1988 09 22HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Members present: Commissioners Whitehill, Horn, Bohn, and Robbins. Commissioner Swenson was absent. Also present were Don Ashworth, Executive Director and Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Bohn, seconded by Horn to approve the minutes of August 18, 1988 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REDEVELOPMENT/TIF PLAN: Gerhardt explained that included in the HRA's packet was a draft of Modification No. 8 to the Amended Redeveloment and Tax Increment Financing Plan. The information in the plan has not changed with the exception of the section that allows the HRA to acquire lands for the Rosemount Development. Staff is recommending that the HRA adopt the Amended Redevelopment and Tax Increment Financing Plan as pre- sented. Whitehill asked if this is the appropriate time to approve this document. Staff stated that to meet the deadlines as outlined in the time schedule, the HRA would have to take action on this item or see a delay in the development process. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Bohn to approve Modification No. 8 to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Chanhassen Downtown Redevelopment Project. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REDUCTION AGREEMENT~ DOWNTOWN BUSINESSES: Ashworth explained the existing special assessment reduction policy and asked the HRA to authorize staff to process the reduc- tions for those property owners accordingly. ! Motion by Horn, seconded by Bohn to approve the special assessment assistance for those businesses that qualify under the existing HRA policy. All voted in favor and the motion carried. MEDICAL ARTS FACILITY~ UPDATE: Fred Hoisington gave an overview of the location of the proposed Medical Arts Building. Other items discussed were the widening of turn lanes and alternatives for an expanded street. The HRA requested that the medical group determine their preference regarding the location of the building. The second issue regarding the Medical facility was a request from Brad Johnson in committing a certain date for ownership of the property. Ashworth explained that the City Attorney has advised him that we could pass on ownership sometime in spring. Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Horn to direct staff to prepare a development contract that would look to spring ownership HRA MINUTES SEPTEMBER 22, 1988 PAGE 2 of the proposed Medical Arts site. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. ROSEMOUNT~ AWARD OF BONDS~ UPDATE: Ashworth explained that this item was placed on the agenda as an informational item only and if the HRA has questions regarding the sale. No further action was taken on this item. HERITAGE SQUARE~ UPDATE: Ashworth discussed the alternative plans for the Pony/Pauly/Przymus area. The HRA then discussed whether or not a plan should be established. The HRA concluded by directing staff to bring back several different alternatives for the HRA's review and comment. DEBT ANALYSIS: Ashworth discussed the City's current Debt Analysis and the financial projection for Tax. Increment District No. 1. Ashworth commented that the 1989 budget was included in the packet for HRA members review. This was included for the HRA's information only and it would not have to be adopted until January 1, 1989. No further action was taken. AUTHORITY TO OPERATE A FIRST TIME HOME BUYER PROGRAM: Gerhardt explained that a resolution authorizing the Carver County HRA to sell mortgage revenue bonds for first time home buyers was included in member's packets. Staff recommends that the HRA approve this resolution to participate in this program. Motion by Horn, seconded by Robbins approve a resolution authorizing Carver County HRA to undertake a first time home buyers mortgage revenue bond program for the City of Chanhassen. All voted in favor and the motion carried. DAY CARE FACILITY UPDATE: Roger Knutson updated the HRA on the progress to date with the daycare facility proposed north of the Union 76 Station. Knutson added that until the MPCA receives additional soil test information, the project is on hold. Mr. Dahl, the individual responsible for the soil test, is to submit that information within the next couple of weeks. The HRA expressed some interest in providing additional assistance with expenses if the project can be moved along. NEW BUSINESS: No new business was discussed. APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Horn, seconded by Robbins to approve the Bills as submitted. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Bohn, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt, Assistant Executive Director