1985 05 30MINUTES CHANHASSEN HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MAY 30, 1985 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Present were Commissioners Horn, Swenson, Robbins, and Bohn. Also present were City Manager Ashworth, City Planner Dacy and Fred Hoisington. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by Swenson, seconded by Robbins to approve the minutes of the April 18, 1985 meeting. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. REQUEST FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REDUCTION AGREEMENT - PARK COURT PLAZA Dacy presented the request for a special assessment reduction agreement for Park Court Plaza on Lot 3, Block 2, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. She stated that the proposed project con- sists of a single story, 15,000 square foot office/warehouse complex. The total HRA special assessment obligation for the project is $23,177. The current outstanding special assessments on the site is $47,135.17. Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to adopt Resolution No. 85-1 approving the assessment agreement and authorizing its execution by the Chairman and Executive Director. All voted in favor and the motion carried. REVIEW FINDINGS OF THE DEVELOPER'S FORUM Fred Hoisington presented the findings of Phase II of the Down- town Chanhassen Redevelopment Program. He stated that the alter- native Concept 2 was unanimously supported by the Forum 2 participants, as well as the participants in the developer's forum on May 9, 1985. Hoisington reviewed some responses to the writ- ten questionnaire distributed at the developer's forum, as well as correspondence from some developers after the forum. One of the refinements of the concept 2 plan was the location and traf- fic circulation pattern in and around the Chanhassen State Bank. Hoisington stated that he and the City Manager have been meeting with Bank representatives to resolve their concerns. The Bank has now made application for site plan review for the expansion of their facility. Hoisington also reviewed the proposed imple- mentation timeline, beginning with adoption of the concept plan and initiation of feasibility studies, broadening of the study area and preparation of various project agreements, grant appli- cations and negotiations. The HRA reiterated the need to address the problems on the north side of West 78th Street and pursue alternative designs for the connection into Highway 5. The HRA directed staff and Braur and Associates to prepare a new contract and proposal for the additional phases of the redevelopment process. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES MAY 30, 1985 PAGE 2 SALE OF THE OLD INSTANT WEB BUILDING: a. Dorek and Baden Request: Ashworth explained that Dorek and Baden want to expand the proposed banquet facilities for additional seating area and realign entrances into the bowling center. He stated that staff did not have the detailed designs of the proposed rearrangement. Motion by Bohn, seconded by Born to table the request until additional information is received. Ail voted in favor and the motion carried. b. Agreements with Gary Kirt: Ashworth reviewed the adjust- ments in the purchase agreement with Gary Kirt. He stated that there is a necessity to vacate the right-of- way adjacent to West 78th Street, and the purchase agreement should be amended to reflect the ownership of Lot 4 in case the north/south road-is not constructed. The construction timing for the proposed north/south road adjacent to Lot 4 was amended to 1987. Motion by Robbins, seconded by Horn to authorize the Chairman and Executive Director to execute the revised purchase agreement. BLOOMBERG LAND ACQUISITION Ashworth stated that the initial appraisal has been completed. The proposed fair market value is higher than the amount of com- munity development block grant funds available. He stated that the city will offer the lower amount to Mr. Bloomberg. He stated that the City Council will be acting on the resolution to establish just compensation at the June 3rd City Council meeting. APPROVAL OF BILLS Motion by Swenson, seconded by Bohn to approve the bills as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Bohn, seconded by Swenson to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Barbara Dacy, City Planner Prepared 6-19-85 BD:k