PC 92-01DATE: December 2, 1992 RESOLUTION NO~, 92-01 , .. MOTION BY: Emmings .. SECONDED BY: Ledvina -. I RESOLUTION FINDING M~3D~FICATIdN NO. 1~ TO ~ - REDEVl~OPMENT AND TAX INCR~ FINAN~'. CING ~.. FOR THE C~SEN ]~)WNTOWN REDEV~nO~ P~ CONSISTENT WITH TH]~ PLANS FOR ra~.' .~P' ' Tg~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN WHEREAS, the Chanhassen City Council has auth01dzed p~e~ton of Modification No. 12 to t~e Redevelopment and Tax Ine~e...'.ment Fimui. '~tn~ P]mi. ,~or tt~e Chanhassen Downtown Redevelbpment l~oJ~t and has Su_blattted Modtflca..tion No. 12 to the Plann~ Commission for/~Omment and; " WHEREAS, the Plannin~ .Commission has n~de a tho.~~ ~evteW,..of Modification No. 12 and has com~ it with the plans fq~- devel~mt d the C~i'.iy as a whole. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOL~ by the Planntn~ Com"~&e!on of the city of Chanh~een, ~Jtnnesot~ as follows: le That Modification No. 12 to the Redevelopment and Tax Inerem~.,nt..I~cin~ Plan is found to be consistent with the plan for development` off the -~ty of CbAnh-~sen as a whole. · '. o . It is ~ecommended that .t]be city ~ of the City of Chanhassen hold a public hearin~ Z~Kl~d b~ law and adopt Modtftcat-~on NO.. li. Passed and adopted by the P]snnlng Comm~sion ~ Q~e City of C.hanhaS. sen tht~ 2nd day of December , 1992. '- "' A~~ST: Sec're~ ~ OhAtrpe~son ' ]~B294e7 C~130-5