August 20, 2024
The work session was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioner Steve Jobe, Commissioner Ed Goff, Chair Eric
Noyes, Commissioner Jeremy Rosengren, Commissioner Perry Schwartz
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Ryan Soller, Commissioner Katie Trevena
STAFF PRESENT: Eric Maass, Community Development Director; Rachel Arsenault, Associate
Planner; Rachel Jeske, Planner
Signage Code Discussion
Eric Maass, Community Development Director, started by reviewing the work plan for 2024 and
the reason for working on the sign code. He began the presentation by reviewing the legal
implications of the Supreme Court case Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona. He continued by
reviewing the existing relevant code definitions and proposed staff changes.
The Commissioners provided comments on the definition content and grammar, and posed
clarifying questions.
Mr. Maass took notes regarding the comments, responded, and moved into reviewing the purpose
section of the sign code.
The Commissioners pointed out redundancies within the code and potential legal issues with the
judgment of certain signage.
Mr. Maass noted the concerns on the working document and continued through sign fees and
Mr. Maass highlighted the potential request the Planning Commission could make to City
Council for all sign requests beyond what is allowed within code.
Chair Noyes mentioned past variances for signage were reviewed by the Planning Commission,
but the ordinance states that sign variances require City Council approval. He recommended staff
review if sign variance approval is currently deferred to the Planning Commission based on these
past cases.
Mr. Maass continued presenting the sign code working document.
The Commissioners asked clarifying questions regarding process, legal, and state statutes.
Commissioner Rosengren inquired about First Amendment carve-outs, such as yelling fire in a
crowded room, and if such carve-outs are explicitly or implicitly implied in city sign code.
Mr. Maass responded that will have to be verified with the attorney. He continued forward
through review of the sign code.
The Commissioners proposed changes to sign code such as listing examples with the phrase
“included but not limited to” and adding the word “contiguous” to code regulating the number of
days signs can be posted.
Mr. Maass noted these changes in the document and continued reviewing proposed changes such
as staff’s proposal to move the Temporary Development Project Signs section from Signs
Allowed Without a Permit to Permitted Temporary Signs.
The Commissioners continued noting proposed changes to the code.
Commissioner Noyes recommended that staff explore the recent court case on a city attempting
to limit flag size prior to finalizing the changes to the sign code.
Mr. Maass finished presenting the working document of the sign code and stated the next steps
would be for staff to make the noted changes, send the code for attorney review, bring it forward
for review at Planning Commission, then bring it back for Planning Commission’s official
recommendation, and finally City Council vote. He hopes to have this project wrapped up prior
to the end of 2024.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
Prepared by Rachel Arsenault, Associate Planner, and Rachel Jeske, Planner