Application to Combine Real estate parcels001CARVER COUNTY Land Records & Vitals Department Government Center - Administration Building 600 East 4th Street, Chaska, MN 55318-2102 Phone (952) 361-1930 Fax (952) 361-1931 Application to Combine Real Estate Parcels Per MN Statute 272.46 the county auditor, u pon written a pplicatio n of any person, shallfor property tax purposes only, combine legal descriptions ofcontiBuous parcels to which the applicant(s) hold title. ln ory'er to be combined, the following requirements must be met: y' o Receipt of completed Application to Combine Real Estate Parcels form by owner or designated / representative (/o Modified parcel legal descriptions must also be recorded in Deed form with an added notation thls deed is intended to combine the legol descriptions Ior toxing purposes in the County Recorder's office to allow for the tracking of the combined parcel legal descriptions for future title searches and for tracking - compliance with zoning ordinances. v 2 Based upon deeds of record, parcels must be of the same (identical) ownership v/. Parcels must be contiguous ,/c, Parcelsmust be located in same unique taxing districts (TAG) '. Current year and delinquent taxes must be paid on each parcel y'(r o tf parcels are in a Tax lncrement Financing District (TlF), they must be located in the same TIF district ytr e lf specialassessments are not paid on all parcels, the city/township would need to rec€rtify the special ' assessments for the new parcel CAUTION Parcels that have been combined cannot be subdivided again without local municipality approval. lf located in a township, Carver County Land Management Office must also approve the subdivision. Combined property tax will be reflected on next year's tax statement Owner (Applicant) Name G.- Address Phone N u mber 61J JJ ? 6370 *a. ttu St3{8 Parcels #'s to be combined: A Porlion 04 /lo Plt"-w+ tl ^/ 3J.///0or/ dcn^L.,n,r r,A /d/d ptaq6*fuL1t es:.///oa3o) o"r",3'Jl-3,1FSignatu Please email or mail sign application to Land Records Department as listed above. For Office Use Only Reason Denied: _ Approved Denied By Applications must be received by Dec. 31n to be considered for the followinB tax year. Date Received_ Ussr-Saica-AtL