DECEMBER 19, 1985
Chairman Whitehill called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.
Present were Commissioners Horn, Swenson, and Chairman Whitehill.
Absent were Commissioners Bohn and Robbins. Staff present were
Fred Hoisington, Don Ashworth, City Manager and Barbkra Dacy,
City Planner.
Hoisington presented two alternative land use and street plans
for HRA consideration so that one land use concept is chosen to
serve as the basis for the traffic analysis of the broadened
study area. Hoisington explained that he presented the two con-
cept plans before the Planning Commission on December 18, 1985.
He stated that the Planning Commission recommended Plan A.
Hoisington stated that Plan A is basically in accordance with the
City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. He stated that it included
the connection of T.H. 101 to T.H. 5 at Dakota Avenue as well as
including interchanges with T.H. 212 at County Road 17 and Dell
Road. He stated that a partial intersection right-in/right-out
could be tested between Great Plains Boulevard and the railroad
bridge. He stated that Plan B includes an interchange at
Highways 212 and 101 and only a minor departure in land use from
Plan A. He stated that it includes additional commercial
development in the southwest quadrant of Highways 5 and 101 plus
some higher intensity development in the vicinity of 212/101
interchange. He noted that Plan B does not propose a connection
of Highway 101 and 5 at Dakota Avenue which routes 101 traffic
through the downtown area. Hoisington stated that it was brought
up at the Planning Commission meeting that an intersection on
County Road 18 with T.H. 212 should be considered.
The Commissioners discussed each of the plans and felt that Plan
A should be used by the consultant to use as the basis for traf-
fic analysis.
Brad Johnson distributed the December report regarding:
1. A summary of the market analysis.
2. Preliminary phasing and timetable for development.
3. Activities for participants for the next 45 days.
Johnson stated that the marketing studies revealed that:
1. There is a market in the downtown vicinity for an additional
80 units of market rate housing.
2. There is a market in the downtown vicinity for a full service
upgraded grocery store of approximately 20,000 square feet
HRA Minutes
December 19, 1985
Page 2
plus a hardware store, drug store and other convenience stores
for an additional 20,000 square feet. He stated that there
is also a local demand for an additional 10,000 to 20,000
square feet of specialty retail stores that coul~ be included
in a convenience center if a "specialty center" is not
developed as part of the plan.
3. The market study revealed that there is a need at this time
for an 80-100 unit full service hotel in the community.
Ideally location would be near the dinner theater but with
visibility from Highway 5. The study revealed that 50% of
the occupancy would come from the tourists to the area with
the balance from local business related stays.
4. The market study reported a potential for a 20,000 to 60,000
square feet of specialty shops and restaurants. Twenty to
thirty percent of the proposed space would be occupied by
restaurants. The market study stated that development of
such facility would take two to three years, including
design, tenant selection and construction. He stated that it
would be very important that 75% of a retail specialty center
be occupied the day the center opens because synergism
creates the sales and traffic.
Johnson stated that CHADDA could establish the following as goals:
1. Construction of 40 to 60 units on Chart View and the dry
cleaning site for occupancy in April, 1987.
2. Construction of a 40,000 square foot specialty retail space
north of West 78th Street with occupancy in the spring of 1987.
3. The need should be determined to have a specialty center in
place prior to opening a hotel.
4. If the specialty center project is pursued, another six
months of market studies and design would be necessary to
determine true feasibility and determine the amount of square
footage that could be consumed.
Johnson noted that the tax increment law changes may have a
significant impact on construction dates.
Johnson reviewed activities for CHADDA and the HRA in the city
within the next 45 days. CHADDA's activities would include:
1. Establish land control for housing site.
2. Negotiate contract with Retail Real Estate Concepts for
specialty retail center design.
3. Meet with existing businesses.
.. B~A Minutes
December 19, 1985
Page 3
4. Study various methods of finance.
5. Prepare preliminary feasibility package for HRA and potential
equity partners. ~ ~
6. Identify parcels of land needed to implement program.
7. Begin planning a potential relocation program for existing
businesses in conjunction with the city.
8. Begin discussion with varius grocery store operators.
9. Determine feasibility of realignment of Highway 101.
Johnson suggested that the HRA/city pursue the following:
1. Start to formulate potential 'land acquisition and relocation
policy for affected businesses and owners.
2. Determine posture related to tax increment financing, HRB and
IRB assistance to the project.
3. Determine potential for participation in the development of
community center.
4. Timetable, costs and financing of the infrastructure to sup-
port the various phases of the developments.
5. Report existing or planned developments within the community
in conflict with the proposal.
Ashworth explained to the HRA that costs have had to be incurred
for conversion of the old Instant Web building into the bowling
center. Ashoworth stated that he had a meeting with JLH
Associates the next day and would be reviewing the amount of
bills that have been charged to the HRA. He stated that some of
these bills should be paid by Halverson as some of the
reconstruction involved his portion of the building. He stated
approximately $8,000 to $10,000 had been charged.
Motion by Swenson, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills dated
November 18, 1985. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Motion by Whitehill, seconded by Horn, to approve the bills dated
December 16, 1985. Whitehill and Horn voted in favor and the
motion carried. Swenson abstained.
Motion by Swenson, seconded by Horn, to adjourn the meeting at
9:30 p.m.