Staff Report - Planning Commission PROJECT: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat approval of the Avienda Townhomes Addition. Planning Case 24-17. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW DATE: September 17, 2024 60 DAY ACTION DEADLINE: October 25, 2024 DRAFTED BY: Eric Maass, AICP, EDFP, Community Development Director STAFF REPORT DATE: September 13, 2024 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat as proposed and recommends adoption of the findings of fact and recommendation as presented. LOCATION: Avienda APPLICANT: Charles Cudd Company 15050 23rd Avenue North Plymouth, MN 55447 OWNER: Level 7 Development LLC 4600 Kings Point Road Minnetrista, MN 55331 CURRENT ZONING: Planned Unit Development - Regional Center (PUD-RC) 2040 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial and Office ACREAGE: 14+ acres Level of City Discretion in Decision-Making: The City’s discretion in approving or denying a Preliminary Plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning PROPOSED MOTIONS: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends approval of the Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat prepared by Landform dated August 23, 2024, subject to the conditions within the staff report and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation." Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat Approval (Replat 2024) September 13, 2024 Page 2 Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY Subdivision of 14+ acres into 39 lots and 6 outlots. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article Sec 20-509 Standards and Guidelines For Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Planned Unit Developments District BACKGROUND The Avienda Development PUD was approved in 2020. The PUD was given final plat approval in July of 2021 with an amendment in September of 2022. The first phase of the project was the Townhomes which received approval in October of 2022. The City previously approved the Avienda Townhomes project and homes have begun to be built within the development. With review of building permits it was noted that the State of Minnesota building code section 401.4 "Intake Opening Location" requires a distance of ten (10) feet from an exterior vent to a property line or buildings on the same lot. The builder will be venting the homes on the sides of the homes and as a result the townhomes portion of the development needs to be replatted so that the lots are large enough to accommodate the homes proposed for the lots and still have the required ten (10) feet of spacing between the exterior vent and the property line. No other changes are proposed with the Plat. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is currently an active development site with utility and roadwork completed. SUBDIVISION REVIEW The applicant is requesting subdivision into 39 lots and six outlots. The property is part of the Avienda PUD. The zoning is Regional Commercial. As a part of the PUD , the property was given a density of 3-6 units per acre. This residential use was given to provide a transition from the residential zoning to the west and transition to higher density to the east. Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat Approval (Replat 2024) September 13, 2024 Page 3 PRELIMINARY PLAT Parcel Table 2021 Plat 2024 Plat Lot/Block Area (S.F.) Lot/Block Area (S.F.) 1/1 4,840 1/3 5,120 2/1 4,840 2/3 5,445 3/1 4,840 3/3 5,445 4/1 4,840 4/3 5,445 5/1 4,840 5/3 5,445 6/1 4,840 6/3 5,445 7/1 4,840 7/3 5,445 8/1 4,962 1/4 5,567 9/1 5,218 2/4 5,857 10/1 5,323 3/4 5,978 11/1 5,707 4/4 6,408 12/1 5,218 5/4 5,857 13/1 4,840 1/5 5,445 14/1 4,840 2/5 5,445 15/1 4,840 3/5 5,445 16/1 4,840 4/5 5,445 17/1 4,840 5/5 5,445 18/1 4,840 6/5 5,445 19/1 4,840 7/5 5,445 20/1 4,840 8/5 5,445 21/1 4,840 9/5 5,445 22/1 4,840 10/5 5,445 23/1 4,840 11/5 5,445 Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat Approval (Replat 2024) September 13, 2024 Page 4 24/1 153,000 Outlot C 139,198 1/2 4,840 3/2 5,353 2/2 4,840 2/2 5,445 3/2 4,840 1/2 5,439 4/2 4,840 5/1 5,445 5/2 4,840 4/1 5,445 6/2 4,840 3/1 5,445 7/2 4,840 2/1 5,445 8/2 4,840 1/1 5,115 9/2 4,840 Outlot B 27,462 1/3 6,101 1/6 6,463 2/3 6,274 2/6 6,669 3/3 6,166 3/6 6,551 4/3 5,763 4/6 6,102 5/3 5,753 5/6 6,103 6/3 6,461 6/6 6,799 7/3 6,496 7/6 6,818 8/3 5,763 8/6 6,103 9/3 70,451 Outlot F 67,631 Outlot A 66,747 Outlot A 66,747 Outlot B 212,604 Outlot D 207,587 Outlot C 992,133 Outlot E 992,133 PUD COMPLIANCE TABLE Permitted Uses: Housing The Avienda PUD allows up to 30% residential. This includes: a. Multiple-family dwellings b. Senior housing independent living and (assisted not to exceed 150 units). c. Single family homes. Density of 3-6 units an acre on of Blocks 1-3, which could be townhomes, including detached townhomes and twinhomes/rowhomes. Finding: The 39 detached townhome units at 3.8 units an acres, net density, are in compliance with Section C of Permitted Uses Housing. EXISTING CONDITIONS SURVEY The proposed subdivision is within the PUD known as Avienda. Avienda received final plat approval on July 12, 2021. Avienda’s final plat was for multiple outlots and public right -of-ways. The proposed subdivision is a replat of Avienda Townhomes. The proposed subdivision will consist of a total of six outlots (A, B, C, D, E, and F) along with 39 parcels to facilitate detached townhomes. ENGINEERING & WATER RESOURCES Final construction plans have been approved for this development. With the proposed new preliminary plat and final plat, existing agreements and their corresponding exhibits will be required to be amended and updated to reflect the revised plat as proposed. Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat Approval (Replat 2024) September 13, 2024 Page 5 LANDSCAPING & TREE PRESERVATION The landscaping plan was reviewed with the original Avienda Townhomes plat and reviewed for conformance with City Code. A number of revisions were required to bring the landscaping and tree preservation plans into conformance with City Code and those revisions were completed with the final construction plans. No further comments or revisions on the landscaping or tree preservation plan. PARKS The goal of neighborhood parks is to provide informal recreational opportunities close to where people live. Chanhassen operates under the standard that all residents should be within walking distance, or a half mile, of a neighborhood park. The PUD is located within the park service area of Power Hill Park and the Lake Susan and Fox Woods Preserves. TRAILS The City’s goal is to maintain a comprehensive and easily navigable trail and sidewalk system that connects neighborhoods to park and recreation facilities, schools, community destinations and other communities. PARK DEDICATION FEE Park Dedication Fee was satisfied through park dedication credits from the original platting process of the Avienda Townhomes project. No additional units are proposed and as a result no additional park dedication fee is required. STORMWATER UTILITY CONNECTION CHARGES With the prior Avienda Townhomes plat, a stormwater management (SWMP) fee was collected. That fee was based on the buildable area within the plat and excluded areas which were outlotted except for those outlots which were to be owned and maintained by the Home Owners Association (HOA) as that land would not be further developed . The proposed Preliminary Plat adjusts the common boundaries between the buildable lots and the HOA outlots. As a result no additional stormwater management fee is due as a result of the newly proposed Avienda Townhomes Addition plat. ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are either due at the time of final plat, or can be postponed until building permit applications are received in which the entire hookup fee is due. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. Avienda Townhomes Addition Preliminary Plat Approval (Replat 2024) September 13, 2024 Page 6 FEES The following fees will be due and collected with an amendment to the Avienda Townhomes Development Contract: a) GIS fees: $100 for the plat plus $30 per parcel RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Subdivision of 14+ acres into 39 lots and 6 outlots, Avienda Townhomes Addition plans prepared by Landform dated August 23, 2024, subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Planning 1. Homes shall be constructed and designed consistent with the PUD. 2. The Applicant will be required to enter into a Development Contract with the City and all applicable securities and fees provided prior to recording of the Final Plat. Engineering 1. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that permits are received from all other agencies with jurisdiction over the project (i.e. Army Corps of Engineers, DNR, MnDOT, Carver County, RPBCWD, Board of Water and Soil Resources, PCA, etc.) and all comments associated with their reviews are addressed. Water Resources 1. No conditions Park & Recreation 1. No conditions Landscaping 1. No conditions Fire 1. No conditions Building 1. No conditions