Recorded Variance 24-07 A775498Document Number: A775498 Filed and/or Recorded on Jul24, 2024 9:56 AM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles Carver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder Deputy TH Document Recording Fees $ 46.00 DocumentTob $ 46.00 Requestinq Party: City of Chanhassen Pages: 4 This cover page has b€en added to this document by Carver County Land Records and is noh, an official part of this recorded document CITY OF CHANEASSEN CARVER COI]NTY, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 2024-07 1, Permit. Subject to the tenns and conditions set forth herein, the City ofChanhassen hereby grants the following variance: 2. Propertv, The variance is for a property situated rn the City of Chanhassen, Caler County, Minnesota, and legally described in Exliibit A. Additional screening shall be added along the southem property line bordering 6281 Teton Lane. The Planning Commission directed that the planting locations, amount, and size at instillation were to be determined by city staff. 2. A building pemit rnust be obtained prior to any construction on site. 3. Building plans must provide sufficient infomration to veriry that the proposed system meets all the requirements of the Minnesota State Buildilg Code, additional comnents or requirements may be lequired after plan review. 4. Lapse. lfrvithin one (1) year ofthe issuance ofthis variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. The Chanhassen Board ofAppeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for a ground mounted accessory solar enelgy system. 3. Conditions. The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1 CI'[Y O}- CHA,NHASSEN €//,". (sEAr) BY Elise Ryan, Mayor AND:lfl,jlfl L Laurie Hokkaren, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA DR AFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (9s2) 227 -1100 r Jb-b''- ) (ss. ) Jchrrt "d"", . Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalfofthe corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. COL'NTY OF CARVER The foregoing inshument was acknowledged before me this ff, day o 2024 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, of the City JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Public.Minnesote MyCommt.ston Etpt'r! Jrn 3l,2027 ARY PT]BLIC 2 EXHIBTT "A" LrSal Oc!crlpl,on Flh No. 2-326rfl I llc North two (2) .ods ol tl)e E.st lhlrty-right (38) rods ol thr.southgast quarter ot the No.thcast querter ol lh€ Noilhwcsl quart"r (SE % NE y. Nltr y.) ot Secflrln Tno (2), TownEhip One H$ndred SixteEn (116). Rang€ twonly-three (21). e\cnf,t thfit pa;t lylng eist ol a llnc psrailelnllh and one ltundred sixty & UID (166.2) teet ws$t of, mearureri ni ;iatrl rrrglos tD. th€ Easl lille oI thc Narthw8st qu rlcr ol ssid Srctlon. Itso that pari of lha Noltheast quarter ol (hs ltlor{hoaFt quartel ol the Northv{st quarter (NE ,i NE 1/. NW ,:) D, Sqcllon Two (2), Torvrrship One Hulldrcrl Sixleerr {1't6). Rarrge Twenty"three (23). descr re.t as tollov/s: Begltlnlng rt r polnt ln thc South IiDe q{ said ltorthoasr e[artqr oI ttt. Norlhe?El qUartcr o( lhe Norlhv,/est qQarlar, distant thirtv.th.6e (331 leal cF!t of th. 5o(lthwBsl comor thoreoti thetrco North parallol wlth thn West,ino ol sald Nor:hiest qrtartef ol thq Nqrlh€asl qurrtsr of lh€ northv/ec( quattir, on! honclrqrl slxty.seven l1G7)leeli thenqc eE3t perill€l wlth tlrc South lln" o, sal.l Norlheast quart?r ot the Northensr qrtarter ot th! Norlhwqst quaner lo an lnler3aclion wilh a linc drnwn parFllal with and one hundred sixty 2/'10 (160.2) lnat wrBr of. mBasurod dt rlghl anqle6 to, tho Eart finr ot rhe Notttwo6t quertGr ol sald Secliorr: tlronce So th ilo g !old In. .o (,rnwn to the So(llh llnc ot Eild Northcsst qurrter ql the Nor{hersl quFrter of the NonhwEgt qua((ori lhrncc y43l along lhf s.1ld Soutlt lln. lo th'! poinl of beglnninE: a,rd tbgother $rth nD oasemefll 4v9r the East tw€nlyJout l?4l lect of llro Wetl lllty-lcven (57) lect ot ihe Northeast qurrler o{thc Nor lhcast quartor ot lhc Northwest qu.ilir rt Slc on F,,y, (21. fownshlp One Hundt ed S;rleen {116}, Range fwellty-thr.e (23), oxcept 1116 Squ1h Oae }ltrndrad Slxty.scve (167} feGt thoreoi 3