1010 Pleasant View Staff Report Application: Lot line adjustment at 1010 Pleasant View Road. (Planning Case #2024-05) SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a lot line adjustment between property located at 1010 Pleasant View Road and 970 Pleasant View Road. Both lots are owned by the applicant. LOCATION: 1010 Pleasant View Road (Lot 2, Beddor Addition) PID 251140030  APPLICANT: Steve Beddor 1010 Pleasant View Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Single-Family Residential, RSF PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to transfer 994 square feet from the southwest corner of Lot 1 to the northwest corner of Lot 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article XXII, RSF Single-Family Residential District EASEMENTS All existing drainage and utility easements are to be vacated at City Council on June 10, 2024. New drainage and utility easements are to be established on the land lying five feet on either side of the new adjacent lot line. A new perpetual access and utility easement is to be established over the northwest corner of Lot 2. The easement shall cover a triangle 50.16 feet South and 43.60 feet East. COMPLIANCE TABLE – Residential Single Family (RSF) Zoning District   Area (sq. ft.) Frontage (ft.) Depth (ft.)  Lot Cover (% impervious) Structure Setbacks (compliant or non compliant)         Code 15,000 90 125 30% -  Parcel 1 Proposed (970 Pleasant View Road) 54,583 0 (matches existing frontage of 0 feet) 475 10.26 Compliant  Parcel 2 Proposed (1010 Pleasant View Road) 38,751 236.43 195 24.33 Compliant   FINDINGS Staff finds that the proposed lot line adjustment conforms with the city’s zoning ordinance currently in effect and does not create any substandard lot sizes, or nonconforming lot cover percentages or structure setbacks. Staff finds that the existing nonconforming lot frontage on Lot 1 is permitted to be maintained with the recording of a new access and utility easement through Lot 2, to Lot 1.