Appeal 24-07 narrative)une2t,2O24 Gerald & Karon Story we reside at 5281 Teton. We are appealing the approval of the planning commission regarding solar variance *2024-07 Project: Solar Variance Request Planning case 2024-07 We respectfully would like to address the Staff summary report recommendations and the Planning Commission and the City Council5251 Teton lane where the solar system is proposed could have a conforming roof top system that wouldn't require a variance. The findings from the staff state this will not alter the essential character of the locality without viewing the property in question. The solar system they propose is twice as big as the roof system, which is in direct sunlight and could be done without a variance' Heat cables could be installed in valleys on the roof to melt snow. Also there are no leaves on trees from Oct.to April and tree branches without leaves do not block the sun' The essential characteristics of the locality in contrast to what the solar company is saying is inaccurate because of the size of the proposed solar panel structure' lt will be visible from our home & property as it will be 24ft in the air and 40+wide' Therefore no variance should be approved, because the panels can be installed on the roof' tho Board'8 recom mendaton of a zoning variance for Gary & Karen We would like to appeal for thls sppoal . Flrst, based on the Dohs68' Proposad variance Dohso . Wo havo two roaaong Solar, a varlance ehould be granted 'wh6n thero are roquest a8 repregonted by TruNorth practlcal dlfilcultles comdylng wlth the zonlng ordinanco ." Practlcal dlflloultlso arE deomed to lnclude inadequate acco88 to sunllght for solar onergY systems . Here, Mr. & Mre' Dohse have sufrlcient accs8s to sunllght on thelr rcof, and therefore do not have prac'tical dfficulties in comptylng wlth the zonlng ru166. Although TruNorth srguos that the Dohee's roof ls not ProP€rlY deslgned, there l8 no dlsputo that roof-mou ntsd eolar panels alone would cause structural i8su68. Tho structural issuos do not rl6e to the leve I of "credlbls ovidonc8 that such sy8toms cannot feasibly be attachod to a bulldlng dua to structu ral llmitatloN of tho bulldlng'Thor€foro the Board inconoc{Y raepmmended lhe variance to CitY Council on ths8e grounds Second, TruNorth Solar argues that the varlanco wlll not alter the €ssontlal charactor of th€locality. Here' the ground-mounted solar wlll clearly be vlslble from our home do8plto tho Dohs6's represantafona to the contrary, end a mere stend of tr6€8 wlll not fullY obstruc't the vlerr' Moreover, due to the propo6ed dacomsnt on the hill, it wlll be vislble to others and will It doclded absolutely alt€r the essontlal cha racter of tho locallty.Therefore the board 6rrod whon to recommo nd thl3 vallanco to CltY Councll. Based on theee errore appoal the Board's decislon' Asz-Q */*', 'SlaryhraK 4 g 9 a-,L, car,1 , wE would reepoctfuilY