Affidavit of Publication 24-01CTTY OT CEANEASSEN CARVER & EENNEPIN OOI,,NTIES NOIICE OT PUBLIC EEARINC PIJTNNING CASE NO. MU4INOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthst the Chanhas-seD PlaDnins CoEEi.6sioB rill hold a oublii bearing on l\r€sdalf Fbbruary D. z):N, at 6fl) nD" ir the Council CheEb€rs in Charhassen CitvHall, 7700 Mark€t Blvd. Th;purpose of this hearitrs is toc0sidara rEu€s(&rsubdivisiorlttte DtraD revteri ard possibleEia@ ftr rrdeldm@nt for EI)lEtYloc&d m tie-Sc cnrnerof W 78ttr St & M[tet _Blv ProDertv Owner: Chanhassen fodHng, LLC and Chanhassen Properties, LLC: APPIicant: Roers comDanies. Proiect documents for this reoiest ar€ available for Public reiiew on the city's website at sww.chanhagsenm!!.govl DroEseddeveloPments or at CitY ila durinc regular business hours. All intercsted PersoDs a.re irvited to attend this Publichearirls and exPress t beir opinions $/ith respect to this ommsal. Eric Maass PtaDdttg Director EnaiL €maas@ charha$etrE[8ov Pbone: $2'Zn-1139 (Published in the ChanhasseD Villager on ThurdaY February Affidavit of Publication Southwest News Media State of Minnesota) )ss. County of Carver ) Vera Kehl. being duly swom on oath says lhat she is an authorized employe€ for the news?apers known as the Chaska Herald and the Chaniassen Villager aod has full knowledge ofthe facs hereh stated as follows: (A) These ne\r'spapers have complied wirh the rcquircmeots constitxting qualification as a legal newspaDer, as prcvided by Minnesota Statute 331A-02, 331A.07. and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed pubtic notice rhar is .trached to rhis Affidavir and idenr ified asNo. !4 t Z wss published on the date or d.tes and in the newspaper slated in the anached Notice and said Nolice is hereb]" incorDorated as parr ofthis Affidavit. Said notice was cut fmm the colurnns of the newspaper specmed. Printed belolr' is a copy ofthe lo\ rr case alphabel from A to Z, both ioclusive. ald is hereby acknowledged as being the kild artd size oftype used in $e composilion aad publication ofthe Notice: abcddghiiklmnopqrstuvwxyz Vera Kehl Subscribed and snom before me on 8. Ztlt:4.ra2) *o .( &v of\7- '-ftbtYqrY 2024 /,wutn@ LAURIE A HARTMANN NOTAFY PUBUC . MINNESOIA MY COMMISSION EXPIBES 0V3,25 Public RATE INFORMATION Lowesi classified rale paid b) commercial users for compamble space.-.. $31.20 per column inch Ma,ximum rate allowed by la\r for the above matter................................. $3 |,20 percolumn inch Rate actually charged forthe above matter....... ...$16.41 percolumninch ,,, //ro ktJ ilA4l-,,rrr^"-