07-10-24 EC Agenda and PacketA.6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER
B.1 Approval of June 12, 2024 Environmental Commission Minutes
D.1 Business Expo- Event Summary
D.2 Finalize Environmental Academy
D.3 Environmental Trivia Night Planning Update
D.4 Plan Fall Community Service Event
D.5 Review Communications Calendar
D.6 Discuss 2024 Workplan
Environmental Commission Item
July 10, 2024
Subject Approval of June 12, 2024 Environmental Commission Minutes
Prepared By Amy Weidman, Senior Admin Support Specialist
Environmental Commission Minutes dated June 12, 2024
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
6:00 pm
June 12, 2024
Members Present: Scott Grefe, Kaisa Buckholz, Leslie Elhadi, Billy Cripe, Sidney Lindmark
Members Absent: Paget Pengelly, John Stutzman, Ryan Farnan
Staff Present: Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist
Visitors: Dustin Heidinger, Environmental Center, Jonathan
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:01 p.m.
Commissioner Cripe moved to approve the meeting minutes dated May 8, 2024 with clarifying
amendments to the minutes; Commissioner Elhadi seconded. The minutes were approved with a
5-0 vote.
Visitor Presentations
Dustin Heidinger, Senior Environmentalist with Carver County, was here to present along with
seasonal staff Jonathan. They shared information that Carver County Environmental Center does
take all wine corks to be recycled with ReCork to follow up on last month’s meeting.
The county is working on the ongoing solid waste management plan updates; the plan must
include certain required and optional components. A Recycling Ambassador program could be
one of the optional components.
Carver County would like to partner with Chanhassen’s Environmental Commission to pair the
Environmental Academy with three additional Carver County-led events to create a six-event
recycling ambassador program. In addition to the three planned academy events, Mr. Heidinger
could coordinate a tour of the material recovering facility at DemCon, a tour of SMSC Organics,
and one other. The partnership would open enrollment to all Carver County residents in addition
to Chanhassen residents.
The commissioners thought this partnership was a great way to spread awareness. The
application and branding could start from what we have used but add the Recycle Carver logo.
Participants could retain the ability to sign up for all or some of the events, as the program
wouldn’t result in a certification. The goal is to have at least one commissioner at each event.
Carver County will assist in printing and registration information.
Environmental Academy Planning
The three events (before the Carver County partnership) are planned. August 22 will highlight
green components and initiatives for Civic Campus with City Manager Laurie Hokkanen. On
September 26, Arborist Manuel Jordan will discuss invasive species and diseases in trees, and
attendees will have the opportunity. The October 24 event would be the tour of the
Environmental Center tour at Carver County.
Environmental Trivia Night Planning
The commissioners discussed November 12 as a possible date to avoid Thanksgiving and
Environmental Academy conflicts. Ms. Marsh will reach out to Dave Ryan, and Commissioner
Cripe will talk to Chanhassen Brewing to see if they are available.
July 3rd Business Expo Planning
City staff will assist Commissioners who may need to access the building. They recapped who
will be at the event and when. They still will have a raffle giveaway, the game from Arbor Day,
and possibly a Master Gardener available. There will be a QR code available that will link to
Academy sign up and a Chan-Happenings sign up.
Park and Recreation Month Meeting Discussion
Adopt-a-Drain Program
They will revisit this next year after a campaign on this recently.
Environmental Commission Shirt Update
Shirts are being priced, but the hope is to have a plan in place by July and shirts delivered by the
time of the first Environmental Academy.
Buy Chanhassen Update
Commissioner Cripe presented on working with Buy Chanhassen. They are looking to partner to
promote shopping locally to support the economy and green step initiatives. The Environmental
Commission interested in posting signs on the fencing near Civic Campus work to link to a page
discussing the environmental steps.
Environmental Commission Regional Meeting Summary
This item was tabled until the next meeting of the Environmental Commission.
AIS Inspections Update
Commissioner Lindmark visited boat launches in Chanhassen to see how the inspections work
when launching or pulling a boat. Lake Riley has a new state-of-the-art boat cleaning station that
is one of 100 in the state. The official recommendation is to keep the boat dry for five days after
an aquatic invasive species exposure. Lake Minnewashta is the businest boat launch within
Youth Commissioner
The youth commissioner position will be posted in July. Ms. Marsh has had an interested
candidate already reach out.
Commissioner Updates
Commissioner Grefe discussed the county waste management plan status. There are mandatory
components, but the optional components will be finalized on June 26 before going to County
Commissioners for adoption.
Ms. Marsh discussed some ash trees in Wisconsin that are still going strong after 10 plus years of
Mr. Grefe also attended the groundbreaking for the Civic Campus and was able to throw a
ceremonial shovel scoop.
Commissioner Elhadi moved to adjourn the meeting; Commissioner Buckholz seconded a
motion to adjourn. The vote was 5-0 and the meeting adjourned at 6:46 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Amy Weidman, Senior Administrative Support Specialist
Minutes Submitted by Jamie Marsh, Environmental Resource Specialist