L1 B1 Chanhassen Market Street Addition-Park Dedication [WW Cmts 07-12-2024] 1 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this _____ day of _______________, 2024, by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and Roers Chanhassen Bennett Apartments Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the "Property Owner"). RECITALS A. Property Owner is the fee owner of certain property in the City of Chanhassen Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Chanhassen Market Street Addition. (the "Subject Property") Street address and parcel number to be assigned at a later date. B. Property Owner has requested that the City specially assess park dedication fees of $702,601.34 against the Subject Property. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. The City hereby assesses the cost of park dedication fees totaling $702,601.34 against the Subject Property. The assessment shall be spread over two (2) years, together with six and one half percent (6.50%) interest per year on the unpaid balance. Interest shall accrue from the date of the approval of this Agreement by the City Council. The first installment shall be due and payable with taxes in 2025. The Property Owner waives any and all procedural and substantive objections to the special assessment, including but not limited to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment exceeds the benefit to the Subject Property. The Property Owner waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 429.081. If the special assessment is not timely paid or is set aside for any reason, then, instead of paying the special assessment, the Property Owner shall pay the City on demand an amount equivalent to the unpaid special assessment together with any legal fees the City may incur. 2. BINDING EFFECT; RECORDING. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Property Owner and the Property Owner's successors, heirs and assigns. This Agreement may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. 2 [Remainder of page intentionally left blank; signatures begin on subsequent page.] 3 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: _______________________________ Elise Ryan, Mayor (SEAL) AND ______________________________ Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of _______________, 2024, by Elise Ryan and by Laurie Hokkanen, respectively the Mayor and City Manager of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. __________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC 4 PROPERTY OWNER: Roers Chanhassen Bennett Apartments Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: ___________________________________ Tom Cronin, Authorized Signatory STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ______________, 2024, by Tom Cronin, the Authorized Signatory of Roers Chanhassen Bennett Apartments Owner LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the company, the Property Owner. __________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (612) 452-5000 RNK 29362991v2