STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE._august 24STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE August 2024 We are requesting a Contracting Yard Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for our site at 1591 Park Road in accordance with the 5 CUP standards noted in Section 20-289 of the city zoning code and the 12 general standards for a CUP. The CUP request will also bring the existing conditions and business operation of the site into city conformance. The proposed CUP will specifically define the boundary of the Contractor Yard and establish conditions of operations for current and future operators. The site is owned by Tiger Investors LLC, and contains a single building with leased businesses operating inside. The rear area of the site is being used by Beniek Property Services, Inc (BPS), an outdoor maintenance company, as an extension of its current operation. The area of the proposed contractor yard has been operating as a storage facility since 2006, going back to the city utilizing the site for its public works operations. There is an existing stormwater pond in the southwest corner of the property outside of the designated contractor yard area. BPS intends to continue leasing the outdoor storage space for overflow storage of their off-season equipment such as lawn trailers and pushers for payloaders. The hoop shed located on the south of the property stores salt for winter operations. West of the hoop building they are storing landscape materials including mulch, black dirt, rock/boulders, etc. in bunkers on site plus using space for the staging of brush piles and tree stumps until the pile can be chipped and items can be hauled off site for disposal.  Employee traffic in and out of the space is minimal. On average there may be 2 to 3 vehicles throughout the day, picking up or dropping off supplies or equipment.   Our CUP request does not alter the current use of the site or buildings. What the proposed plan does is reduce the current operation areas and add more green space to the rear of the site, improving water runoff and reducing hardcover. our application includes the following: Define the contractor yard boundary within a paved area in the rear of the site. The designated paved area will be curbed by bituminous curbing. Bituminous curbing is proposed to effectively control water drainage, minimize cost on replacing curbing due to heavy equipment damage, and to allow flexibility for future users to amend the paved area to meet their operational needs. (see attached plan) The proposed contractor yard will reduce the current impervious areas from 65.64% to 51.81%. The city allowed impervious cover is 70%. The proposed plan removes current impervious, non-paved areas (crushed and compacted gravel) and converts that area into vegetative cover. The site is naturally screened from public view due to its location and separation from other uses. The contractor yard operates behind the main building, which screens the operation from Park Road. To the south the yard abuts a railroad with the closest building approximately 325 feet from the site. The building faces away from the yard with the closest public street being approximately 700 feet to the south. The contractor yard lies approximately 150 feet from Audubon Road to the west. The yard is separated from public views of vehicles using Audubon Road by existing trees and a topographical change that restricts direct views of the yard. The east side of the contractor yard is approximately 120 feet from the east lot line. The east lot abuts the side yard of an industrial site that has minimal views toward the yard and is screened by an opaque covered chain link fence plus several trees along the southeast corner of the property. A shared cross-access driving agreement will be created to provide access to Park Road. We are continually working with city staff on understanding and identifying stormwater flow and treatment on the site. Erosion control measures have been established until a more permanent plan is established. We look forward in continuing to provide places to work for local businesses and residents.