1985 02 21MINUTES CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Special Joint Meeting with City Council February 21, 1985 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. Present were Commissioners Swenson, Horn, Robbins, Bohn and Whitehill. Also present were City Manager Ashworth, City Planner Dacy, and George Watson and Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates. Mitch Swanson of Beushoof and Associates was also present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Robbins moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the minutes of the January 17, 1985 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. STATUS REPORT - NEGOTIATIONS OF OLD INSTANT WEB BUILDING City Manager Ashworth presented the details of the sale of the old Instant Web building. Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn to approve the sale of the old Instant Web building to Gary Kirt/David C. Bell Investment Company and Dorek/Baden subject to the following: 1. Securing a bank guarantee for the first mortage. 2. The $200,000 construction loan is contingent upon completion of the bowling center. 3. Timing of payment for land purchase should be evaluated to minimize cash flow effect. PRESENTATION OF ROUGH DRAFT CONCEPTS - BRAUER AND ASSOCIATES Fred Hoisington of Brauer and Associates presented a rough draft of a concept plan for the HRA and City Council to review before the second Public Forum on March 14, 1985. Discussion of the concept plan centered on the following points: 1. The existing uses on the north side of 78th Street detract from the image of the downtown area. 2. The city should establish an attitude to keep the existing businesses and to attract new businesses. The city should try and accommodate existing business persons as much as possible. 3. The downtown core area should play off the existence of the dinner theater with support uses such as specialty retail, general retail, and establishment of a pedestrian environment in order to not only serve the Chanhassen residents but also to provide a regional draw. HRA and City Council Joint Meeting February 21, 1985 Page 2 4. The West 79th Street area forms a second downtown. It was discussed that this area's purpose should be for convenience a~d highway commercial uses. 5. The institutional and historic buildings that are now located in the downtown area be maintained and incorporated into the overall development plan. APPROVAL OF DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT Whitehill moved, seconded by Horn, to approve the Downtown Redevelopment Agreement with Brauer and Associates dated February 15, 1985. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF BILLS Horn moved, seconded by Bohn, to approve the bills except for check number 24667 regarding the insurance of the old Instant Web building. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Bohn moved, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at 10:12 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.