Quit claim deed 6.14.24o dq laxes ap a d. lei ROal EStatea Value Cate, of ot dfFile Require f'RV 2 " ' ir," _' untY Auditot t Ind a v.4t to._In d 1 i dual DEED TAX DUE: Date: QUI Document No.,, A 513415 e OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA 011 Certified Recorded on 1/11/2010 513415 1i1111IIlIIINII-III CLAIM DEED Receiput: 201 OflOdfl at 0315 ❑ AM Carl W� Cots n #y FAR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION!, Jennifer L. N W 11, a single individual, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to �haries H. Newell IrI, a single individual, Grantee realproperty carver County, Mirmesota, described as follows; - in Lot 4, Block 1, Getsch Addition and Lot 5,, Block 1, Getsch Addition together with alI hereditaments and appurtenances. This deed traszsfers real Perl�roppr�,�suant to A,11117nn. Stato §287.04(a), JenpffeVL. Newell 79 PM imsan, Jr. ecorder IF STATE OF MMESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) SSW Thi's instrument was acknowledged before me on Jennifer L. Newell, a single individual. P, v­www W W"WWWWWW'so LESA MARIE EASTMAN NOTARY pUgUC.MINNESQTA My COmAilSiW &*ft J811. $1v 2011 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED Y; Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett, P.A. 500 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Street Minneapolis, N1-N 55402 WTA/jln R; 70 1 7 v 1 Notary Public V/0 mA � % , 2009 by f Check here if part or all of the land is Registered (Torrens) Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should 6e sent to: Charles H. Newell III 7550 Dogwood Road Excelsior, M-N 55331