08-26-2024 City Council Regular Meeting MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL
AUGUST 26, 2024
Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilmember McDonald,
Councilmember von Oven, and Councilmember Kimber.
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Schubert.
STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager;
Eric Maass, Community Development Director; Charlie Howley, Public Works Director/City
Engineer; George Bender, Assistant City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Parks and Recreation
Director; Patrick Gavin, Communications Manager; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director; Samantha
DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; Andrew Heger, Fire Chief; Rick Rice, IT
Manager; and Jenny Potter, City Clerk.
Brandon Price, 781 Millcreek Lane
Mayor Ryan requested to remove item H2, Resolution 2024-XX; Declaration of intent to provide
municipal water and sewer service to 7050 Kings Road, from the agenda because of
conversations between the City of Victoria, the County, and the Arboretum. She stated that there
were 27 acres north of Lake Tamarack that the Arboretum was interested in preserving. She
stated it would be beneficial for the City staff to understand the agreement on all the parcels of
land before making this decision because of road access.
Mayor Ryan moved, Councilmember McDonald seconded to proceed with a modified
agenda which removed item H2, Resolution 2024-XX; Declaration of intent to provide
municipal water and sewer service to 7050 Kings Road. All voted in favor, and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McDonald moved, Councilmember Kimber
seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items 1 through 8
pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations:
1. Approve City Council Work Session Minutes dated August 12, 2024
City Council Minutes – August 26, 2024
2. Approve City Council Minutes dated August 12, 2024
3. Approve Claims Paid dated August 26, 2024
4. Approve Application for Exempt Gambling Permit for SouthWest Metro Chamber of
Commerce Foundation
5. Approve Application for Exempt Gambling Permit for Reach for Resources
6. Public Safety Radio Encryption Upgrades
7. Approve Release of Prior Site Plan Permits, 570 Market Street
8. Resolution 2024-57: Call for Public Improvement Hearing to Order the proposed Sanitary
Sewer Lift Station No. 33 Project
All voted in favor, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Brandon Price, 781 Millcreek Lane, voiced appreciation for the City taking additional time to
consider Resolution 2024-XX; Declaration of Intent to provide municipal water and sewer
service to 7050 Kings Road. He stated that Kings Road was in poor condition and it would not
benefit Chanhassen to agree to this deal unless additional deals were being made behind closed
Mayor Ryan clarified that no deals were being decided behind closed doors.
1. Approve On-Sale Beer & Wine Liquor License for Artistic Timber LLC, DBA Board &
Brush Creative Studio located at 7882 Market Boulevard
Jenny Potter, City Clerk, prepared a summary of the request for an on-sale beer and wine liquor
license, a business being purchased by Ashley Gauthier.
Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. There were no public comments.
Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing.
Councilmember von Oven moved, Councilmember Kimber seconded that the City Council
approve an On-Sale Beer & Wine Liquor License for Artistic Timber LLC, DBA Board &
City Council Minutes – August 26, 2024
Brush Creative Studio located at 7882 Market Boulevard. All voted in favor, and the
motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
1. Resolution 2024-XX; Approve an intersection control measure or an improved
pedestrian crossing on Minnewashta Parkway at Kings Road
Charles Howley, Public Works Director, summarized the issue of the public demand for
pedestrian crossing improvement at the intersection of Minnewashta Parkway and Kings Road.
He provided background information for different treatment options for the Minnewashta
Parkway and Kings Road intersection and displayed graphics to display these treatment options.
He reviewed the two different suggested actions.
Councilmember von Oven asked if there was the addition of the stop signs, would the existing
bollard be removed or would it stay.
Mr. Howley responded that the baseline condition would be to remove the bollard and rely on
the stop sign.
Councilmember Kimber asked whether the bollard would be removed if they did the Rectangular
Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB).
Mr. Howley answered that he would recommend striping and bollards if they do the RRFB since
it would elevate safety. This would not be necessary but would be recommended.
Mayor Ryan asked if they could do the striping and the stop sign.
Mr. Howley responded that he would have to think about this question, but it could be possible.
Mayor Ryan suggested that when there are stripes on the road and the roadway narrows, it tends
to slow people down. She asked if this would help.
Mr. Howley answered that anything that looked narrower would slow people down.
Councilmember McDonald asked about the results of looking at if a stop sign would be
Mr. Howley responded that a study completed looked at the warrants of the intersection, and
they were not met. The City received feedback requesting that the traffic study be completed in
the summer when there is additional traffic. The traffic volume decreased in the summer.
City Council Minutes – August 26, 2024
Councilmember McDonald requested to follow up on the stop sign at Galpin Road and how that
worked out. He explained how this could be an example of why not to put up a stop sign when it
was unwarranted.
Mr. Howley reviewed the history of the two stop signs on Galpin Road.
Councilmember McDonald asked if there were any other unwarranted stop signs.
Mr. Howley responded that there had been no additional signs constructed in warranted and
unwarranted areas recently.
Councilmember Kimber asked if the RRFB flasher could be in place before the winter.
Mr. Howley answered that there is a chance this could occur, but RRFB flashers have a longer
wait time.
Mayor Ryan clarified that warrants are used for decision-making.
Mr. Howley commented that decision-making could be based on industry standards and practice.
Mayor Ryan stated that some initial stop signs and lights were not warranted but were
constructed throughout the years. She asked if Galpin Road would have a roundabout.
Mr. Howley responded that there were roundabouts on the Galpin project.
Mayor Ryan provided examples of previous unwarranted projects that were successful. She
commented that there are other factors to consider about projects in addition to engineering
Councilmember McDonald stated that the example Mayor Ryan mentioned was a different
situation. He stated that people will roll through a stop sign since there is no impact. He said
lights provide great success because they provide safe pedestrian crossings. He commented that a
stop sign alone does not address the problem. He said the problem at hand was getting
individuals to cross the road safely. He voiced support for flashing lights at the intersection.
Councilmember Kimber said Boy Scouts used to provide flags for pedestrian crossing. He voiced
support for flashing lights at the intersection because of the jogs in the road and the view of the
lake. He commented that individuals may not see the stop sign, but that the RRFB would draw
the drivers’ attention to stop for pedestrian crossing. He said that the roundabout would be the
safest option and the RRFB would be the second-safest option for pedestrian crossing.
Councilmember von Oven said the arguments are that an RRFB would encourage people to stop
more than a stop sign. He stated this argument was false in his opinion. He commented that
City Council Minutes – August 26, 2024
individuals do not need to stop for an RRFB unless there is a pedestrian on the road. He provided
an example of stop signs in Eden Prairie that encouraged him to take an alternative route. He
suggested putting a stop sign in this location.
Councilmember Kimber responded that in other locations with RRFB, vehicles stop for
pedestrians to cross safely.
Councilmember von Oven stated that RRFB does not provide an adequate crossing for families
to cross the road.
Councilmember McDonald commented that the RRFB works well on Highway 101. Highway
101 has a faster speed limit, and individuals stop at RRFBs to allow for pedestrian crossing.
Councilmember von Oven responded that a flashing light did not seem stronger than a stop sign.
He commented that drivers are legally bound to stop at a stop sign.
Councilmember McDonald moved, Councilmember Kimber seconded that the Chanhassen
City Council adopt a resolution that authorizes the implementation of a pedestrian crossing
improvement on Minnewashta Parkway at the Kings Road Intersection, specifically the
RRFB and the painting of the road. The motion failed with a vote of 2 to 2. Councilmember
von Oven and Mayor Ryan voted nay.
Councilmember von Oven moved, Mayor Ryan seconded that the Chanhassen City
Council adopt a resolution that authorizes adding stop signs on Minnewashta Parkway at
the Kings Road intersection. The motion failed with a vote of 2 to 2. Councilmember
McDonald and Councilmember Kimber voted nay.
Mayor Ryan commented that the item could be tabled to the next meeting.
Councilmember Kimber moved, Councilmember von Oven seconded that the Chanhassen
City Council table consideration of a resolution to approve an intersection control measure
or an improved pedestrian crossing on Minnewashta Parkway at Kings Road until the
September 9, 2024, Chanhassen City Council Meeting. All voted in favor, and the motion
carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
2. Resolution 2024-XX; Declaration of intent to provide municipal water and sewer
service to 7050 Kings Road
This item was removed from the agenda.
City Council Minutes – August 26, 2024
Councilmember Kimber provided an update to Southwest Transit. He stated that overall
ridership increased by ten percent. He said the agency hired a transit planner and is looking to
expand. He stated that roundtrip tickets to the State Fair were $5 a person.
Councilmember McDonald commented that Southwest Transit is providing transportation to the
Renaissance Festival as well.
Councilmember Kimber encouraged residents to check the schedule on their website.
Councilmember von Oven moved, Councilmember Kimber seconded to adjourn the
meeting. All voted in favor, and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. The
City Council meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen
City Manager
Prepared by Jenny Potter
City Clerk