RECORDED termination agreement with HRA A777147Document Number: Al 7 7 t47 Filed and/or Recorded on Sep 11, 2024 8:21 AM Office of the County Recorder/Registrar of Titles Carver County, M innesota Kaaren Lewis, County Recorder Deputy NV Document Recording Fees $ 46.00 DocumentTotal $ 46.00 Requesting Party: City of chanhassen Pages: 4 This cover page has been added to this document by Carver County Land Records and is now an official part of this recorded document TERi\,IINATION AGREENIENT THIS TERMINATION AGREENIENT, ljantcd A4fy;LA\ 20 ECONON,IIC DEVELOPNIENT AI-ITHORITY IN AND T'OR THE CHANHASSEN. a Minnesota public bodl'corporate and politic (the "Aulhorit)''). 24, by CITY the OF WHEREAS, the Authority's predecessor. the Housing and Redevelopment Authorit) in and lor the City ol Chanhassen (he "IJRA"), entered into a Contract for Private Redevelopment Agreemenl dated August 9, 1997, between the HRA and Chanhassen Properties, LLC which was filed lor record on December 22, 1997 as Document No. 220021 in the office of the Carver County Recorder, Carver Countl, Minnesota (the "Agreemenl") and further entered into an Assessment Agreement dated August 8, 1997, which was filed for record on December 22, 1997 as Document No. 220022 in the office of the Carver County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota ("Assessment Agreement"). WHEREAS, the EDA has been requested to terminate the Agreement and the Assessment in thal the Authority has been paid the full amounl due under the Agreement and the Assessmenl Agreement has expired by its terms. WHEREAS, the EDA has determined that lI is appropriate to terminate the Agreement and lhe Assessment Agreemenl. NO\\', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BT' THE ECONONIIC DEVELOPN,IENT AUTHORIT\'IN AND FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN thAt: l. The Agreement and Assessment Agreement are hereby terminated 2. The property described on Exhibit A is hereby released from the above descrrbed Agreement and Assessment. 232270!l ECONO]\II(' DE\'ELOP]\IENT AU'tHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ('HANHASSEN 6/* //44/"^)By, Its i'ti. vl 2 - '-';; r-zr.';!1n'(z "'' Elise Ryan IIts: Chair Laurie Hokkancn Executive Director STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER The loregoing instrument s,as acknowledged before me this & dl,y of Au,,, r,u,t 2{)21, by Elise Ryan intl Laurie Hokkanen, respeclively the Charr and Exel-urive bi..-.6i3i tn. Economic Devcloprnent Authority in antl lor the City ol Chanhassen, a public body oorporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota. on its behalf. JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Public-Minnesota My Commi$ion ExpiotJ.n 31, 2m7 Notary Pu TIIIS INSTRT]\IENT \\'AS DRAFTED B\': CAMPBELL KNUTSON P ro fes s i o nu 1 .1 s s oc i a t ion Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road. Surte 290 Eagan. MN 5512 I SS 212270! I ono,M The follo*'ing property in Carver County. Minnesnta Lot I , Block I , Frontier Cinema Addition, Carver County, Mirmesota, according to the recorded plat thereof. I l22ltl! I EXHTBIl'.'A"