Approval Letter Oak Creek Wholesale NurseryCITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSII'I Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow March21,2023 Mr. Tim Erhart 961 I Meadowlark Lane Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Planning Case #2023-04 - Oak Creek Wholesale Nursery Dear Mr. Erhart, This letter is to confirm that on March 20, 2023, the Chanhassen City Council approved the Interim Use Permit for the operation ofa wholesale nursery for ten (10) years (until March 19, 2033) or development of the site, whichever comes first, subject to the following conditions: l. The applicant shall operate the nursery tree growing operation as shown in the Oak Creek Nursery Map dated l2ll9/2022. 2. The applicant shall annually renew their nursery stock grower certification and provide the city a copy of their nursery stock grower certificate. 3. Hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday - Friday; 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday; and no Sunday operation. 4. The applicant shall provide the city construction plans for the proposed accesses to the site for review and approval by the city prior to the commencement of wholesale nursery operations. 5. Any vehicle tracking onto public rights-of-way from the site shall be the responsibility of the property owner to remove and clean immediately after the occurrence, or no later than the same day ofthe occurrence. Ifthe city is required to remove and clean tracking at any point from the site, the property owner shall reimburse the city for any expense incurred to remediate the issue. 6. All disturbed areas shall be restored at the time of removal of the tree stock to prevent site erosion. The applicant shall prepare a detail or plan on how the tree holes will be restored for city review and approval. The plan may include the following: filling the pH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 77OO MARKEI BOULEVARD.PO BOX ]4T.CHANHASSEN . MINNESOTA 553i7 hole with common excavation; adding 6 inches oftopsoil; adding a specific seed mix or replanting with trees; adding erosion control blankets or other ground stabilizer; and watering and maintaining as needed. 7. No grading or planting is allowed within the first 20 feet of the BluffCreek Primary Corridor, nor within any wetlands or wetland buffer areas. 8. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agency must be obtained including but not limited to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Minnesota Department of Health, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Riley Purgatory BluffCreek Watershed District, and Carver County. Please note that you must provide the City Engineering Department construction plans for the proposed accesses to the site for review and approval. Additionally, prepare a detail or plan on how the tree holes will be restored for city review and approval. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at bsenerous@chanhas senmn.qov or (952) 227-1131 Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Encl. Sam DiMaggio, Economic Developmenl Manager Erik Henricksen, Project Engineer Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Manuel Jordan, Environmental Specialist Eric Maass. Planning Direclor MacKenzie Young-Walters, Associate Planner ec Sincerely, -'44{ CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPTN COUNTIES I ^, 3. IT{TERIM USE PERJ}IIT #2023{t3 @[subjccttothetermsardconditionsserfor$hereirutheCityofChanhassertG6-y gaot an interim use for a wholesale nursery for ten (10) years or development of the sirc. whichever comes first. ProDcrty.ThepermitisforthefollowingdescriHproperty("subjectproperty'.)in ttrc City of Cm*tassen, Cawet County. Minnesota: Outlors D, E, F. G and H, Erhart Farm, Carver County' Minnesou' and Lot I, Block l, Buucmut Ridge Additioq Carver County, Minnesou Conditbn The permit is issued subject lo the following conditions: a The applicanr shall operate thc nursery tree growing operation as shown in the Oak Creek NurserY MaP dded lYl9D022' b. The applicanr shall annually rcnew their nr'nsery stock grower certification ard p-uiai *r" CtV a copy of tlreir nursery sock gro*er certificare' c. Hours of operation shall be from 7:00 a'm' to 7:00 p'm' Monday - Friday: 9:00 am' - 6:00 p.m. Saturday; and no Srmday operation' d. The aplicant slrall provide tlre ciry consmrctio.n plals for the proposed accesses to . rlrcsiteforreviewandapprovalb,ytheCitypriortothecommerrcernentof*trolesale nursery operations. e. Any vehicle tracking onto public righs-of'*ay from.rtre site shall be the-' ,6*iu irv of the-p'ropetty o*r*i to t*rnou" ard clean immediately after the Ld*"., o, no t"ti tit- -tt e s"m" day of the occurrcnce' If the ciq is required to remove and clean tracking at any point from the site' tlre pmperty o*ner shall rcimburse the city for anyexpense incurrcd to remediate the issue' I All disturbed areas shall be restored at lhe dme of rernoval ofthe tree *ock to prcvent site erosion. The applicant shall prepare a detail or plan on how the tree iroles *'ill be resored for Cig review and approval. The plan may irrclude the following: filling the hole *ith common excavation: adding 6 inches of topoil: adding a-specific seed mix or replanting with ueesl adding erosion conaol blankes or other ground sabilizer: and *atering and maintaining as needed. No grading or planting is allowed within the firs 20 feet of fte Blufr Creek Primary Conidor. nor uithin an) \ etlands or \'\'etland buffer areas. Permirs from the appropriate regulatory agency mu$ be obtained inchding but not limited to the Minnesou Deparunenl of Agriculrure, Minnesota Departnent of Health, Minnesola Pollution Control Agenc;-. Riley Purgatorl Bluff Creek Watershed District and Carver Counry-. Teroiution of Pemit The Cig' may revoke the permit following a public trearing for riolation of the terms of this permit. !pgg. If uithin one year of the issuance of this permil the authorized consmrcdon as not been substantialll' completed or the use commenced. this permit shall lapse. unless an exlension is gmnted in accordance *ith the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 5. Criminrl Pendn'. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. h 3. .1. Dated: March 20,202i STATE OF MINNESOTA COTJNTY OF CARVER its City Council. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 553 l7 (9s2)227-fi00 CIT}'OF CHANHASSEN Elise Ryan. Mayor Laurie Hokkanen. Citv Manager B!: B1 ss ) ( ) The foregoing insilrument *as acknowledged befo* r. miQ$hy of March. 2023. by Elise Ryan, Mayor, and Laurie Hokkanen, Cig' Manager, of tre City of Chanhassen. a Minnesora municipal corporation. on behalf of the corporalion and pursuanr to autlroriry* gnnted b,v KIM.t. No€ry Ex9ai 31. 206 J