2024-69 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: November 13, 2024 RESOLUTION NO: 2024-69 MOTION BY: McDonald SECONDED BY: von Oven A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE ELECTION RESULTS OF THE NOVEMBER 5, 2024 GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, the municipal election was duly held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 for the election of two council members for terms ending on the first business day of January, 2029; and the LOST Referendum question WHEREAS, the City Council of Chanhassen has this date duly met as the City Canvassing Board to declare the results of the election returns made by the election judges as true and correct. Said results are listed on the attached Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council, sitting as the City Canvassing Board, hereby declares the results of the 2024 municipal election as follows: 1. For the position of Council Member – Josh Kimber 2. For the position of Council Member – Haley Pemrick Schubert 3. Approval of the LOST Referendum Question PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council sitting as the City Canvassing Board this 13th day of November, 2024. ATTEST: Jenny Potter, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT Ryan von Oven Kimber Schubert McDonald Docusign Envelope ID: 4FD52ADD-70AA-4A4D-BEDF-237A322E0EA8 EXHIBlT A GITY OF CHANHASSEN 2024 GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS NOVEMBER 5,2024 LOST REFERENDUM QUESTION Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Total Percent of Votes YES 1,408 1,159 't ,756 1,436 1.642 1,627 9,028 44.25% NO 1,'t68 1,233 1,256 1,352 1 ,136 1,144 7,289 35.720/o UNDERVOTE 130 156 160 137 139 't45 867 4.25o/o Totals 2,706 2,548 3,172 2,925 2,917 2,916 17,184 84.220/o The swears to the ofa to the best of their ability and will diligently endeavor to prevent fraud, deceit, and abuse in conducting this canvass. They will perform their duties in a fair and impartial manner and not attempt to create an advantage for their pa(y or their candidate. The Canvass Board hereby declares the results of the 2024 municipal election as follows: LOST REFERENDUM OUESTION Approved City Council Member City Council Member Josh Kimber Haley Pemrick Schubert Signed this 13th day of November, 2024 Haley J Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Total Total Votes Counted 2,706 2,548 3,172 2,925 2,9',17 2,916 17,184 Total Reqistered at 7:00a.m.2,968 2,802 3,511 3,310 3,243 3.237 19,071 Reqislered Election Day 88 110 188 205 146 '151 888 Total Reqistered 3.056 2,912 3.699 3.515 3.389 3,388 19,951 Percent of Reqistered Voters 88.s5%87.50%85.75'/o 83.21'/o 86.07%86.07%86.10% Council Member City of Chanhassen Precinct 1 Precinct 2 Precinct 3 Precinct 4 Precinct 5 Precinct 6 Total Percent of Votes Josh Kimber 't.097 993 1,233 1.056 1.141 1,141 6,661 32.650/o Halev Pemrick Schubert 96'1 883 1,156 't,004 1,089 1,087 6,180 30.29o/o Nora Nashawaty 896 634 945 91:810 678 4.876 23.90% Andrew E Soudbash 347 443 442 495 394 414 2,535 12.42o/o 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% I 0.00% Write-ins 40 30 't4 31 12 25 152 0.74o/o Totals 3,341 2,983 3,790 3,499 3,U6 3,345 20,404 100.00o/o Mark von Oven Elise Ryan ber Docusign Envelope ID: 4FD52ADD-70AA-4A4D-BEDF-237A322E0EA8