Chan Lakes Business Park Development CovenantsCHANHA SSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK DEVELOPMENT COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS CHANHASSEN IAKES BUSINESS PARK, LTD., the Developer of the premises described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, to insure the appropriate land use thereof and proper development and improvement of said premises hereby makes this declaration for the purpose of subjecting the premises described in Exhibit A to the covenants, restrictions, conditions and standards herein; and the land described in Exhibit A shall be developed and operated in accordance with the standards so as 1) to protect the value of each building site, 2) to insure that each site is developed with attractive improvements constructed of suitable materials, and 3) to provide -for the harmonious appearance and function of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park. NOW THEREFORE, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Ltd., a Minnesota limited partnership, hereby declares that the land described in Exhibit A hereof shall be developed and used in accordance with the following standards and guidelines as to each and every part thereof and shall be binding upon each owner, and the successors in interest thereof. SECTION I. PERMITTED USES 1.01 Uses All commercial, office, warehousing, or industrial uses shall be permitted except as may otherwise be prohibited hereby, or by the zoning and land use ordinances and regulations of the City of Chanhassen. Said zoning regulations shall govern if inconsistent herewith to the extent actually inconsistent; but if not inconsistent herewith, the standards herein contained shall be considered as requirements in addition to said zoning regulations. 1.02 Prohibitions No noxious or offensive trades, services or activities shall be conducted on nor shall anything be done on any site which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to other Owners of the land subject hereto by reason of unsightliness or excessive emission of odors, fumes, smoke, vibration, dirt, dust, glare, wastes 'or noise. SECTION II. APPROVAL OF PLANS 2.01 Submissions/Approval No improvements shall be erected, placed or exteriorly altered on any building site until the building or other alteration plans, specifications, including front elevations and/or architects rendering, a plat showing the location of such improvement on the particular building site, including parking, loading and landscape plans, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Developer, its successors or assigns, as to architectural compatibility and harmony of external design with existing structures in Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, as to location of the improvements on the building site, as giving due regard to the anticipated use thereof as same may affect adjoining structures, use and operations, as to location of the improvement with respect to topography, grade and finished ground elevation and as to fulfilling the purposes of this declaration. The Developer shall not unreasonably withhold PA approval of any plans submitted pursuant hereto; provided, however, that failure to meet the standards contained herein shall be grounds for disapproval of any such plans. Failure to disapprove any plans within sixty (60) days after submission of said plans to it shall be deemed to be approved thereof. 2.02 Commencement of Improvements Upon receipt of approval, the owner or lessee or other party to whom the same is given shall, as soon as is practical, satisfy all conditions thereof and diligently proceed with the commence- ment and completion of all construction or alterations. In all cases work shall begin within one year from the date of such approval. If there is a failure to comply, then the approval given pursuant to this Section shall be deemed revoked unless the Developer, upon request made prior to the expiration of said one year period, extends the time for commencing work. 2.03 Building Code All improvements shall be constructed in conformity with the existing building codes of the City of Chanhassen. 2.04 Completion of Improvements After commencement of the construction and alterations referred to above, the work shall be diligently undertaken so that the site shall not remain in a partly finished condition any longer than reasonably necessary for the completion thereof. Completion of construction or alteration of such Improvement shall be within two years after commencement except for so long as com- pletion is rendered impossible or would result in great hardship due to strikes, fires, national calamities, or other forces beyond the control of the Owner or his tenants, agents or assigns. 3 2.05 Landscaping Completion The site shall be landscaped in accordance with approved plans within nine (9) months of occupancy or completion (whichever shall first occur) of the building improvement. 2.06 Non -liability The Developer or its successors and assigns shall not be liable to anyone in damages who has submitted plans for approval or to any land owner by reason of mistake in judgment, negligence, or non-feasance of itself, its agents or employees, arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval of any such plans. Likewise anyone so submitting plans to the Developer, its successors and assigns, for approval, by submitting such plans, and any person when he becomes an owner agrees that he or it will not bring any action or suit to recover for any such damages against the Developer. 2.07 Lot Subdivision No lot shall be subdivided without the express consent of the City of Chanhassen and the Developer or its successor. SECTION III. IMPROVEMENT REGULATION 3.01 Setback (a) General No structure of any kind, and no part thereof, shall be placed on any site closer to a property line than herein provided. The following structures and improvements are specifically excluded from these setback provisions: 9 4� (1) Roof overhang, subject to the specific approval of the Developer in writing. (2) Steps and walk. (3) Paving and associated curbing, except that vehicle parking areas shall not be permitted within twenty-five (25) feet of the street or property -lines. (4) Fences, except that no fence shall be ,placed within the street setback area unless specific approval is given by Developer in writing. (5) Landscaping. (6) Planters, not to exceed three (3) feet in height. i- (7) Railroad spur tracks, switches and bumpers, provided that the loczsLion of =h tracks, switches and bumpers is specifically approved by Developer in writing. (8) Gas and service stations including all appurtenant uses, subject to the specific written approval of the Developer. (9) Displays identifying the owner, lessee, or occupant, as approved by the Developer in writing. (b) Setback from Interior property Lines The setback line is established as ten (10) feet from an interior property line. (c) Setback from Street Property Lines The setback line is established as thirty (30) feet from a street property line. 3.02 Excavation No excavation shall be made except in connection with construc- tion of an improvement, and upon_ completion thereof exposed openings shall be backfilled and disturbed ground shall be graded and leveled. 5 3.03 Landscaping Requirements (a) Every site on which a building shall have been placed shall be landscaped according to plans approved as specified herein and maintained thereafter in a •.sightly and well -kept condition. (b) The property owner, lessee or occupant shall land- scape and maintain unpaved areas between the property lines and the setback lines. The first twenty-five (25) feet of the setback from street property lines shall be used exclusively for landscaping except for walks and driveways bisecting the required landscape area. (c) The property owner, lessee or occupant shall provide hose bibs and maintenance facilities in the vicinity of the landscaped areas. 3.04 Signs (a) No billboard or advertising sign shall be permitted, other than the following: (1) Those identifying the name, business and products of the person or firm occupying the premises, and (2) Those offering the premises for sale or lease when specifically approved by Developer in writing. (b) Signs shall conform to setback lines unless specific approval to the contrary is granted by Developer in writing. C (c) Signs and identification on buildings or building sites shall only be of such size, design and color as is specifically approved by the Developer in writing. The Developer shall, at the Owner's request, provide sign criteria used by the Developer in determining whether to grant sign approval or not. 3.05 Parking Areas (a) General Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs for employees, visitors and company vehicles on the site. If parking requirements increase as a result of a change in use or number of employees, additional off-street parking shall be provided to satisfy the intent of this section. (b) Parking shall not be permitted: (1) line. (2) street property line. (3) Between public street pavement and property Closer than twenty-five (25) feet to a On any public streets and roadways. (c) The parking requirements may be modified by the Developer as to any particular site as a precondition to plan approval. 3.06 Storage and Loading Areas (a) No materials, supplies or equipment, including company owned or operated trucks, shall be stored in any area 7 on a site except inside a closed building, or behind a visual barrier screening such areas from the view of adjoining properties and/or a public street. (b) Loading areas shall not encroach into setback areas unless specifically approved by Developer in writing. (c) Loading docks shall be set back and screened to minimize the effect from the street. Docks shall not be closer than seventy (70) feet to the street property line, unless specifically approved by Developer in writing. Loading will be permitted to the rear of the setback line from that portion of a structure not fronting a street. SECTION IV. TERM; ASSOCIA'T.'ION; AMENDMENT 4.01 Terns The covenants and declarations of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land described in Exhibit A for a term of thirty (30) years from the date this Declaration is recorded in the Office of the Carver County Recorder, after which time they may be extended for successive periods of ten (10) years upon the affirmative majority vote of the members of the association referred to in Section 4.02 hereof. 4.02 Owners' Association Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Ltd. shall have the right to create a non-profit association in which all owners of each site (as defined hereinafter) are entitled to be members. There shall be no other qualification for membership and no costs in its connection therewith. The owner (or owners) of each site shall have one vote in such association, and membership therein shall be appurtenant to, and shall not be separated from the ownership of any platted lot. "Site" for the purposes of this Declaration shall be defined as any parcel of land conveyed by the Developer herein to any one grantee for use as a building parcel, whether a single platted lot- or more. 4.03 Transfer of Rights Chanhassen takes Business Park, Ltd. shall have the right to assign all of .its rights hereunder to any such association referred to in Section 4.02 hereof or to any successor developing all of the then unsold lots in the plat described in Exhibit A. 4.04 Amendment This Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by seventy --five percent of the members of the Association referred to in Section 4.02 hereof. Any amendment so made shall be effective upon the recording thereof. SECTION V. ENFORCEMENT 5.01 Abatement and Suit The standards set forth herein shall be enforceable by the Developer, its successors and assigns, for the maximum period allowed by law and shall be enforceable by the Developer, its successors and assigns, by (i) injunctive relief, prohibitive or mandatory, to prevent the breach of or to enforce the perform- ance or observance of these standards, or by (ii) a money judgment for damages by reason of a breach of these standards, or (i.ii) both (i) and (ii). 5.02 Failure to Enforce The failure of the Developer, its successors or assigns, to enforce any provisions of the standards contained herein upon the violation thereof shall in no event be deemed to be a waiver of the rights to do so as to any subsequent violation. 5.03 Seyerabil� ity Invalidation of any of the provisions of these standards, whether by court order or otherwise, shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. 5.04 Attorney's Fees In anv legal or equitable proceeding for the enforcement or to restrain the violation of this Declaration or any provision hereof, the losing party or parties shall pay the attorney's fees of the prevailing party or parties, in such amount as may be fixed by the Court in such proceedings. All remedies provided herein or at law or in equity shall be cumulative and not exclusive. 5.05 Mortgagee's Rights No violation of any of these Declarations shall defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage made in good faith and for value upon any site; provided, however, that any mortgagee in actual possession, or any purchaser at any mortgagees' or 10 foreclosure sale shall be bound by and subject to these Declarations as fully as any other owner of any site subject hereto. IN TESTIMONY WHERE -OF, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Ltd., have caused these presents to be executed this X;V' day of 1979. CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK, LTD. a Minnesota limited partnership, By: Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., its No Seal '-�neral Partner _ Q-,� �1. A �-s 'f, ' STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoijx�g instrument was ack o;aledged before me this d y of l a 1979, by % z b as � � and y as -cam_ of Dun ' & Curry Real Esta Management�c., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation as General Partner of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Ltd., a Minnesota limited partnership. Notary Public e�9 11 The undersigned, Emmer Brothers Company, a Minnesota corporation, as fee owner, together with Durn and Curry Real Estate Management, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Lake S:.san Hills, a Minnesota partnership, Edmund B. Dunn and Elizabeth J. Dunn,- his wife, and Fames A. Curry and Barbara W. Curry, his wife, as contract -for deed vondors, and First Southdale National Bank of Edina, a national banking association, as mortgagee, hereby assent to the foregoing Development Covenants and Restrictions executed by Chanhassen Lakes Business Park, Ltd., and hereby consent the imposition thereof upon the land described in Exhibit A hereof, and agree to t-"ie subjugation of said lands to said covenants and restrictions. No Seal STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) EMMER BROTHERS COMPANY a Minnes-c-�a corporati By: its f r and The foreg 'ng instrument was ackno*led;ed be fo e me t is ay of 1979 , by (,Z, as iLr�.�:� and by ( _ as of Emmer 0rothe Co,, a (Minnesota corpor ion, on behalf of said corporation. "k ' VIOLA F. MaANDREW3 HENNEPIN COUNTY Notary Public NOTARY PUBLIC-M-111NrSOTA j NY GOMMISGION FXPInES AUG, 10, 1004 M�M� rtiV DUNN & C RRY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, INC., Minnesota corFor t' r ion , its /l_P and 12 ` STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) 13 ,The foregoi g instrument was acknow,,�edged before e this day o f�. 1979, by as and by as �_ of Dunff & Curry Real Estae Managem(int,c , a Minnesota corporation, onbehalf of said corporation. •-��%;` ARLYNE F. PORTER NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY Fotary Pu ll.c My Commission Expuos May?. 1984 1 LAKE SUSAN HILLS, a Minnesota partners' ' p By• Edmund B. Dunn, Partner STATE OF MINNESOTA) . ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) / The forego ng instrument was acknowledged before me this ' day of Z� Z , 1979, by Edmund B. Dunn, a partner i Lake in Susan Hilils, a Minnesota partnership; on behalf of said partnership. ARLYNE F. PORTER _-s_ - T• .����,� i;t!1 NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA � Not PulS is HENNEPIN COUNTY `"k-N-V My Commission Expucs May 7. 1984 Edmund B. Dunn. STATE OF MINNESOTA) y - ) ss. COUNTY of HENNEPIN) The forego:ng instrument was acknowledged before me this day of (,L�-� .� tom, 1979, by Edmund B. Dunn and Elizabeth J r Dunn, his wife. ARLYNE F. Pc�fiTsrR �I NOTARY PIL t, J13LIC • MINNLSOTA ^G. �f? �h r 1 HENNEPIN COUNTY Notary Public c� ,.. My (o:nm union [xpli�y hiay 7, 1DA4 y.r�N40M:CNJ.►o��d+iJIIN�� t 13 mes A. Curry Barbara W. Curry STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) YA The foregoi instrument was acknowledged before me this /-6 day of �'.��� 1979, by James A. Curry and Barbara W. Curry,this wife. ARLYN=PORTEFR NOTARY PHENNyCommiss+top STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Notary Public FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK OF EDINA, a national banking association, By: / its Urc 0 /75/«2!- and its The foregoin instrument was ackT:L edged before me this day of 1979 , by ,{����;>t- •S,!_L.�> as e. Qcrs.«1.� and b,r as �v :;-�f 1� ='ct �rd�: x_ of First southdale National Bank of Edina, a national banking association, on behalf of said association. Jam, ROLAP D r11. 110 T� I 'i N1 ``'' Notar Public e ROTARY PUGI.IC-t! *W1E.SOTA r � ��•� Hl:r;r�el'lil county Y h1y Commission Cxpires h17r. 1?., 1986 x vvvv�vtiv�n��`hv�•�vv.wvw�v'rvvw � 14 Lots One (1) through Ten (10), Block One (1); Lots One (1) through Five (5), Block Two (2); Lots One (1) and Two (2) Block Three (3); Lots One (1) and Two (2), Block Four (4); and Lots One (1) through Eleven (11), Block Five (5), all in CHANHASSEN LASES BUSINESS PARK, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota. II -",)A 3 �4 # V OFFICE OFO UNTY D' R tco ER RESOTA, STATE OF ;NN C'SVER Y reify that the within instrument this cT-e 2P the ' Z --A-D. oclock 3.du"'Y in book -ga EXHIBIT A