11-19-24 Work Session Agenda Packet
A.6:00 P.M.- Work Session
A.1 Discuss Draft Cannabis Ordinance
NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 9:00 p.m. as outlined in the official by-laws. We will
make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If, however, this does not appear to be possible,
the Chairperson will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be
listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting.
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Planning Commission Item
November 19, 2024
Item Discuss Draft Cannabis Ordinance
File No.Item No: A.1
Agenda Section 6:00 P.M.- Work Session
Prepared By Rachel Jeske, Planner
Present Zoning
Land Use
Discussion Only
City staff, in partnership with the City Attorney's office, has drafted an initial ordinance regulating
cannabis sales and manufacturing for review and discussion by the City Council and supporting
commissions. At this time, the draft ordinance has been drafted treating retail sales of Cannabis or
Hemp largely the same way in which the sale of alcohol is regulated from a zoning standpoint. A key
difference in the draft zoning regulation of cannabis and hemp compared to the zoning regulation for
alcohol is that the draft cannabis and hemp ordinance would place a 500-foot buffer requirement for
new retail cannabis and hemp businesses from existing schools or residential treatment facilities. The
city also has draft limitations for the hours of operation for retail cannabis and hemp businesses.
The City Council discussed the draft ordinance during their work session on October 28. The City
Council agreed with the suggested zoning districts proposed for the various types of cannabis and hemp
businesses in the draft ordinance. The City Council also agreed that it would not delegate its retail
licensing authority to Carver County unless Carver County affirmed that the City of Chanhassen would
not be approved for more than the three (3) retail licenses that would be approved if the city maintained
its licensing authority. The City Council was undecided as it relates to whether or not to require
additional buffering from cannabis and hemp retail businesses which are not required for liquor or
tobacco stores. The City Council requested additional feedback on the above topics and the draft
ordinance from the Planning Commission and Economic Development Commission; they also hoped to
gain feedback from the public hearing process associated with an amendment to the zoning ordinance.
Draft Ordinance - Cannabis Zoning Ordinance
Cannabis License Types
Work Session Presentation - Draft Only
Section 1. Section 1-2 of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to
include the following definitions:
Adult-Use Cannabis Product: As defined under Minnesota Statutes, section 342.01, subd.
Cannabis: Any species of the genus cannabis plant, or any mixture or preparation of them
including whole plant extracts and resins.
Cannabis Business. A cannabis microbusiness, cannabis mezzobusiness, cannabis
cultivator, cannabis manufacturer, dispensary, cannabis wholesaler, cannabis transporter,
cannabis testing facility, cannabis delivery services, or medical cannabis combination
business licensed, or any use otherwise authorized, under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Cannabis Cultivation: A cannabis business licensed for planting, growing, harvesting,
drying, curing, grading, or trimming of cannabis plants, cannabis flower, hemp plants, or
hemp plant parts by a business licensed or authorized to cultivate cannabis or medical
cannabis pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter,342.
Cannabis Distribution Facility: Any building, structure, vehicle or grounds where the
storage or distribution (including either retail or wholesale distribution) of cannabis is
Cannabis Delivery Service: A person or entity licensed or otherwise authorized to purchase
cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived
consumer products from licensed cannabis microbusinesses with a retail endorsement,
cannabis mezzobusinesses with a retail endorsement, dispensaries, medical cannabis
dispensaries, and medical cannabis combination businesses; transport and deliver cannabis
flower, cannabis products, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived consumable
products to customers; and perform other actions pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter
Cannabis Laboratory: Any permanent or temporary building or structure; any mobile
structure or vehicle; corporation; or other entity that examines, analyzes or tests samples
of cannabis and is licensed by the State of Minnesota to do so.
Cannabis Manufacturing or Manufacturer: The process of converting or packaging
harvested cannabis plant material into medical or recreational cannabis.
Cannabis Mezzobusiness: A person or entity licensed to cultivate, manufacture, and sell
products containing cannabis and related supplies and products and perform other actions
authorized under a cannabis mezzobusiness license pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,
Chapter 342.
Cannabis Microbusiness: A person or entity licensed to cultivate, manufacture, and sell
products containing cannabis and related supplies and products and perform other actions
authorized under a cannabis microbusiness license pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter
Cannabis Retailer: Any person, partnership, firm, corporation, or association, foreign or
domestic, selling cannabis product to a consumer and not for the purpose of resale in any
Cannabis Retail Businesses: A state licensed retail location and the retail location(s) of a
mezzobusinesses with a retail operations endorsement, microbusinesses with a retail
operations endorsement, medical combination businesses operating a retail location,
excluding lower-potency hemp edible retailers, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter
Cannabis Testing Facility: A facility licensed to obtain and test immature cannabis plants
and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, hemp plant parts, hemp concentrate,
artificially derived cannabinoids, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-derived
consumer products from cannabis microbusinesses, cannabis mezzobusinesses, cannabis
cultivators, cannabis manufacturers, cannabis wholesalers, lower-potency hemp edible
manufacturers, medical cannabis cultivators, medical cannabis processors, medical
cannabis combination businesses, and industrial hemp growers pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 342.
Cannabis Transporter: An entity licensed or otherwise authorized to transport immature
cannabis plants and seedlings, cannabis flower, cannabis products, artificially derived
cannabinoids, hemp plant parts, hemp concentrate, lower-potency hemp edibles, and hemp-
derived consumer products from a cannabis business to a cannabis business pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Cannabis or Lower-potency Hemp Edible Manufacturing: An entity licensed or
otherwise authorized for the creation of cannabis concentrate and manufacture of
cannabis products and hemp-derived consumer products for public consumption pursuant
to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342, an entity licensed or authorized to purchase hemp
and artificially derived cannabinoids to make hemp concentrate; manufacture artificially
derived cannabinoids and hemp edibles for public consumption; package and label lower-
potency hemp edibles for sale to customers; sell hemp concentrate, artificially derived
cannabinoids, and lower-potency hemp edibles to other cannabis businesses and hemp
businesses; and perform other actions pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342, or an
entity in possession of a medical cannabis processor license pursuant to Minnesota
Statutes, Chapter 342.
Cannabis wholesaler: An entity licensed or authorized to obtain, store, and sell or
otherwise transfer cannabis or hemp seeds, plants, flower, or other products for the purpose
of resale or other transfer to a cannabis business, but not to consumers, pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Dispensary: An entity in possession of a cannabis retailer license or otherwise authorized
to acquire, possess, transfer, sell, dispense, or distributes products containing cannabis and
related supplies and products pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Lower-Potency Hemp Edible: As defined under Minn. Stat. 342.01 subd. 50.
Lower-potency hemp edible retailer: A person or entity licensed or authorized to acquire,
possess, transfer, sell, dispense, or distribute lower-potency hemp edible products and
related supplies and products pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Medical Cannabis Combination Business: An entity authorized to cultivate, manufacture,
and sell cannabis, hemp, and cannabis and hemp related supplies and products, and perform
other actions authorized under a medical cannabis combination license pursuant to
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 342.
Office of Cannabis Management: State of Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management, as
may be referred to as “OCM” in reference to this title.
Public Place: A public park or trail, public street or sidewalk; any enclosed, indoor area
used by the general public, including, but not limited to, restaurants; bars; any other food
or liquor establishment; hospitals; nursing homes; auditoriums; arenas; gyms; meeting
rooms; common areas of rental apartment buildings, and other places of public
Preliminary License Approval: OCM pre-approval for a cannabis business license for
applicants who qualify under Minn. Stat. 342.17.
Residential Treatment Facility: As defined under Minn. Stat. 245.462 subd. 23.
Retail Registration: Retail Registration: An approved registration issued by the City/Carver
County to a cannabis retail business.
State License: An approved license issued by the Office of Cannabis Management to a
cannabis retail business.
Section 2. Section 11-7 (a) of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended
in its entirety to read as follows:
Sec 11-7 Public Use Of Cannabis And Hemp In Public Place
No person shall use cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower potency hemp edibles, or hemp -
derived consumer products in a public place or a place of public accommodation unless the
premises is an establishment or an event licensed to permit on-site consumption of cannabis or
hemp products.
(a) Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall
have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates
a different meaning:
Cannabis means any product containing the harvested flower, bud, leaves, or stems of a
plant of the genus Cannabis that has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of more
than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Cannabis includes adult-use cannabis flower,
medical cannabis flower, and any derivative, concentrate, extract, resin, or other product
made from a cannabis plant.
Hemp means any product containing the harvested flower, bud, leaves, or stems of a plant
of the genus Cannabis that has a delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration of no more
than 0.3 percent on a dry weight basis. Hemp includes any derivative, concentrate,
extract, resin, or other product made from a hemp plant.
Electronic Device means any product containing or delivering a substance intended for
human consumption through the inhalation of aerosol or vapor from the product.
Electronic delivery device includes but is not limited to, devices manufactured, marketed,
or sold as e-cigarettes, e-cigars, e-pipes, vape pens, mods, tank systems, or under any
other product name or descriptor.
Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar,
cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted or heated product that is intended for inhalation.
Smoking included using an electronic delivery device.
Public Place means property owned, leased, or controlled by a governmental unit and
private property that is regularly and frequently open to or made available for use by the
public in sufficient numbers to give clear notice of the property's current dedication to
public use. Public Place does not include the following:
1) a private residence including the person’s curtilage or yard;
2) private property not generally accessible by the public, unless the person is
explicitly prohibited from consuming cannabis flower, cannabis products, lower-
potency hemp edibles, or hemp-derived consumer products on the property by the
owner of the property; or
3) the premises of an establishment or event licensed to permit on-site consumption.
b) Prohibited Activity. No person shall smoke cannabis or hemp in a public place.
c) Penalty. Violation of this section shall be a petty misdemeanor.
Section 3. Article 20, Division 20-XXXIII of the Chanhassen City Code is amended to add a
new Section 20-973 to read as follows:
Section 20-973 Reserved
Section 20-973 Cannabis Business Uses
(a) Purpose
The purpose of this Section is to establish provisions for the opportunity as well as
controls of cannabis business uses within the City.
(b) General Performance Standards.
(1) A cannabis business must be registered in accordance with Chapter 10 of the City
Code to operate within the city.
(2) A cannabis business must provide evidence of a state license issued under
Minnesota Statues, section 342.14 and all applicable state laws and regulations.
(3) All cannabis businesses must be in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 20
of the City Code and all applicable state laws and regulations related to the operation
of the cannabis business.
(4) Advertising
a. The size, number, and location of signs for cannabis businesses must meet
the regulations of the City of Chanhassen’s sign ordinance.
(c) Performance Standards for Cannabis Uses in Commercial Zoning Districts
(1) The cannabis business shall be conducted entirely with a principal structure and
all outside storage is prohibited.
(2) All waste and recycling containers shall be kept within a principle or accessory
(3) Hours of operation: ten o’clock (10:00) AM to ten o’clock (10:00) PM.
(4) Sufficient measures and means of preventing any gas, vapors, odors, smoke,
debris, dust, fluids or other substances from exiting a cannabis business shall be
provided for at all times.
(5) Cannabis cultivations shall not be perceptible from the exterior of the building in
which cultivation occurs.
(6) Minimum Buffer Requirements
a. The City shall prohibit the operation of a cannabis business within 500 feet
of a school or residential treatment facility in the Highway Business
District, Central Business District, and General Business District.
b. Nothing in Section shall prohibit an active cannabis business or a cannabis
business seeking registration from continuing operation at the same site if
a school, or residential treatment facility that is regularly used by minors
moves within the minimum buffer zone.
(7) Security:
a. Burglary alarm systems with audible and police notification components that
are professionally monitored and maintained in good working condition shall
be installed on all doors, windows, and access points.
b. Surveillance cameras shall be installed and operate twenty-four (24) hours a
day, seven (7) days a week, with thirty (30) day video storage, to monitor all
entrances and trash receptacles, along with the interior and exterior of the
premises shall be required.
c. Exterior lighting shall be required sufficient for observers to see and for
cameras to record, that is either constantly on or activated by motion
d. Deadbolt locks shall be installed and utilized on all exterior doors and locks
shall be installed on all other windows or access points.
e. Additional security requirements including, but not limited to, security
guards, fencing, steel doors, and steel window coverings may be required as
determined by city staff.
(d) Performance standards for Cannabis Uses in Industrial Zoning Districts
(1) The cannabis business shall be conducted entirely with a principal structure and
all outside storage is prohibited.
(2) All waste and recycling containers shall be kept within a principle or accessory
(3) Hours of operation: seven o’clock (7:00) AM to ten o’clock (10:00) PM. Retail
operation (microbusiness license only) is limited to ten o’clock (10:00) AM to ten
o’clock (10:00) PM.
(4) All on-site consumption of cannabis (in a microbusiness licensed facility only)
shall be entirely indoors.
(5) Sufficient measures and means of preventing any gas, vapors, odors, smoke,
debris, dust, fluids or other substances from exiting a cannabis business shall be
provided for at all times.
(6) Cannabis cultivation shall not be perceptible from the exterior of the building in
which cultivation occurs.
(7) Security:
a. Burglary alarm systems with audible and police notification components that
are professionally monitored and maintained in good working condition shall
be installed on all doors, windows, and access points.
b. Surveillance cameras are required and must operate twenty-four (24) hours
a day, seven (7) days a week, with thirty (30) day video storage, to monitor
all entrances and trash receptacles, along with the interior and exterior of the
c. Exterior lighting shall be required sufficient for observers to see and for
cameras to record, that is either constantly on or activated by motion
d. Deadbolt locks shall be installed and utilized on all exterior doors and locks
shall be installed on all other windows or access points.
e. Additional security requirements including, but not limited to, security
guards, fencing, steel doors, and steel window coverings may be required
as determined by city staff.
(8) Vehicles:
a) All vehicles stored on site shall comply with provisions in Chapter 20 of
this title and shall be enclosed in a secured fenced area. No non-business
related vehicles shall be stored on site.
Section 4. Section 20-712 of the City Code (“BH” Highway and Business Servies District,
Permitted Uses), City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to add the following uses
alphabetized accordingly within the Section:
Cannabis Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20, Section 973.
Cannabis Medical Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20,
Section 973.
Lower-potency hemp edible retailer.
Section 5. Section 20-732 of the City Code, (“CBD” Central Business District, Permitted Uses),
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to add the follow uses alphabetized
accordingly within the Section:
Cannabis Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20, Section 973.
Cannabis Medical Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20,
Section 973.
Lower-potency hemp edible retailer.
Section 6. Section 20-752 of the City Code (“BG” General Business District, Permitted Uses),
City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to add the following uses alphabetized
accordingly within the Section:
Cannabis Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20, Section 973.
Cannabis Medical Retailer/Dispensary meeting performance standards of Chapter 20,
Section 973.
Lower-potency hemp edible retailer.
Section 7. Section 20-812 of the City Code (“IOP” Industrial Office Park, Permitted Uses), City
of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended to add the following uses alphabetized
accordingly within the Section:
Cannabis Businesses: cultivator (including medical), manufacturer (including medical
and lower potency Hemp edible), mezzobusiness, testing facility, and wholesaler meeting
the performance standards in Chapter 20, Section 973.
Cannabis Businesses: microbusiness, medical combined transporter and delivery service,
transporter and delivery service meeting the performance standards in Chapter 20,
Section 973.
Section 9. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ___day of _____, 2024, by the City Council of the City
of Chanhassen, Minnesota
______________________________ ________________________________
Jenny Potter, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor
(Published in the _________________________ on ______________________________)
Background Information - State License Types
License Type Definition Fee Schedule
(State License)
Microbusiness Microbusinesses may cultivate cannabis and manufacture
cannabis products and hemp products and package such products
for sale to customers or another licensed cannabis business.
Microbusiness may also operate a single retail location. They can
also have on-site lounges where customers can use cannabis.
Application: $500
Initial License: $0
Renewal: $2,000
Mezzobusiness Mezzobusinesses may cultivate cannabis and manufacture
cannabis products and hemp products and package such products
for sale to customers or another licensed cannabis business.
Mezzobusiness may also operate up to three retail locations. This
license type is available in limited quantities, and licensees will be
selected through a vetted lottery.
Application: $5,000
Initial: $5,000
Renewal: $10,000
Cultivator Cultivators may cultivate cannabis and package such cannabis for
sale to another licensed cannabis business. This license type is
available in limited quantities, and licensees will be selected
through a vetted lottery.
Application: $10,000
Initial: $20,000
Renewal: $30,000
Manufacturer Manufacturers may process raw cannabis plants into various
products, such as edibles, concentrates, wax, oils, and tinctures.
Manufacturers can buy cannabis flowers, cannabis products, and
lower-potency hemp products from other cannabis businesses.
They turn these materials into cannabis products, then package
and sell them to other cannabis businesses. This license type is
available in limited quantities, and licensees will be selected
through a vetted lottery.
Application: $10,000
Initial: $10,000
Renewal: $20,000
Retailer Retailers may sell immature cannabis plants and seedlings,
cannabis, cannabis products, hemp products, and other products
authorized by law to customers and patients. They can buy
cannabis (including plants and seedlings) and lower-potency
hemp products from other cannabis businesses and sell them to
customers. This license type is available in limited quantities, and
licensees will be selected through a vetted lottery. A cannabis
retailer may operate up to five retail locations; however, no
person, cooperative, or business may hold a license to own or
operate more than one cannabis retail business in one city and
three retail businesses in one county.
Application: $2,500
Initial: $2,500
Renewal: $5,000
Wholesaler Wholesalers may purchase and/or sell immature cannabis plants
and seedlings, cannabis, cannabis products, and hemp products
from another licensed cannabis business. Wholesalers may also
import hemp-derived consumer products and lower-potency
hemp edibles.
Application: $5,000
Initial: $5,000
Renewal: $10,000
Transporter Transporters may transport immature cannabis plants and
seedlings, cannabis, cannabis products, and hemp products to
licensed cannabis businesses.
Application: $250
Initial: $500
Renewal: $1,000
Testing Facility Testing facilities may obtain and test immature cannabis plants and
seedlings, cannabis, cannabis products, and hemp products from
licensed cannabis manufacturer and cultivator businesses to test.
They ensure these products meet safety standards.
Application: $5,000
Initial: $5,000
Renewal: $10,000
Event Organizer Cannabis event organizers plan and host events featuring cannabis,
and may allow for the sale of cannabis, cannabis products, and
lower-potency hemp products to consumers at events like festivals
(an event cannot last more than four days). An event organizer
must receive local approval, including obtaining any necessary
permits or licenses issued by a local unit of government. On-site
consumption is allowed if approved by local government, in an
access-restricted area not visible to the public and where smoking
is not otherwise prohibited.
Application: $750
Initial: $750
Delivery Service Delivery services may purchase cannabis, cannabis products, and
hemp products from retailers or cannabis business with retail
endorsements for transport and delivery directly to customers.
Application: $250
Initial: $500
Renewal: $1,000
Medical cannabis combination businesses may cultivate cannabis
and manufacture cannabis and hemp products, and package such
products for sale to customers, patients, or another licensed
cannabis business. Medical cannabis combination businesses may
operate up to one retail location in each congressional district.
Application: $10,000
Initial: $20,000
Renewal: $70,000
Lower-potency hemp edible manufacturers may manufacture and
package lower-potency hemp edibles for consumer sale, and sell
hemp concentrate and lower-potency hemp edibles to other
cannabis and hemp businesses. This license type cannot hold any
cannabis business licenses. Sale of a product designed to be
consumed on-site requires an on-sale (liquor) license.
Application: $250
Initial: $1,000
Renewal: $1,000
LPHE Retailer Lower-potency hemp edible retailers may sell lower-potency hemp
edibles to customers. This license type cannot hold any cannabis
business licenses. Sale of a product designed to be consumed on-
site requires an on-sale (liquor) license.
Application: $250
Initial: $250
Renewal: $250
(Per retail location)
*Note that the local registration fee is limited to a maximum of half of the state fee, and not all
businesses have to register.
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Cannabis Ordinance Discussion
Planning Commission Work Session: November 19, 2024
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Tentative Schedule:
-City Council Work Session (Oct 28th)
-Economic Development Commission (Nov 12th)
-Planning Commission Work Session (Nov 19th)
-Planning Commission Public Hearing (Dec 3rd)
-City Council Adoption (Dec 9th)
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Cities Shall:
•Implement local zoning controls
for cannabis retail and industrial
•Set a number of local retail
licenses to be issued.
Cities Shall Not:
•Limit number of retail licenses
below three
•Limit zoning in a way that would
ban cannabis sales
•Implement a local sales tax
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Local Licensing Authority
•City may limit the number of cannabis retail registrations to 1 per 12,500
persons in population.
•The City Council decided that they would only delegate licensing authority to Carver County, if
the County maintains that Chanhassen would only receive a maximum of 3 cannabis retail
registrations as that is the amount that would be allowed if the City maintains its registration
•A maximum of 11 cannabis retail registrations for Carver County. Unknown if the County would
maintain the individual city maximums.
•Carver County Board of Commissioners scheduled to consider their cannabis
ordinance on November 19.
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
State License Types
•Cannabis Retailer (Dispensary) and LPHE Retailer
•Medical Cannabis Combination Business
•Medical Retailer
•Medical Cultivator
•Cannabis Manufacturer / LPHE Manufacturer
•Testing Facility
•Event Organizer
•Delivery Service
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Category Use State License Type Use Zoning
Cannabis Retail/Dispensary
-Retailer - Permitted - BH*
- CBD*
- BG*
Aligns with districts that allow liquor stores as a permitted use
Cannabis Manufacturing
-Medical Combination
- Manufacturer
- Transporter
-Testing Facility
-Manufacturing Facilities with
Attached Retail Businesses
- Permitted - IOP Odor, use standards, externalities compatible with other industrial
uses, e.g., greenhouses and manufacturing, should be considered.
Light Industrial business operations are permitted in the IOP zoning
Hemp Retail Business -Lower potency hemp edible
- Permitted - BH*
- CBD*
- BG*
Combined operations of hemp manufacturing and retail.
Hemp Manufacturing
-Lower potency hemp edible
-Manufacturing Facilities with
Attached Retail Businesses
- Permitted - IOP Combined operations of hemp manufacturing and retail.
Odor, use standards, externalities compatible with other industrial
Other -Cannabis event organizer - Permitted - N/A Events are permitted at businesses with on-sale alcohol licenses.
Only hemp derived cannabinoid products are permitted to be sold
on-site. All products must be consumed inside licensed premises.
* Potential for 500ft buffer from any school or residential treatment facility
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Cannabis & Hemp
Retail Businesses
Permitted Zoning Districts:
•Highway Business District (BH)
•General Business District (BG)
•Central Business District (CBD)
Potential Buffer:
•500 feet from schools and residential treatment
facilities (yellow areas on map)
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Cannabis & Hemp
Manufacturing Businesses
Permitted Zoning Districts:
•Industrial Office Park District (IOP)
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Cannabis Event Permitting
•Processed similarly to all other event permits
•Draft ordinance proposes limiting events to
locations with on-sale alcohol licenses (25
•Draft ordinance proposes limiting on-site
consumption to hemp-derived cannabinoid
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Feedback Topics
•Buffer Requirement
•Hours of Operation Limitations
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Buffer Requirement
Currently liquor stores and tobacco stores do not require a buffer of 500 ft from schools or residential
treatment facilities.
•Should the City stay consistent and not require a buffer for retail cannabis or treat
cannabis retailers differently and enact a 500 ft buffer from schools and residential
treatment facilities?
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
Hours of Operation Limitations
Currently off sale liquor hours of operations by City Code/State Statute. Mn Statute 340A.504
•Mon – Sat: 8:00 am - 2:00 am •Sun - 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
Currently off sale retail cannabis hours of operation by State Statute. Mn Statute 342.27
•Mon – Sat: 8:00 am – 2:00 am •Sun - 10:00 am – 2:00 am
A city may restrict Cannabis retail hours down to….•Mon – Sat: 10:00 am – 9:00 pm•Sun - 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
1.Should the City revise its ordinances and only place time of sale limitations as those imposed by State Statute? i.e. No additional city restrictions on liquor? No additional city restrictions on cannabis?
OR 2.Should the City further restrict the time of day allows for retail cannabis but leave liquor hours as is?
City of Chanhassen
A Community for Life
General Questions and