1987 10 05HOUSING AND REDEVELOMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES OCTOBER 5, 1987 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Commissioners Horn, Swenson, Bohn and Robbins. present was Don Ashworth, City Manager and Todd Gerhardt, Administrative Assistant. Also APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to approve the minutes of September 10, 1987, as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. DOWNTOWN CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Don Ashworth explained the progress to date on the Downtown. He further explained the construction activities to occur in the up- coming month. DOWNTOWN PARCEL UPDATE Ashworth reviewed each of the parcels that the city was in the process of acquiring or condemning. Ashworth stated that Fred Hoisington, from the Hoisington Group, Inc. should have sent to each HRA member a status report on the Downtown Redevelopment Project that his organization was responsible for. No action was needed on any of these items but was an informational item to keep HRA members informed of the progress on the Downtown Project. CHADDA UPDATE Brad Johnson from CHADDA gave an overview of the progress with the downtown project. Mr. Johnson explained that Retail West is looking to a November 1, 1987, groundbreaking. Bids have also been requested for the construction to be done on Retail West and demolition of the old Bait Shop building. Mr. Johnson then went on to explain the progress to date with the daycare facility. He stated that the daycare site is in the pro- cess of correcting the soil on site because of the leaking tanks from Automotive Unlimited (old Union 76 Station). He explained that the problem was not a serious one and should be corrected in the very near future. He stated that they are still within the budget and will see construction start in April, 1988. Mr. Johnson also stated that CHADDA has entered into a purchase agreement with Mr. Laballo, the owner of the building where the Medical Arts Building is proposed. He stated that CHADDA is still within budget on this project and hopes to see construction start in April, 1988. HRA Minutes October 5, 1987 Page 2 The next site in which Mr. Johnson explained was the relocation of Loren Anderson, the owner of Automotive Unlimited and Bernie Hanson, the owner of Chanhassen Lawn and Sport. He requested the HRA to make a motion directing staff and CHADDA to work out a relocation agreement and financial package for the new Hanus Truck facility because this site would be the relocation site for both Mr. Anderson and Mr. Hanson. Commissioner Swenson moved, seconded by Horn, to direct staff to work out a relocation agreement with CHADDA for Loren Anderson and Bernie Hanson. All voted in favor and the motion carried. UPDATE ON THE PROPOSED PARKING LOT NORTH OF WEST 78TH STREET Gerhardt explained that this item was to keep HRA members informed of the status of the proposed public parking lot. action was needed on this item. No OLD BUSINESS GROUNDBREAKING THANK YOU Gerhardt explained that staff was directed to draft a thank you letter for individuals who assisted with the Downtown Groundbreaking event. Staff asked if they would like changes to the letter as proposed and if not would send the letters out to each of the parties listed. HRA did not wish to make any changes. APPROVAL OF BILLS Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to approve the bills as pre- sented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Swenson, seconded by Horn to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.