41449 CHANHASSEN MARKET STREET ADDITION 2024-01-29PLAT FILE NO. CHANHASSEN MARKET STREET ADDITION C.R.DOC.NO. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Chanhassen Lodging, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property I Christopher A. Terwedo do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota: State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled Lot 1, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition, except that part contained within the plat of Frontier Cinema Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. on this plat. And Lot 1, Block 1, Bloomberg Addition and Outlots A and B, Bloomberg Addition, Carver County, Minnesota. And Lot 2, Block 1, Bloomberg 2nd Addition, EXCEPT the West 90.00 feet of the South 13.50 feet thereof; and further excepting the East 60.00 feet of the West 150.00 feet of the South 3.50 feet thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. and that Chanhassen Properties LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner of the following described property situated in the City of Chanhassen, County of Carver, State of Minnesota: Lot 1, Block 1, Frontier Cinema Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. That part of Lot 1, Block 1, Market Street Station, according to the recorded plat thereof on file or of record in the County Recorder's office in and for Carver County, Minnesota, lying easterly, southerly, easterly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the most southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Market Street Station; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the most easterly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 147.78 feet; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 01 seconds West a distance of 102.49 feet; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 281.41 feet; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 0.61 feet; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 1.14 feet; thence South 89 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds West a distance of 4.10 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 1.79 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 2.62 feet; thence South 00 degrees 03 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 209.97 feet; thence North 89 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 2.10 feet more or less to the intersection of the east line of said Lot 1 and said line there terminating. Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as CHANHASSEN MARKET STREET ADDITION and do hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the public ways and the easements as shown on the plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Chanhassen Lodging, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this — — — — — day of --------------> 20__. Signed: Chanhassen Lodging, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, by STATE OF its Dated this _____, day of Christopher A. Terwedo, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 53536 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF ______. 20 This instrument was acknowledged before me on this Sign Print Notary Public ____________ County, My commission expires CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA day of 20__, by Christopher A. Terwedo, Licensed Land Surveyor. This plat of CHANHASSEN MARKET STREET ADDITION was approved by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, at a regular meeting held this _____ day of ________________- 20_—, and hereby certifies compliance with all requirements as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. COUNTY OF ________ Signed: — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Signed: -------------------- This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ______ day of ________________ , 20__, by ______________________- Mayor Clerk its _________________ of Chanhassen Lodging, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. COUNTY SURVEYOR, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Sign Pursuant to Chapter 395, Minnesota Laws of 1971, this plat has been approved this Print Notary Public ____________ County, ____________ Brian E. Praske, County Surveyor My commission expires In witness whereof said Chanhassen Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this — — — — — day of — — — — — — — — — — — — — 20__. Signed: Chanhassen Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, by STATE OF _ COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on this ______ day of ________________ , 20__, by its _________________ of Chanhassen Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company. Sign Print Notary Public ____________ County, My commission expires its COUNTY AUDITOR, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA I hereby certify that taxes payable in — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 20----• Crystal Campos, County Auditor COUNTY RECORDER, CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA day of 20__. and prior years have been paid for land described on this plat. Dated this I hereby certify that this plat of CHANHASSEN MARKET STREET ADDITION was filed this M . as Document No - ___________________. Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder day of 20____, at day of o'clock Egan, Field & Nowak, Inc. land surveyors since 1872 CHANHASS N MARKET STREET ADDITION 7 r r T 1 A/ r- ^ -r- 1 V V L_ 1 -CORNER NOT SET 'i,�l In 1-r\� �-rn -rr- i 1� --- --- ------�--- � --- i PROPERTY CORNER FALLS IN CATCH BASIN (" �n � , ,1�,1 11n/n F 7 I \,7F 7 V v /-1 I 1 v \ i . J NORTH LINE OF THE NE 114 OF THE NW 114- I I ' PLAT FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. _ ° (S88 06 20'E) OF SEC. 13, TWP. 116, RGE, 23 MARKET 30.49�--' 1-DRAINAGE & UTILITY `� o i , EASEMENT ; S88.48'17"E 554.72 BOULEVARD- o (Noo5s2o'E) 30.49�;'�� y '-i ---- ` --� ----- 298.03--------- o - ��- 60.01 --�i �� 166.19 SET N07623 E`,��� �` , -- T ——i---i—�-- (Y3 I � \I 7 -- `�------------------ 52.08 __ :47.61 I i I n n e r- \ \ rn R=30.00 UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT OF BLOOMBERG ADDITION I - L. L_ L/ \J IVI 1 \ \7 �? 6=90 55'20" VACATED PER DOC. NO- -------------------- i I i E LINE OF W 150.00 FEET OF N I LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION/ `� 1/2" IRON PIPE 1/2" IRON PIPE / L� L_ L/ \J IVI L� L_ \� \7 I- 1 _ n 1 I E LINE OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION `� I I LOT I CAP NOT LEGIBLE I 4 r I — J i 0 1 V LJ N -95---------- Z N J Op -N LINE OF S 3.50 FEET OF 10 - r IF '� o �� 1. O OUTLOT B L i LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION �. t I NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, �j of I J I I , � o I BLOOMBERG ADDITION DRAINAGE AND .� SET r J < I N Mi UTILITY EASEMENT — 55.90 - �� - — 4.10 ' OVER ALL OF ss9I Of N N89'14'43E LOT 1 OUTLOT B �1 J 7 � �� I I O " N -� \ (S89 56'40"W) N � ( ) ` o � S89 56'40"W oo O lv I W `-N LINE OF ° o I I O o LOT 1, BLOCK 1, Z 2 S89'14'43"W :n (� �O I I J I O �c cV O i I / 0.61 \� �hh s� m j " Q O /� �� A -� I i7 MARKER STREET STATION 4•�• I I W� o f o' Q) Q i I_ OUTLOT A O ;� `` , i .N O ^ 7-A 7-1 /-1 N I I\ `I W J I 2 �'-- N90 00 00 W 167.47 --,� O DRAINAGE AND ;'i a cj� o BLOCK 1UTILITY EASEMENT V O v i \ i/ s w Z OVER ALL OF I I (� �- SET jk , J (� I �,IZ v �/ OUTLOT A I F I I I SET _ 2.62 BLOCK 2 I ____ N^ o I 1 /2" IRON PIPE �, a ,� Z o NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 3.50 FEET- O 6-� , " / f'� o Y CAP NOT LEGIBLE ^ cv I w OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION _ I N89'14 43 E W I z N `r o 0 o I I l N783625"W I ) 1 '� o o ° �I I w w 1- �, (N89 56'40'E) W a Y 1, Z Z m o p / ,_L , 12.65 cn m LOT 9 N I \ . L _ . o w Q ..T� r-r-7- N w p A r1 r1 I T I A n n 1 T 1 / 1 n I N ` � cn I A -I LJ LJ I I I L/ I v `, n-� LJ LJ 1 I I \/ I v N .. I I\ L_ L_ 1 0 �� // �_ �� I �_ 0 EAST LINE OF THE WEST 90.00 FEET & WEST LINE OF THE EAST 60.00 FEET ` °� (o !h 04 1 o v ~ < OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION �� O `� PART OF LOT 1, BLOCK 1,-, I (S8956'40"W) I ` N O + � I `\ I 7 — I > o \\ BL OOMBERG 2ND ADDITION �, - - 6 S89 i 4'43"W n ' r - T -' (' W NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTH 13.50 FEET- CONTAINED WITHIN THE PLAT i 1^ I - z Z �M 10 I ---- OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION `� ` rn �� OF FRONTIER CINEMA ADDITION 1 1 I - IVI /-1 I \ r \ L_ I L. L V O I Irx 62.05 WEST LINE OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, `\ `O I �� I \�� 1 I i SEE DETAIL-\ i SET I R=375.01 BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION ".� V p ^ I I I `\ 39.73 I ��-- `\50.27 (� \I DETAIL (NOT TO SCALE) r i L ---------------� --� ----- sET / 1 `NORTH LINE OF THE PLAT OF \ 67.23 �� I I _ ��/�f/ i�---T60/%/ \� FRONTIER CINEMA ADDITION I =--GAS UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. N0. 217930 - �, I I \ \\\ �j S89•l4'43"W 319.69 / ice- \--�i -- i------150-1------I-j- �/-I / VACATED PER DOC. N0. ----------------- --- C14Q �i I �� 1 \\ ��, (S89 56'40"W) \ I I / I I / �\�� I I \SOUTH LINE OF THE PLAT OF DRAINAGE-p `� -DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. A465722 \VI ,!,��� V BLOOMBERG 2ND ADDITION LS 52591 V & UTILITY `\I VACATED PER DOC. NO- -------------------- o v C) �� o V �, N I O o EASEMENT � \� to o o - o o V� co BLOCK 2 o y--UTILITY EASEMENT PER PLAT OF BLOOMBERG ADDITION M m a "I O pS \'j - I N o 'J " _ • VACATED PER DOC. N0. J I `� O2 W <_ NO uJ I Z� ' n 3 �N �) �� 11I „w �Z I LIB A J r- T A_ °� LIJ IN �W \? ��- C� z� I IVI /nl \� r L_ I A LIJ O^ i-j- _ a I (N1552'37"W) N 16'3434 "W I — — 29.93 SET (N00'02'02"W) �10 -�� N0.43'59"W 16.19 I N ao Q O 1 SE/ / (N44 54'03"W) "� N O <'_ _ - II / _ _ _ _ , N45.36'00"W w �W LL � I SET � � � 2Z 40 1 lJ r N 10o zcJV) LLJ p to p p Ln Lu . `i ,� SET o Z� noWQi�- r IJ I \ '1 L1 1-- -GAS UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 217930 GAS UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 217930- - �1 � '� VACATED PER DOC. NO - -------------------- VACATED PER DOC. NO- ____________________ `I , , -�I 10 - 3 (N89 �6'40"E) SE ``\ `� I O iv N8914 43 E — SET DRAINAGE &UTILITY t r � o �— i/ \1 EASEMENT I \\ I 209N90'00'00E 147.94 to /ANITARY SEWER — — _ f &WATER EASEMENT PER DOC. AI-- // VACATED PER DOC. NO. NO. 30100 oi �� I� // rj -------------------- vl \ L � _ N 1 "I--------- -- SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. A219252 \ I _ VACATED PER DOC. NO. I� - 102.49 � SET — — — — — - N SET - N89.11'04"E 147.91 -' 1 \ ` (S89 53'O1 "W) ---GAS UTILITY EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 217930 L \\ ` �----� VACATED PER DOC. NO - -------------------- LEGEND 0 40 80 120 DENOTES 112 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON MONUMENT SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 53536 *SET DENOTES PK NAIL SET AND MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 53536 SCALE IN FEET DENOTES A FOUND IRON MONUMENT, AS NOTED THE NORTH LINE OF OUTLOT A, BLOOMBERG ADDITION, HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 88 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 17 SECONDS EAST, CARVER COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM (NAD 83, 2011 ADJ) �g:W MOST EASTERLY LINE OF-' C0 N LOT 1, BLOCK 1, MARKET STREET STATION N C4 o 0 � 2 SECTION 13, T 116 N, R 23 W WEST 78TH STREET PLAT �0 0-1 IwQw InC �a-� n II VC n 1 <' I I I n IIa n,l I J I VICINITY MAP NO SCALE 2 1RON PIPE CORNER OF - I 1 / NOT LEGIBLE— SOUTIEA ET STREET STATION ti I CAP MOSTNaigEFN MARK �- r- r LOT 1 BLOCK 1, T T \ L- L- � � A � Egan, Field & Nowak, Inc. I\r Ivl/ land surveyors since 1872