Affidavit of Publication 24-07AFFIDAVM OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )., CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER A HENNEPIN COUT{TIES NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING PLANNING CASE |10. m,2447 NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN ihat th6 Chenhass€n Plehnir{ Co.rF mistim wi[ hou a prblic tEaring on Tu6day, Juno 1 8, 2024. at 6:00 p.m. ih th€ Courtcil clumbe's in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Merkel Blvd. TI|e Brrpoao of tift hoaring is to consider 6 6qu€st lor a \rariance to install a gound-fiountcd acces- sory sohf 6n€rgy systa.n at 6251 T6ton t n6, 2orEd Sngle.Farni- ly Rosrdential tlstict Applbant: Trutlorh Sdar, LLC, ftop€ny OwrF di Gary & lGlln H|se. Prci*t docurn€rts tor tlis Equcst ar€ a\.6ilaHo to. prblic Eview on tt|o cit/s w6bsileai wuw.chanhass€rimn.lbv/ DolqsdsdelEEls or st City Hat dudng rugder bt,sirBs hours. All inraEst€d porsons ar! invil6d to atterd this p(Jblic h€snng and 6)(plass their oFiniorE with respect to lhis proposal. Jodi lohnsroo being duly swom on an oath, states or alfirms that hc/she is thc Publishcr's Desiguated Ageot of thc ncwspap€r(s) krown as: SS Mtka_Excelsior-Edcn Prairic with the known offrce of issue bcitrg locatrd in the coulty of: HENNEPIN with additional circul*ion in the countics of: IIENNEPIN and has full knowledge of the facts stated below: (A) The ncwspaper has complied with all of thc rcquiEmeDts constituting qualilica- tion as a qualificd ncwspaper as provided by Mion. Stat. $331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was priated and puE lished in said newspap€(s) once cach week, for I successive week(s); thc first iosertion being on 06/062024 and the last insertion being on 06/0d2024. MORTGAGE FORECIOSURE NOTICES Pulsrnt to Mimcrotr Shf. S580.033 rElating to the publication of mongage forcclosure noticls: The newspaper complics with the conditions desdibed in $580.033, subd. I, clause (l) or (2). If the newspaper's known omc€ of issue is located iD a county adjoining the county wherc thc mo gaged premises or some part of the mortgaged premises describ€d in thc notice arc located, a substantial ponion of thc lcwspaper's ctculation is in the latter counly. Desigaar€d Agent bed and swom to or affirmed beforc 06/06/2024 by Jodi Johnston Notarv Public Raatd A,3orladt Alsociat6 Plann6r Email: tars6ntultdlar|hr&lcn r. cov PtEno: 952-227-1132 PuHbh6d in th6 Son Saior Jt,l. 6, 2O2,t 1403104 Rate hformation: (l) L.q/Esr classfied ratc paid by commcrEial uscn for comparablc spacc: $99.99 pr column inch Ad ID 1,()3104