JUNE 11, 1987
CALL TO ORDER: Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at
7:31 p.m. Members present: Whitehill, Swenson, Horn, Bohn, and
Robbins. No members were absent. Also present was Todd
Gerhardt, Administrative Assistant.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to
approve the May 14, 1987, minutes, with the addition that the
retention pond be included in the first phase of construction on
the downtown redevelopment project. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
BONDS: Gerhardt explained that the HRA needs to act on this item
as part of the General Obligation Bond Sale set for the City
Council meeting on June 15, 1987. Swenson stated that she agreed
with the City Manager's memo and that the project should fall
under the 429 public improvement procedures and not as a general
obligation bond.
Chairman Whitehill moved that the HRA adopt the resolution for
need of general obligation tax increment bonds to finance the
downtown public improvements. Seconded by Horn. All voted in
favor with the exception of Swenson, who abstained. Motion
CHADDA PRESENTATION: Gerhardt explained that CHADDA has requested
time on this agenda that they may introduce key individuals and
their roles in redeveloping the downtown. Brad Johnson, a repre-
sentative of CHADDA, started the presentation by explaining the
status of Retail West and Housing.
Mr. Johnson then introduced Gary Cooper, the owner of Cooper's
Grocery Store in Chaska. Mr. Cooper explained that he is con-
sidering building a grocery store in Chanhassen and would like to
start construction next spring, depending on the results of Super
Valu's new market study.
Mr. Johnson then introduced Dr. David McCollum, owner of the
Chanhassen Clinic. Dr. McCollum expressed his interest of
expanding his business and the need for 7,500 sq. ft. to operate
successfully. Mr. Johnson stated that to meet the needs and time
frame of Dr. McCollum, CHADDA is proposing to build a two story -
30,000 sq. ft. clinic, retail, and office building on the Retail
Central site. CHADDA requested that the HRA give conceptual
approval for a facility like this on the Retail Central site.
The last area for discussion was the Hanus Truck facility. Mr.
Johnson explained that the Hanus facility will be vacated by fall
of 1987 and that the building would be tied up in bankruptcy
court. Mr. Johnson showed a plan of how the facility could be
changed from a truck repair shop to a retail facility. Potential
tenants for this site would be Chanhassen Lawn and Sports, Automotive
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Unlimited, Chanhassen Bait and Tackle, and a Garden Center. Mr.
Johnson stated that by converting the Hanus facility into retail
space, we can keep those businesses located in the Retail Central
location in Chanhassen.
Gerhardt introduced Brian Carey from Waterford Development Group,
Inc. to explain their proposal for the development of a 5,000 sq.
ft. day care facility adjacent to Kenny's Market. Mr. Carey
explained that Building Block Day Care is a Chartered 501C3
Corporation that has existed for 15 years as a non-profit cor-
poration. Financing for the development will be secured through
the sale of tax-exempt bonds. Mr. Carey also stated that even
though they are a non-profit organization, they still must pay
property taxes.
Waterford Development Company is hoping to start construction in
September, 1987. Mr. Johnson then explained the contingencies
for the development of the day care facility. The major portion
of the development deals with the relocation of Loren Anderson
(Automotive Unlimited gas station) and the financial restruc-
turing for the acquisition and demolition of the building. Mr.
Johnson further explained that the financial team must review the
excess incremenets from Retail West and Housing and how they may
be used toward the day care project.
Chairman Whitehill made the motion to direct the financial team
to present the HRA with a reasonable way of financing the day
care facility. Seconded by Robbins. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
has requested to be reimbursed for expenses that occur for the
development of financial runs and legal expenses during the develop-
ment contract process. Clayton Johnson, a representative of
CHADDA, explained that the addition of $2,484 be added to John
Dean's recommendation. At a meeting held on June 10, 1987, at City
Hall, Mr. Dean agreed that these expenses be added to the recom-
Chairman White made the motion to approve the reimbursement to
CHADDA for expenses incurred during the development contract pro-
cess, subject to written notification from John Dean as to
changes suggested by CHADDA. Seconded by Bohn. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
OUTLOT B~ RETTLER ACQUISITION: Gerhardt explained that the HRA
will be acquiring Outlot B, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park and
the Rettler property this year. The monies for these acquisitions
do exist; however, we would be reducing our working capital by a
large amount. To preserve some working capital for the HRA, the
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City Manager has asked our legal department to research the lega-
lity of having the City provide the HRA with a short-term loan
from idle funds of the City.
Motion by Chairman Whitehill to approve a short-term loan with
the City at an interest rate between 8% and 9%. Seconded by
Robbins. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
that he visited several cities which provide some type of loan
reduction to businesses who want to improve their storefronts. The
need in Chanhassen has been expressed by several downtown busi-
nesses, specifically, Tom Krueger, the owner of the Riviera
Restaurant. Through the City's research, we have found that
cities visited have very sound and self-supporting programs. The
disadvantage of these programs are that they appear to be
long-term commitments.
The City Manager, Don Ashworth's proposal, as expressed in his
memo, reduces the long-term method of twenty years to a short-term
of four to five years.
Chairman Whitehill expressed concern on the amount of principal
that would be needed for the Krueger property. Gerhardt
explained that the architect has not yet completed his cost analysis
of the Krueger property and until that analysis is complete, the
amount of loans could be decided.
Chairman Whitehill made the motion to approve the City Manager's
Loan Reduction Program concept. Seconded by Horn. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
AIR PHOTOGRAPHS: Gerhardt gave an update on the status of the
aerial photographs of the City's natural amenities. Phase II of
the project is scheduled to start in fall. Staff also stated
that after final selection is made, staff will present their fin-
dings to the HRA for their approval.
APPROVAL OF MAY BILLS: Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Bohn, to
approve the May bills. All voted in favor and the motion
Motion by Horn, seconded by Robbins to adjourn the meeting at
10:10 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Minutes Prepared by: Todd Gerhardt