Bluff Creek NarrativeBLUFF CREEK SKETCH PLAN NARRATIVE Chanhassen, Minnesota DEVELOPMENT TEAM Developer: Maplewood Development, Inc., Mario J. Cocchiarella Civil Engineer: Alliant Engineering, Inc., Clark Wicklund Surveyor: Alliant Engineering, Inc., Dan Ekrem Landscape Architect: Alliant Engineering, Inc., Mark Kronbeck EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is approximately 48.21 acres and bound by the Bluff Creek Corridor and agricultural land to the north, Bluff Creek Corridor and golf course to the east and Bluff Creek Drive to the south and west. The property is currently zoned as Agricultural Estate District. It is primarily grass field. A homestead with associated buildings exists in the center of the property. Site access for the homestead is from Bluff Creek Drive. According to the city’s comprehensive plan, the property is to be developed as Low Density Residential (LDR). The area to be developed is primarily the field space and will leave the existing forest area around Bluff Creek largely undisturbed. DEVELOPMENT PLAN The current sketch plan proposes for a multi-product residential development consisting of single-family homes and townhomes. Single family homes are generally to be located on the eastern half of the site. This product will be built on 55’ wide lots. Townhomes are to generally be located on the western half of the site. This makes the buildable site density 3.99 units per acre, which will meet the LDR requirements provided for in the city’s comprehensive plan. A schedule of product types and quantities is as follows: 55’ single family homes 69 Townhomes 94 Total Units 163 INFRASTRUCTURE The property is currently provided with well and septic. Development of the site will require the extension of trunk utilities. The current concept plan proposes to construct a sanitary sewer lift station near the north of the site. The lift station will consider service of the proposed development in addition to servicing a sewershed of approximately 40 acres across Bluff Creek Drive in addition to servicing the Brandl Anderson site to the north. The lift station will be outlet via a forcemain extended to the northeast that will connect to an existing 15” sanitary sewer line near the intersection of Pioneer Trail and Powers Boulevard. Connection to the existing sanitary sewer in this area will require completion of the Powers Boulevard regional lift station. The project proposes to extend a 12 inch watermain to the northeast towards the intersection of Powers Boulevard and Pioneer Trail. Domestic water will be looped through the site and connect to an extension of 12 inch watermain from the Brandl Anderson site to the north and in Bluff Creek Drive, which will complete and watermain loop from the north to the northeast. Watermain stubs for future connection to the southwest under Bluff Creek Drive and to the southeast in Bluff Creek drive will be provided to accommodate future development opportunities in the surrounding areas. BLUFF CREEK CORRIDOR The proposed development plan will not impact bluffs, Bluff Creek, ravines or wetlands. The project will, however, require a minor amendment to the Bluff Creek Overlay District boundary where it encroaches into flatter area of the grass field and does not coincide with bluffs and environmentally sensitive areas. The applicant will respectfully request consideration of an amendment to the boundary in accordance with the Bluff Creek Management Plan.