Recorded Quit Claim Deed A 1010 Pleasant View Rd 24-05001Document Number: T229988 Torrens Certificate: 43673.0 Filed and/or Recorded on )ul 12, 2024 10:46 AM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles C.arver County, Minnesota Kaaren Lewis, Registrar of Titles Crystal Campos, Auditor Mary Kaye Wahl, Treasurer Deputy TH/DL Certificate of Real Estate Value Not Required PID: 25.1140045 No delinquent taxes Transfer entered Document Recording Fees $ 46.00 Conservation Fee $ 5.00 Deed Tax $ 1.65 Document Total $ s2.6s Requesting Party: CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Pages: 4 NOTES Split of 25.1140040 This cover page has been added to this document by Carver Counfy Land Records and is now an official part of this recorded document (Top 3 Inches reserved for recording data) QUIT CLAlltl DEED lndividual(s) to lndividual(s) DEED TAX DUE: $1.65 DATE ,2424 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Steven !r. Beddor and Gail J. Dorn, manied to each other ("Grantors"), hereby conveys and quitclaims to Steven M. Beddor and GailJ. Dorn, married to each other ("Grantee"), as joint tenants, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: That part of Lot 1. Block 1, BEDDOR ADDITION, Carver County, Minnesota lying North of the South 30 feet thereof and lying soulhwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Lot '1 ; thence North 32 degrees 50 minutes 39 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the east line of said Lot 1 a distance of 35.93 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 85 degrees 01 minutes 28 seconds West 140.26 feet to the west line of said Lot 1 and said line there terminating. TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS LESS THAN $3,OOO.OO Check here if all or paft of the descibd real propefty is Registered (Ionens/ [ ECB 1021 Page 1 ol2 together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto. This Deed conveys after-acquired title. City Clerk,s Certification Pursuant to lt.S. 272.162 The undersigned hereby certifies: (Check one of the followrng:) _ That city subdivision regutations do not\ / apply to thts inslrumenl A Tna tf,. rrbdrvisjon of tand atfected by this instrument has been approved by the governing body of the City of Chinhassen. -- That municipal reskictions on the fillng and recording of this instrument have beei waived by a resolution of the governing body of the City of Chanhassen. . - That this inskument does not comply with m_unjcipal subdivision restrictions and the affected land and its assessed valuation should nol be drvided by he CoLnty Auditor nhassen Ciry Clerk Printed Name By Dated Current taxes on parcel spllt described 1.7-Xoz\o"tutwithin paid as of Ka n Lewis Ca rver County Recorder Deputy Page 2 ol2 QUIT CLAIM DEED Check applicable box X The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. fl n wett disclosure cerlificate accompanies this document or has been electronically filed. (lf electronically filed, insert WDC number: E lam familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously flled well disclosure certificate. State of Minnesota, County of (**n Gail J. Dorn Grantors Steven M Beddor (Stamp) Erik C. Ordahl BARNA, GUZY & STEFFEN, LTD 400 Northtown Financial Plaza 200 Coon Rapids Boulevard N.W Coon Rapids, MN 55433 763.780.8500 6 lsignalue of natanal olloel Title (and Rank)Notarv Publc l\,4y commission expires:Ta---jt.)c,;;) lnonth/day/yeal TAX STATEMENTS FOR IHE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE SENT TO: Steven M. Beddor 12555 Salem Avenue Norwood Young America, MN 55368 6A 202i31 4300847.1 This instrument was acknowjedged before m e on 4 -l - J L'l , 2024, by Steven [,4. Beddor and Gail J. Dorn, manied to each other. THIS INSIRUIVENT WAS DRAFTED BY: