commissioner Swenson to approve the bills as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. AUTHORIZE BIDSw CHANHASSEN CLOCK TOWER AND ENTRY MONUMENT: Don Ashworth explained that staff has received seven (7) bids for the construction of the clock tower and entry monument. The results are as follows: Reynolds Construction Company Lakeland Nursery Monette Construction Company Roy Nordenstrom & Sons Lover ing Associates Morcon Construction Metro Building Systems $ 159,648 $ 163,637 $ 167,600 $ 193,847 $ 153,300 $ 135,700 * $ 143,485 *low bid Staff recommended that the HRA award the contract to Morcon Construction for the bid of $135,700. Motion by Commissioner Robbins, seconded by Commissioner Horn to approve a resolution awarding the contract for the construction of the clock tower and entry monument to Morcon Construction Company in the amount of $135,700. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Commissioner Horn, seconded by Commissioner Robbins, to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared by: Todd Gerhardt, May 27, 1988~ ~_.. Ail