Contamination AffidavitDocument No. A648358 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA Recorded on -July 14, 2017 12:56 PM Fee: $46.00 IIIII IIIIII IIII I III David Frischmon 648358 County Recorder AFFIDAVIT CONCERNING REAL PROPERTY CONTAMINATED WITH HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) Mr. Todd Gerhardt, the City Manager, on behalf of the City of Chanhassen, as owner of the real property described herein, being duly sworn, states the following under oath: 1. This Affidavit is made pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 115B.16, subd. 2 (2016), which requires that before any transfer of ownership of any property which the owner knows is subject to extensive contamination by release of a hazardous substance, the owner shall record with the county recorder of the county in which the property is located an affidavit containing a legal description of the property and disclosing to any potential transferees: a) that the property has been used to dispose of hazardous waste or that the property is contaminated by a release of a hazardous substance(s); b) the identity, quantity, location, condition and circumstances of the disposal or contamination to the full extent known or reasonably ascertainable; and c) that, if the property was used as a permitted hazardous waste disposal facility, the use of the property or some portion of it may be restricted as provided in Minn. Stat. § 115B.16, subd. 1 (2016). 2. The City of Chanhassen is the owner of certain real property ("Property") located at 1591 Park Road, Chanhassen, in Carver County, State of Minnesota, and legally described as follows: Lots 010 and 011, Block 05, of Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 3. The Property was first developed in 1980 by the City of Chanhassen ("City") and used as a Public Works facility housing public works staff from 1980 until 2012. City operations at the Property during that time included storage, maintenance and repair of City -owned vehicles and equipment. The City also installed, operated and subsequently removed several underground storage tanks containing used motor oil, gasoline and diesel fuel. In 2012, the City and Interstate Roadrunner, Inc. ("Roadrunner") executed a 5-year Contract for Deed for the Property. Since 2012, Roadrunner has been operating their vehicle transportation business from the Property. Roadrunner's operations at the Property since 2012 include housing the business operations staff, storing customer vehicles, and conducting maintenance and repair of Roadrunner's truck fleet. c-rem4.02 • 10126116 1 Doc Type: Institutional Controls Preferred ID: SR0001434 Current and historic Property operations are provided in the Phase i Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Nova Consulting Group, Inc. (Nova) dated July 20, 2016, and the Response to Comments in Conditional Response Action Plan Approval letter sent by Nova to the MPCA dated February 15, 2017. 4. A release from one of the installed underground storage tanks was reported to the MPCA by the City in 1993 and assigned LEAK# 00006914. The release was investigated from 1993 through 1994. In response to the investigation activities, the MPCA issued a Petroleum Tank Release Site File Closure letter to the City of Chanhassen on December 27, 1994. In 2016, Roadrunner started the process of obtaining financing to complete the 5-year Contract for Deed with the City, and take title to the Property. In 2016, Roadrunner retained Nova to conduct a Phase I ESA and Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment to complete lender -required environmental due diligence. The Phase II identified sub -slab soil vapors at concentrations above the MPCA's commercial/industrial 33x Intrusion Screening Values. As a result, the Property was enrolled into the MPCA's Voluntary Brownfields Program, and was assigned Site ID SR0001434. 5. The Phase II ESA conducted by Nova included the advancement of six soil borings, collection of soil and groundwater samples, and collection of two sub -slab soil vapor samples. The results of the Phase II did not identify impacts to soil or groundwater above MPCA soil and groundwater standards. However, sub -slab soil vapor sampling resulted in the detection of trichloroethene ("TCE") above the MPCA's commercial/industrial Intrusion Screening Values ("ISVs") at a concentration of 54 micrograms per cubic meter (" µg/m3"). Furthermore, Tetrachloroethene ("PCE") was detected above the MPCA's 33 times ("33x") the commercial/industrial ISV at a concentration of 3,400 µg/m3. In response, Roadrunner submitted a Response Action Plan ("RAP") to the MPCA on September 14, 2016, that presented sub -slab soil vapor mitigation system as the remedial action. The MPCA reviewed the RAP and conditionally approved the RAP, subject to conducting additional investigation activities, and requesting additional information on City and Roadrunners operations, chemical use, and site history. In response to the MPCA's request, Roadrunner prepared and submitted a Supplemental Site Investigation ("SSI") Work Plan, which the MPCA subsequently approved. The SSI included the collection of three soil samples, advancement and collection of four soil gas samples outside the building, and the collection of an additional seven sub -slab soil vapor samples from within the building footprint. The soil samples collected during the SSI did not result in detections of contaminants above MPCA commercial/industrial soil standards. The Sub -slab soil vapor samples collected during the SSI identified Benzene, TCE, and PCE, at concentrations above the MCPA's commercial/industrial ISV, however concentrations did not exceed the MPCA's commercial/industrial 33x ISV action level. Additionally, the sub -slab soil vapor sampling conducted during the SSI, showed that sub -slab soil vapor impacts above the 33x ISV were limited to the eastern half of the large maintenance garage area. Roadrunner prepared RAP Addendum #1 proposing a partial -building sub -slab depressurization system ("SSDS") as remedy for environmental impacts at the Site and submitted the RAP Addendum to the MPCA on March 24, 2017. Post Mitigation confirmation samples were collected on June 30, 2017, with the SSDS operating. Confirmation sampling with the SSDS operating show that sub -slab TCE and PCE concentrations are 2.4 µg/m3and 56 µg/m3, respectively. Details of the SSDS installation, testing and sampling are provided in the RAP Implementation report submitted to the MPCA on July 11, 2017. 6. The Phase II ESA and SSI defined the extent and magnitude of soil vapor impacts to the sub -slab area presented on the figure attached as Exhibit 1. The post -mitigation confirmation sampling c-rem4-02 • 10126116 2 Doc Type: Institutional Controls resulted identified that TCE was present in the sub -slab at a concentration of 2.4 µg/m3and PCE was present at a concentration of 56 µg/m3. Several other VOCs were detected in sub -slab soil vapor; however none of these other VOCs are at levels above the MPCA's commercial/industrial intrusion screening values. 7. An Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring Manual ("OM&M Manual") was prepared to document the proper operation of the SSDS. Additionally, As -built drawings, record -keeping requirements and contact information for troubleshooting or system repairs are also presented. A copy of the OM&M Manual is included as Exhibit 2. 8. [Recite any other relevant history of the property, if any, such as whether a certificate of completion was issued.] None 9. Any person who is planning any use or activity which may adversely affect the protectiveness of the response action or which has the potential to disturb the response action equipment described above should contact the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to commencement of the planned activities. 10. The response actions at the property were approved by the MPCA based on the assumption that the property was to be used for commercial and industrial uses. If the property use is changed, the change could associate the property owner with the release or threatened release of hazardous substances and could result in a requirement for performance of further response actions at the property. City of Chan ssen By `J ignature) ,,Tb6dd Gerhardt d 6 e44ffd 4nt) Todd Gerhardt City Manager City of Chanhassen c-rem4-02 • 10126116 3 Doc Type: Institutional Controls ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF hIE-E� COUNTY OF arvrr On this � day of �-�-W 19 before me a notary public within and for said County and State, personally appeared~ I and to me personally known, who, being duly sworn by me on oath, did say that he/she/they is/are the person(s) who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she/they signed the same as free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. 1�r ature) KIM T. MEUWISSEN N Ott ry Pu lic, r County, Notary Public -Minnesota my Cortx^iesion Expires Jan 31, 2020 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Brian J. Hoese Nova Consulting Group, Inc. 1107 Hazeltine Blvd, Suite 400 Chaska, MN 55318 c-rem4-02 - 10/26/16 4 Doc Type: Institutional Controls LEGEND + Phase II Soil Vapor Point Location + SSI Soil Vapor Sampling Location Phase I I Geoprobe Soi I Boring Location O SSI Soil Sampling Location SV-5 SCALE: 1 Inch = Trench Drain ® Waste Oil AST Approximately 50 Feet ® Oil -Water Separator D N Area of Residual Soil • Floor Drain Vapors, and location ■ Parts Washer current W E of Vapor Mitigation New Oil AST System Installation S Site Features, Residual Impacts, and Vapor Mitigation Area Roadrunner Truck Repair 1591 Park Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 July 2017 Exhibit 1 OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING MANUAL - VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM ROADRUNNER TRUCK REPAIR 1591 PARK ROAD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 M PCA I D# S R0001434 PROJECT NO. W17-0380 JULY 11, 2017 PREPARED FOR: ROADRUNNER TRUCK REPAIR 1591 PARK ROAD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 PREPARED BY: NOVA CONSULTING GROUP, INC. 1107 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD, SUITE 400 CHASKA, MINNESOTA 55318 (952) 448-9393 Leaders in Environmental and Engineering Services NC�iiA CONSULTING 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Purpose...............................................................................................................................1 3.0 Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Protocols......................................................... 1 3.1 System Components and Operation..................................................................... 1 3.2 Second round of Confirmation Sampling.............................................................. 2 3.3 Inspection and Monitoring.................................................................................... 2 3.4 Troubleshooting...................................................................................................3 3.5 Contact Information.............................................................................................. 3 3.6 Records Management........................................................................................... 4 4.0 Health and Safety Considerations....................................................................................... 4 5.0 Revision Summary............................................................................................................... 4 APPENDICES A. As -Built System Drawings B. Inspection Form C. Product Information ROAD RUNNER TRUCK REPAIR NOVA PROJECT NO. W17-0380 PAGE 1 JULY 11, 2017 NaU/� CONSULTING 1.0 Introduction Nova Consulting Group, Inc. (Nova) has prepared this Operation Maintenance and Monitoring Manual to provide operational information and present the maintenance and monitoring requirements for the Vapor Mitigation System. The Roadrunner Truck Repair project located at 1591 Park Road in Chanhassen, Minnesota (the Site) is enrolled in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program (MPCA VIC Program). Through investigation activities conducted at the Site, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including tetrachloro ethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) were detected at concentrations above the MPCA's commercial/industrial intrusion screening values (ISVs) in the eastern half of the storage and maintenance portion of the main site building. As a result of these ISV exceedances, and as requirement of the MPCA approved Response Action Plan (RAP) for the Site, a vapor mitigation system (System) was constructed to address the potential for vapor intrusion into the impacted portion of the building. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of this document is to outline the operational components of the System, and to provide protocols for System monitoring, frequency of monitoring, and to provide detail on how to perform specific maintenance. 3.0 Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Protocols 3.1 System Components and Operation The System consists of six horizontal sub -slab vapor extraction pipes installed in three shallow trenches excavated below the concrete slab. The six horizontal extraction pipes are connected via several flow control manifolds to a single RadonAway HS2000 Radon mitigation fan. Organic vapors, if present, are collected by the System in the extraction trenches and are actively vented to the atmosphere through the system piping and the vacuum induced by the fan. Extracted air is discharged above the roof through the discharge stack. Flow to each of the six extraction pipes can be controlled by a gate valve installed on the south building wall, at the flow control manifold. Five vapor monitor points (VMPs) have been installed in the concrete floor to facilitate pressure field extension monitoring and sub -slab soil vapor samples. Following system startup, and subsequent diagnostic testing, the System was able to attain the MPCA-required vacuum level of -5.0 pascals (Pa) across the building mitigation area at a fan operating point of 70 cubic feet per minute (CFM) at an induced vacuum of 1.6 inches of water as measured by the summation of flow measurements at the flow control manifolds. The -5.0 Pa requirement was attained with all six gate valves in the fully open position. At this condition the vacuum levels at each VMP (See Appendix A, Sheet 02) was as follows: ROAD RUNNER TRUCK REPAIR NOVA PROJECT NO. W17-0380 PAGE 1 JULY 11, 2017 NOVA CONSULTING Vapor Monitoring Point Observed Pressure (Pa) VMP-1 -8.8 VMP-2 -22.0 VMP-3 -414 VMP-4 -62.2 VMP-5 -23.0 Record drawings of the System construction are provided in Appendix A, and provide details for the system construction. Operation and maintenance of the blower shall be completed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. 3.2 Second round of Confirmation Sampling In accordance with the MPCA-approved Response Action Plan, a second round of post - mitigation confirmation sampling samples should be collected to confirm ongoing system operation. The second round confirmation sampling should be completed in December 2017 or January 2018, approximately 6-months after System startup. Confirmation sampling shall include one 24-hour ambient air sample as well as one paired indoor air and sub -slab sample. The indoor air shall be collected for a duration of 24-hours, and be set near location VMP-3. Concurrent with the indoor air sample, a grab sub -slab sample shall be collected at VMP-3. The ambient air, indoor air and sub -slab soil vapor sample shall be submitted to an analytical laboratory and analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. In addition to the air sampling, a round of system performance monitoring shall be completed. The system performance monitoring includes collection of vacuum measurements and organic vapor concentrations with a PID at all five VMPs. Additionally the vacuum, flow rate, and organic vapor concentrations of each extraction pipe should be collected and recorded. The MPCA's Post - Mitigation Confirmation Sampling Checklist shall be completed to document the results of the second round. A summary letter report shall be submitted to the MPCA summarizing the results of the laboratory analysis, and pressure field extension testing. 3.3 Inspection and Monitoring On a regular basis, the system shall be inspected to ensure it is operating. This regular inspection includes observing the installed u-tube manometer to ensure that the fan is inducing vacuum. Additionally, the vapor monitoring points, vent riser piping, and discharge stack should be inspected for damage. Any cracked, warped, or missing components shall be replaced as soon as practical. Replacement components shall match existing components or be equivalent. The annual inspection, maintenance, and monitoring activities shall include documenting the weather conditions, inspecting and verifying the functionality of the fan, noting the vacuum indicated by the installed u-tube manometer, as well as measuring the velocity, temperature, and vacuum of each horizontal extraction pipe at the monitoring port, and collecting vacuum measurements at each vapor monitoring point. This inspection should be performed on an ROAD RUNNER TRUCK REPAIR NOVA PROJECT NO. W17-0380 PAGE 2 JULY 11, 2017 annual basis initially, and thereafter as practical. The annual inspection activities shall be documented on the Inspection Form included in Appendix B. The monitoring port installed in the solid PVC piping that extends above -grade is designed to be used with a hot wire anemometer to measure the temperature and velocity of the air stream, and with a Magnehelic differential pressure gauge or digital micromanometer to measure the vacuum inside the pipe. These devices or similar devices shall be used to measure the velocity, temperature and vacuum in the vent riser. Additionally, the Cox -Colvin Vapor pins can be accesses by using a special screwdriver to remove the tamper -resistant cover, for access to the barbed fitting below. A digital micromanometer capable of measuring down to 1 Pa shall be used to monitor vacuum conditions at each VMP. 3.4 Troubleshooting Vacuum levels below -5.0 Pa at the VMPs or less than 1.5" of water when read from the u-tube manometer are indications that the System may not be functioning properly. Following system measurements that indicate vacuum delinquency, the fan should be checked for proper operation, system valves should be checked to ensure they are open, and the system piping should be inspected for blockage. If the f an is not operating properly, it should be replaced or repaired. A replacement fan shall be procured that meets the specifications listed in Appendix C. If blockage is identified, it should be cleared. Follow-up monitoring for vacuum should commence once the system is repaired. If vacuum delinquency is only observed in one or more VMP, the system valves can be manipulated to redirect flow from one section of horizontal extraction piping to another. This process can be a trial and error process, so accurate documentation of valve position, and associated flow and vacuum levels in each horizontal extraction pipe should be noted during each valve adjustment. Valve adjustments should be made until a minimum -5.0 Pa is attained at each VMP. Following this re -balancing exercise, the valve position, flow rate, and vacuum level for each horizontal pipe should be documented, and filed for possible future reference. 3.5 Contact Information If the system is not operating as designed, or there are any questions on system operation, the designer or installation contractor may be contacted. Contact information is listed below: System Designer. Nova Consulting Group, Inc Contact: Brian J. Hoese, PE Address: 1107 Hazeltine Blvd., Suite 400 Chaska, MN 55318 Phone: 952-388-3161 Email: brian.hoese@novaconsulting.com Installation Contractor. Home Safety Solutions, Inc. Contact: Walt Donnay Address: 17092 Barium St. NW Andover MN 55304 Phone: 763-434-3263 Email: info@homesafetysolutionsinc.com ROAD RUNNER TRUCK REPAIR NOVA PROJECT NO. W17-0380 PAGE 3 JULY 11, 2017 3.6 Records Management As a requirement of the MPCA approved RAP for this site, on file with the MPCA VIC Program, and the recorded Affidavit of Real Property Contaminated with Hazardous Substances, the System must remain operational at all times. As such, this Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring Plan and completed copies of the Inspection Forms shall be maintained on -site in a clearly labeled location, or with the other building maintenance documents and records. 4.0 Health and Safety Considerations Due to the presence of VOCs in the soil vapor at the Site, the vapors in System piping have the potential to contain VOC vapors. If the system is functioning properly these compounds are not likely present at concentrations that pose a risk to the personnel conducting the inspection, maintenance, and monitoring activities described in this Operation, Maintenance & Monitoring Manual. Care should be taken to limit exposure to the vapors inside the vent riser pipe. 5.0 Revision Summary This OM&M Manual should be reviewed and updated as needed. This section includes a summary of amendments to this OM&M Plan. Version Author Description of Change Date Rev. 0 Brian Hoese Initial publication 07/11/17 ROAD RUNNER TRUCK REPAIR NOVA PROJECT NO. W17-0380 PAGE 4 JULY 11, 2017 NTERSTATE ROADRUNNER NC, SUB -SLAB VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM General Construction Notes A, Ganerai Notes L Mate no and workmanship shall conform to applicable federal, state and local lows and codes. All applicable permits shill be obtained for scope of work conducted by controctor. 2. These documents indicated general and typical details of construction. Where conditions are not specifically indicated but are of similar character to the details shown, similar construction shall be used. 3. Verify existing site conditions, dimensions one elevations with the drawings for other disciplinss prior to construction. Report any discrepancies identified. 4. Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of anywaste, demolition debris, or trash generated from this scope of work.. B. Concrete 1. Seal cracks, penetrations, and other protrusions in the existing concrete floor with an appropriate concrete sealant.. 2. Cut and remove concrete at locations and dimensions shown on the Drawings. Concrete cutting shall be be made by a concrete saw or other methods to create a clean cut. 3. Replacement concrete shall be 4,500 PSI concrete. #5 rebar dowels shall be doweled and epoxied into existing concrete. Dowels shall be spaced at 18—inches on center, staggered on each side of the Concrete trench. C, Above —Grade Piping 1, Vacuum piping shall be 4.0—inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC and pressure piping shall be 3.0—inch diameter schedule 40 PVC. 2, Space between pipe supports for PVC pipe runs shall not exceed 7.0 feet and shall be placed within 2.0 feet of pipe joints (couplers, elbows, etc.) 3. Pipe supports shall be fastened to the wall and pipe as required by plumbing code and shall not compress, distort or cut piping and shall allow movement due to temperature or building movement. 4. Where deviations from pipe layout in sheet 2 is required, every effort shall be mode to minimize elbows, tees, couplers and other restrictions. 5. Wall penetrations shall be cored through the wall with the appropriate diameter drill care. Wall penetrations shall be properly sealed to prevent moisture, rain, and air movement. 6. The ahove grade pipe shall be protected through installationofa steel pipe guard from 12—inches to 40—inches above floor slab. D. Below —Grade P'o'na 1, Below —grade perforated piping shall be slotted (perforated) 4.0—inch diameter HDPE ADS N-12 ST Pipe per ASTM F2648 with a geotextile sock or approved alternate.. . 2. Below —grade solid piping shall be solid 4,0—inch diameter HDPE N- 12 WT Pipe and shall be non —perforated. 3. The below —grade perforated piping sections shall be placed at a depth of 4—inches below the bottom of the concrete slab, and placed in a pea —grovel bed. 4. Where only below —grade solid oiping is placed, the trench shall be bockfilled with excavated material. E. Vapor Mitigation System For, 1. The Vapor Mitigation System fan shall be a Radonaway HS2000 radon mitigation fan or approved equal, Contractor may review diagnostic testing data for alternate fan selection. F. Manometer 1. A manometer shall be permonently installed on the above —grade piping above the manifold as shown on the drawings. G. Air Emission Stack 1. Stack shall be terminated a minimum of 2.0 feet above the roof elevation and be directed "upwards° without rain capping or other deflector. The discharge point shall be a mirirnum of 15—feet from any building openings, roof —top ventilation units or other fresh air intakes. H. Electrical 11 Electrical work will be completed by others. 2. Dedicated circuits from existing electrical service of appropriate amperage for listed fans shall be installed by others. 3. Electrical contractor shall obtain all required permits, arrange all required inspections and pay applicable Fees. Shop Office Area Ift. 10ftVMStorage and Maintenance 22.5 ft 26.5 fE 11.5 ftI Ff:FN0�... ... ... ... .. ... .•..... ,, .... y .. bull B g Portionafthe din bOn mitigated 15 ft • oil -water Sap arato, VM11Pd • Floor ..in 6 VMP4 !I a/,v _ I' Igw•K :At Scale ai -c Flow Control fA'I U-Tube Manometer "'line fan and Discharge Stack on Exterior of Building "" Sub -grade UtiiitV Piping InternalFrost- Y � ® Depth Foundation Sub -Slab Perforated 4-Inch ADS N-12 Vapor Utractlon Piping a_ Sub -Slab Solid 4-inch ADS N-12 Piping P ® Above Grade Solid Schedule 40 PVC Piping Vapor Monitoring Point 10ft ED Trench Backfilled with Gravel Flow Control ® Trench Backfllied with Native Soil Manifold 4" PIPE CONNECTS EACH MANIFOLD TOGETHER, THEN CONNECTS TO ONE DISCHARGE STACK AT LEAST 24—INCHES ABOVE ROOF 4" PVC 91 GATE VALVE (TYP. OF WALL Add Pipe Protection from 12" to 40 MOUNTED SLOWER 45" MIN, Ll PROVIDE ELECTRICAL �SAMPUNG PORT CONNECTION FILTER PER CODE SOCK PERF. PVC PIPE BUILDING WALL SUB-SLABO PERFORATED PIPE SECTION (3) BUILDING DISCHARGE NOTTO SCALE ff) V�&ANIFQLD INSPECTION FORM Vapor Mitigation System 1591 Park Road Chanhassen, Minnesota Date of Inspection: Time: INDIVIDUALS PRESENT FOR INSPECTION: Print Name: Company/Agency: Signature: SYSTEM INSPECTION Outdoor Temperature: Outdoor Wind Speed and Direction: U-Tube Manometer Read System Piping and Valve Condition: Fan Conditions: VMP Condition Notes: Other Notes/Observatio SYSTEM MONITORING MEASUREMENTS Location Time Vacuum (in. H2O, or Pascals Temperature CF) Velocity (ft/min) 1-N 1-S 2-N 2-S 3-S 3-N VMP-1 VMP-2 VMP-3 VMP-4 VMP-5 Note: If Vacuum is D. corrective actions should be taken immediately to identify and correct the problem. For assistance call Brian Hoese of Nova at 952-388-3161. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FOR VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM 1591 Park Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 There are several components to the existing vapor mitigation system which include the following: A Radonaway HS2000 vapor mitigation fan was installed to induce soil gas depressurization at the vapor extraction ports to capture and control the subsurface vapors. Fan was installed on the exterior of the building. Gate valves act like a damper and control the amount of air flow going through the vertical risers. The valve is open when pulled out and closed when pushed all the way in. On one of the suction point vertical risers is a U-tube manometer with a colored liquid. It measures vacuum pressure allowing the property owner to know at a glance if the vapor mitigation system is operating or not. Your original reading will be on the sticker adjacent to the U-tube as well as the date of install and fan size. If the U-tube is at 0 (zero): A. Verify that the '/4" tube is connected from the U-tube to the hole in the PVC pipe B. Verify that the electrical outlet that the fan is plugged into is working These components need to be repaired or replaced if noted as being damaged or malfunctioning. The primary means of determining if the system is operating normally is to observe a normal operating sound from the fan and that the U-tube manometer is not reading zero. RadonAwa � The World's Leading y Radon Fan Manufacturer /— HS Series Installation & Operating Instructions RadonAway 3 Saber Way I Ward Hill, MA 01835 www.radonaway.com P/N IN007-REV K 10/15 [R:adonAway. RadonAway Ward Hill, MA. HS Series Fan Installation & Operating Instructions Please Read and Save These Instructions. DO NOT CONNECT POWER SUPPLY UNTIL FAN IS COMPLETELY INSTALLED. MAKE SURE ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO FAN IS LOCKED IN "OFF" POSITION. DISCONNECT POWER BEFORE SERVICING FAN. 1. WARNING! Do not use fan in hazardous environments where fan electrical system could provide ignition to combustible or flammable materials. 2. WARNING! Do not use fan to pump explosive or corrosive gases. See Vapor Intrusion Application Note #AN001 for important information on VI applications. RadonAway.comLy uor-intrusion 3. WARNING! Check voltage at the fan to insure it corresponds with nameplate. 4. WARNING! Normal operation of this device may affect the combustion airflow needed for safe operation of fuel burning equipment. Check for possible backdraft conditions on all combustion devices after installation. 5. NOTICE! There are no user serviceable parts located inside the fan unit. Do NOT attempt to open. Return unit to the factory for service. 6. All wiring must be performed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA)"National Electrical Code, Standard #70"-current edition for all commercial and industrial work, and state and local building codes. All wiring must be performed by a qualified and licensed electrician. 7. WARNING! In the event that the fan is immersed in water, return unit to factory for service before operating. 8. WARNING! Do not twist or torque fan inlet or outlet piping as Leakage may result. 9. WARNING! Do not leave fan unit installed on system piping without electrical power for more than 48 hours. Fan failure could result from this non -operational storage. 10. WARNING! TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, ELECTRIC SHOCK, OR INJURY TO PERSONS, OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING: a) Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. If you have questions, contact the manufacturer. b) Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power from being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. Page 2 of 8 IN007 Rev K RadonAway INSTALLATION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (Rev K) for High Suction Series HS2000 p/n 23004-1 HS3000 p/n 23004-2 HS5000 p/n 23004-3 1.0 SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1.1 INTRODUCTION The HS Series Fan is intended for use by trained, certified/licensed, professional Radon mitigators. The purpose of this instruction is to provide additional guidance for the most effective use of the HS Series Fan. This instruction should be considered as a supplement to EPA/Radon Industry standard practices, state and local building codes and state regulations. In the event of a conflict, those codes, practices and regulations take precedence over this instruction. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTALS The HS Series Fan is designed to perform year-round in all but the harshest climates without additional concern for temperature or weather. For installations in an area of severe cold weather, please contact RadonAway for assistance. When not in operation, the HS Series Fan should be stored in an area where the temperature is never less than 32 degrees F. or more than 100 degrees F. The HS Series Fan is thermally protected such that it will shut off when the internal temperature is above 104 degrees F. Thus if the HS Series Fan is idle in an area where the ambient temperature exceeds this shut off, it will not restart until the internal temperature falls below 104 degrees F. 1.3 ACOUSTICS The HS Series Fan, when installed properly, operates with little or no noticeable noise to the building occupants. There are, however, some considerations to be taken into account in the system design and installation. When installing the HS Series Fan above sleeping areas, select a location for mounting which is as far away as possible from those areas. Avoid mounting near doors, fold -down stairs or other uninsulated structures which may transmit sound. Insure a solid mounting for the HS Series Fan to avoid structure -borne vibration or noise. The velocity of the outgoing air must also be considered in the overall system design. With small diameter piping, the "rushing" sound of the outlet air can be disturbing. The system design should incorporate a means to slow and quiet the outlet air. The use of the RadonAway Exhaust Muffler, p/n 24002, is strongly recommended. Page 3 of 8 IN007 Rev K 1.4 GROUNDWATER Under no circumstances should water be allowed to be drawn into the inlet of the HS Series Fan as this may result in damage to the unit. The HS Series Fan should be mounted at least 5 feet above the slab penetration to minimize the risk of filling the HS Series Fan with water in installations with occasional high water tables. In the event that a temporary high water table results in water at or above slab level, water will be drawn into the riser pipes thus blocking air flow to the HS Series Fan. The lack of cooling air will result in the HS Series Fan cycling on and off as the internal temperature rises above the thermal cutoff and falls upon shutoff. Should this condition arise, it is recommended that the HS Series Fan be disconnected until the water recedes allowing for return to normal operation. 1.5 CONDENSATION & DRAINAGE (WARNING!: Failure to provide adequate drainage for condensation can result in system failure and damage the HS Series Fan). Condensation is formed in the piping of a mitigation system when the air in the piping is chilled below its dew point. This can occur at points where the system piping goes through unheated space such as an attic, garage or outside. The system design must provide a means for water to drain back to a slab hole to remove the condensation. The use of small diameter piping in a system increases the speed at which the air moves. The speed of the air can pull water uphill and at sufficient velocity it can actually move water vertically up the side walls of the pipe. This has the potential of creating a problem in the negative pressure (inlet) side piping. For HS Series Fan inlet piping, the following table provides the minimum recommended pipe diameters as well as minimum pitch under several system conditions. Use this chart to size piping for a system. Pipe Diam. Minimum Rise per Foot of Run* @ 25 CFM @ 50 CFM @ 100 CFM 4" 1/32 " 3/32 " 3/8 " 3" 1/8 " 3/8 " 11/2 " *Typical operational flow rates: HS3000, or HS5000 20 - 40 CFM HS2000 50 - 90 CFM All exhaust piping should be 2" PVC. Run Rise Page 4 of 8 IN007 Rev K 1.6 SYSTEM MONITOR AND LABEL A properly designed system should incorporate a "System On" Indicator for affirmation of system operation. A Magnehelic pressure gauge is recommended for this purpose. The indicator should be mounted at least 5 feet above the slab penetration to minimize the risk of filling the gauge with water in installations with occasional high water tables. A System Label (P/N 15022) with instructions for contacting the installing contractor for service and also identifying the necessity for regular radon tests to be conducted by the building occupants, must be conspicuously placed where the occupants frequent and can see the label. 1.7 SLAB COVERAGE The HS Series Fan can provide coverage of well over 1000 sq. ft. per slab penetration. This will, of course, depend on the sub -slab aggregate in any particular installation and the diagnostic results. In general, sand and gravel are much looser aggregates than dirt and clay. Additional suction points can be added as required. It is recommended that a small pit (2 to 10 gallons in size) be created below the slab at each suction hole. 1.8 ELECTRICAL WIRING The HS Series Fan plugs into a standard 120V outlet. All wiring must be performed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Associations (NFPA)"National Electrical Code, Standard #70"-current edition for all commercial and industrial work, and state and local building codes. All wiring must be performed by a qualified and licensed electrician. Outdoor installations require the use of a U.L. listed watertight conduit. Ensure that all exterior electrical boxes are outdoor rated and properly caulked to prevent water penetration into the box. A means, such as a weep hole, is recommended to drain the box. 1.8a ELECTRICAL BOX (optional) The optional Electrical Box (p/n 20003) provides a weather tight box with switch for outdoor hardwire connection. All wiring must be performed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA)"National Electrical Code, Standard #70 -current edition for all commercial and industrial work, and state and local building codes. All wiring must be performed by a qualified and licensed electrician. Outdoor installations require the use of a U.L. listed watertight conduit. Ensure that all exterior electrical boxes are outdoor rated and properly caulked to prevent water penetration into the box. A means, such as a weep hole, is recommended to drain the box. 1.9 SPEED CONTROLS Electronic speed controls can NOT be used on HS Series units. Page 5 of 8 IN007 Rev K OUTLET (2" ) 0 0 MOUNT THIS 0j + END UP U. INLET (3" ) WARRANTY SEAL DO NOT OPEN!!!! CONDENSATE BYPASS 2.0 INSTALLATION 2.1 MOUNTING Mount the HS Series Fan to the wall studs, or similar structure, in the selected location with (4)1/4" x 1 1/2" lag screws (not provided). Insure the HS Series Fan is both plumb and level. 2.2 DUCTING CONNECTIONS Make final ducting connection to HS Series Fan with flexible couplings. Insure all connections are tight. Do not twist or torque inlet and outlet piping on HS Series Fan or leaks may result. 2.3 VENT MUFFLER INSTALLATION Install the muffler assembly in the selected location in the outlet ducting. Solvent weld all connections. The muffler is normally installed above the roofline at the end of the vent pipe. 2.5 OPERATION CHECKS & ANNUAL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Make final operation checks by verifying all connections are tight and leak -free. Insure the HS Series Fan and all ducting is secure and vibration -free. Verify system vacuum pressure with Magnehelic. Insure vacuum pressure is within normal operating range and less than the maximum recommended as shown below: HS2000 14" WC HS3000 21" WC HS5000 40" WC (Above are based on sea -level operation, at higher altitudes reduce above by about 4% per 1000 Feet.) If these are exceeded, increase number of suction points. Verify Radon levels by testing to EPA protocol. Page 6 of 8 IN007 Rev K Addendum PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Model Maximum Static Suction Typical CFM vs Static Suction WC Recommended Operating Range) Power" Watts 115 VAC 0" 10" 15" 20" 25-' 35" H82000 18" 110 72 40 - - 150-270 HS3000 27" 40 33 30 23 18 - 105-195 H85000 1 50" 53 47 42 38 34 24 180-320 *Power consumption varies with actual load conditions Inlet: 3.0" PVC Outlet: 2.0" PVC Mounting: Brackets for vertical mount Weight: Approximately 18 lbs. Size: Approximately 15"W x 13"H x 8"D Minimum recommended inlet ducting (greater diameter may always be used): HS3000, HS5000 --- 2.0" PVC Pipe HS2000 --- Main feeder line of 3.0" or greater PVC Pipe Branch lines (if 3 or more) may be 2.0" PVC Pipe Outlet ducting: 2.0" PVC Storage temperature range: 32 -100 degrees F. Thermally protected Locked rotor protection Internal Condensate Bypass Page 7 of 8 IN007 Rev K ', IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO INSTALLER Inspect the HS Series Fan for shipping damage within 15 days of receipt. Notify RadonAway® of any damages immediately. RadonAway® is not responsible for damages incurred during shipping. However, for your benefit, RadonAway® does insure shipments. There are no user serviceable parts inside the fan. Do not attempt to open. Return unit to factory for service. Install the HS Series Fan in accordance with all EPA standard practices, and state and local building codes and state regulations. Provide a copy of this instruction or comparable radon system and testing information to the building occupants after completing system installation. WARRANTY RadonAway® warrants that the HS Series Fan (the "Fan") will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase (the "Warranty Term"). RadonAway® will replace any Fan which fails due to defects in materials or workmanship during the Warranty Term. The Fan must be returned (at Owner's cost) to the RadonAway®factory. Any Fan returned to the factory will be discarded unless the Owner provides specific instructions along with the Fan when it is returned regardless of whether or not the Fan is actually replaced under this warranty. Proof of purchase must be supplied upon request for service under this Warranty. This Warranty is contingent on installation of the Fan in accordance with the instructions provided. This Warranty does not apply where any repairs or alterations have been made or attempted by others, or if the unit has been abused or misused. Warranty does not cover damage in shipment unless the damage is due to the negligence of RadonAway®. 1 YEAR EXTENDED WARRANTY WITH PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION. RadonAway® will extend the Warranty Term of the fan to one (1) year from date of purchase or fifteen (15) months from the date of manufacture, whichever is sooner, if the Fan is installed in a professionally designed and professionally installed active soil depressurization system or installed as a replacement fan in a professionally designed and professionally installed active soil depressurization system by a qualified installer. Proof of purchase and/or proof of professional installation may be required for service under this warranty. Outside the Continental United States and Canada the extended Warranty Term is limited to one (1) year from the date of manufacture. RadonAway® is not responsible for installation, removal or delivery costs associated with this Warranty. LIMITATION OF WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE, THE HS SERIES FANS ARE PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL RADONAWAY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF, OR RELATING TO, THE FAN OR THE PERFORMANCE THEREOF. RADONAWAY'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY HEREUNDER SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SAID PRODUCT. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT, TO THE EXTENT THE SAME DOES NOT MEET WITH RADONAWAY'S WARRANTY AS PROVIDEDABOVE. For service under this Warranty, contact RadonAway for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number and shipping Information. No returns can be accepted without an RMA. If factory return is required, the customer assumes all shipping costs, including Insurance, to and from factory. RadonAway® 3 Saber Way Ward Hill, MA 01835 USA TEL (978) 521-3703 FAX (978) 521-3964 Email to: Retums@RadonAway.com Record the following information foryour records: Serial No. Purchase Date Page 8 of 8 IN007 Rev K