Exhibit AEXHIBIT "A" Legal {Description File No. 232679 The North two (2) rods of the East thirty-eight (38) rcds of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter (SE '4 NE Y. NW Y,) of Section Two (2.). Township One Hundred Sixtsmn (116). Rang= Twenty-three (23)_ except that part lying east of a line paraltel with and one hundred sixty & 2110 (1160.2) feet west of, measured of right angles try, the East line of the Northwest quarter of said Section. Also That part of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter ME 'r' NE l: Nuv 1/ 1 of Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116),'Range Twenty-three (231, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the South line of Paid Northeast Quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter, distant thirty-three (331 feet east cf the Southwest corner thereof; thence North parallel with the West ;Inn of said Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, one hundred sixty-seven (167) feet; thence east parallel with tite South line of said Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter to an intersection with a line drawn parallel with and one hundred sixty 2110 (160,2) foot west of, measured at right angles to, the East tine of the Northwest quarter of sold Secfiont thence South along said line so dr"4wn to the Sofsth line of said Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarfer; thence wrest along the said Soutll tine to the point of beginning: and together with on easement ovyr the East twenty-four (24) feet of the West fifty-seven (57) feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Two (2), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116), Range Twenty-three (23), except the South One Hundred Sixty-seven (167) feet thereof.