Affidavit of Publication 24-08ATFIDAVM OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN CITY OF CM'{HASSEN CART'ER & HENNEPIT{ COUNTIES NONCE OF PUBUC HEARING PII'{NIiIG cAsE NO. 2024-{E NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\/EN Out the Chanhar-son Ptanning Colrr. mission will hold a public h€aring o.r Tu€sday, Jun6 lE, 2024, et 5:m p.m. in iho Courrcil Orar$€B in Cllar*lass€n City HaI, n00 Mark t Blvd. nE Fnpo6e ol this tEarin€ is io considd an arneadficnt to th6 Childllns Loaming Adv€otJB Planned Unit Devdopntent (PUD) ordinarEe. bcct docunE ts ior this Equest ar€ e\ailaHe fd pubtc rrviow on th6 citys w€bsito ai htlps://www. chan hassen m n. oovldepa m.ntB/communilv- devoloomonudanning/piooosed- dgdelEs!]t:@iEE or at Crty HaI dring E0ul6r blrsin€sr holrs. Al int€r€stod porsons ar€ invitod lo atteid this pubfic heanng and o9rcss ll|6ir odnions with rEsPoct lo this poposal. ss Jodi Johnston being duly srrom on atr oath, states or affirDrs that he/she is the Publishet's Designated Agent of the newspaper(s) krown as: SS Mtka_Excclsior_Edcn Prairie with the known office of isue being locatcd in the county of: HENNEPIN with additional circutation in the courties ol HENNEPIN and has full knowledge of the fact5 statcd below: (A) The Dewspapcr has complicd with all of the requircmcnts constituting qualifica- tion as a qualified newspaper as provided by Minn. Stat. $331A.02. (B) This Public Notice was prhted atrd pub- lishod in said Dcwspapcr(s) once each weck, for I successiv€ week(s); thc fust inscrtiou bcing on 06/06/2024 and thc last insertion being on 06/06/2024. MORTGAGE FORECII)SURE NOTICES tuslrt to Mirtre3otr Strt. $580.033 Elatirg to the publication of mongage forcclosure notices: Thc newspaper complies with the conditions desdibed in 0580.033, suM. l, claus€ (l) or (2). If the newspapcr's knowu officc of issue is located in a county adjoining the county wherc thc mortgagcd premises or some part of the mortgagcd premises described in the noticr are located, a substatrtial portion of the newspap€r's circulation is in thc latter county. By: D€siSnat€d Atcnt Su me and to or allrmed before Jodi Johnston. Notary Public E b Me.ess Corfi runity Doi.dopfi Eil DEctor Email EullldEcbahrilEE!. 00v PfDne: 952-227-113(1 Puui.h€d in the Sun S5ilor Jl,l€ 0, Zy24 11/}2713 I R-d€ lnformation: (l) Locrc.t cla$ificd ratc paid bry commcrcial urcB for comparablc spacc: $999.99 per column inch Ad ID I ,1027 I 3