1985 04 18Minutes
Chanhassen Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Regular Meet ing
April 18, 1985
Call to Order
Vice-Chairman Horn called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Horn, Robbins and Bohn. Chairman
Whitehill and Commissioner Swenson were absent. Also present
were City Manager Ashworth and City Planner Dacy.
ApDroval of Minutes
Bohn moved, seconded by Robbins to approve the minutes of the
April 4, 1985 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn to approve the minutes of the
March 21, 1985 meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
cart led.
Tax Increment Financing Plan
Ashworth presented the Tax Increment Financing Plan and the
effects of the incentive program on the tax increment district.
The City Manager was directed by the HRA to update the plan as
needed and analyze the effects of the request by Opus Corporation
(discussed next on the agenda). The HRA members felt that a
negative cash situation in the district was not prudent. The BRA
accepted the Tax Increment Financing Plan as presented.
Special Assessment Reduction Program - Discussion of Opus
Dacy presented the Opus request to the BRA. Opus Corporation has
determined that lots in the northwest section of the business park
cannot be utilized as originally platted due to very poor soil
conditions. Opus is requesting that the Special Assessment
Reduction percentage be increased to somewhere in the 10 to 12%
range. Staff recommended a two tier schedule be established
wherein the percent would remain at the 7% level if total
assessments for a property were less than $30,000 per-acre and
would be 10 to 12% if the assessments exceeded $30,000 per acre.
Bob Worthington from Opus Corporation stated that the soil
correction process is labor intensive and very expensive to
complete. He stated that the soil composition in these lots were
such that they could not support a building over time. In
replatting the lots, Worthington stated that additional street
and utility improvements would have to be made.
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn to approve the general concept of
the proposal but directed staff to update the tax increment
financing plan and work out the details of this proposal and its
impact on the tax increment plan. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Chanhassen HRA Minutes
April 18, 1985
Page 2
New Business
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn to direct the city manager to
obtain an insurance policy before closing o~ the sale of the
Instant Web building to Dorek and Baden. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
Ashworth requested authorization to expend $3,600 to remove tax
liability on Bloomberg's parcels. This is necessary for the
filing of the plat. Mr. Bloomberg will reimburse the city. Bohn
moved, seconded by Robbins, to approve the expenditure of $3,600.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Approval of Bills
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn to approve the bills as pre-
sented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Robbins moved, seconded by Bohn to adjourn the meeting at 9:15
p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried.