Variance 24-07CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER COTJNT\', NIINNESOTA l. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. the City ofChanhassen herehy gants the following variance: The Chanhassen Board ofAppeals and Adjustments approves the variance request for a ground mounted accessory solar energy system. 2. Propertt'. The vanance is for a pnrperty sltuated in the City ofChanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. and legally descnbed in Exhibit A. Additional scrcening shall be added along the southem property line bordering 6281 Teton Lane. The Planning Commissittn directed that the planting locations, amount, and size at instillation were to be determined by city staff. 2. A building permit must be obtained prior kr any construction on site. 3. Building plans must pror,ide sufficient information to verify that the proposed system meets all the requirements of the Minnesota State Building Codc. additional colnments or requirements may be required after plan review. 4, Lapse. If within one (1) year ofthe issuance of this variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. vARIANCE 202;l-07 3. Conditions, Tltc vlriancc itppntval is suh.lcct to the tiillorvir.rg conditions: CITY OI.- ('HANHASSEN (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA COLINTY OF CARVER DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Rox 147 Chanhassen. MN 553 l7 (952) 22'.7 -1100 Elise Ryan. Mayor Wt%*VltL,3ovNl/\ B\': AND: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager ) (ss ) The ioregoing instrumenl was acknowledged before me thrs lf, auy n 2024 by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager. of the City JENNIFER ANN POTTEB Notary Public-Minnesota r Ju.lt"- nf ct ont oE*n*, Minnesota municipal corporation. on behalfofthe urrporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council tI N ARY PT]RI-ICMy Commi!.ion Expirt J.n 31.2027 2 (_ EIHIBIT'A' LcAlal O"rcrlplton Flb o. 2-32670 I h! North two (2) rod6 ol thr E.!t thlrty{ight (lg} rods o, thr South.rst quarti. ot the Norihraat qu:rter ol th€ Nodhwast auartar (SE % NE 7. t{W %) o, S.ctt(rn Two i2l,Tcwnshlp One Hundrrd Sirtrin (t 1 81. Rangr lwonty.thre. (2!) r\cant thrt p..t tytng e:!sr of e llnc p!?rllol $llh end one !rundred rixty t Zt0 (l6G.2l tset rt€rt ot, rnerturid .r ;igtrl anglet ta, lha Eaet li[e o, tha Northwa3t qu.lrlcr ot $id Srction Att^ that prri., Eio Northeesl quarl.r o, th! Noltheaat quartel ot thc No.lhw{t quert.r /NE 'i,. HE ,a NW ,;) o, Sactlon ?uro (21, Iolf,nshlp On" Hundrrd Sirtron {.t 16), Fangr Tw6nay-thr*r (23). d.3crilr!rtrs follows: Baghinlng tt r polnt ln tho Scu0t tlne o{ laid orlhara, OrlBrtrr oI tht Norlhea8l quarltr of th. ilo.thvro:rt qurrlar. dlatrnt lhlrtv.{h.-o {331 tort c.3f ot th. SottthtYO3l Cotner lhDrBo[: thenca t{o7th trarillol with tie West [no o{ !tid l{o'ih".slqrrarttt of thi l,lorlhresl qu.rtar of thc norfiiwcra qutrtfi. ona hQndr!., lirfy.arvsn (167) la"t: tlrrnce atrt t rrrllat rlth llte Soulh ltna ot trlft Northa''t qu.rta!, ot th; |\lorahanltqrarter ol th? Ncrlharcrt quador lo ,n lnlarraclion wilh a llno drnvn pi?rll.l wfth rod on.hundrrd rlxty 2rt0 (160.r) t. wr't or, m.aturod !t rtglrt tn9irc to, the E.rt tin. ol rh.Norlhwarl qu:rtrr o( 3rld Srctloll: thcnca 5or(h .lorE !!td [na ro drlwn to tha So({h ltnc ot rtid Xorh.aa! qurrlar ot thr Norlh..rt qusrl"r ol tha XorthwrSt qu.rtar: thrnce wt3t .llong th" 31rd Soutfi lln. lo thr froinl of boglnnlng: s'ld logrlhar wrtll an risorninl 4vqr thG East twnntr-tnui l?,11 lait of thc W"sl llfty-lcven (t7) t.ct ot {hc }lorth.,'t qurn"r otth" Norlhcrrt qrrarlor o, the t{odt\.rrd qur'trr ct Sa.flon Two (2r. fdwnshlp One Hundrrd Sixl"rn fl16l, Rrng. rwe ty-thrf. (23i, axcrpt the South Oac ltrrndrqd Stxty-3cven {167}{?rt thoreoi -1