06-25-2024 PRC Agenda Packet A.6:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER B.ROLL CALL C.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioners may postpone or remove items at this time. Commissioners may discuss adding items to a future agenda during Commissioner Member Presentations. D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS E.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Commission Procedures allow for presentations from the audience at this time. If a motion is required, the item will be forwarded to the next available agenda to allow for publication and review prior to consideration. F.APPROVAL OF MINUTES F.1 Meeting Minutes: May 28, 2024 G.GENERAL BUSINESS G.1 Lake Ann Park Preserve Construction Update H.REPORTS H.1 Recreation Center Quarterly Report H.2 4th of July Celebration Preview H.3 Park Maintenance Quarterly Report H.4 Senior Center Quarterly Report AGENDA CHANHASSEN PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 I.COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS J.COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS K.ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET L.ADJOURNMENT 2 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item Meeting Minutes: May 28, 2024 Item No:F.1 Agenda Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Kate Vogt, Admin Support Specialist SUGGESTED ACTION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated May 28, 2024. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Park & Recreation Commission meeting minutes dated May 28, 2024. ATTACHMENTS Meeting Minutes: May 28, 2024 3 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MAY 28, 2024 Chair Peck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Peck, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Rob Swanson; Scott Pharis; Kristin Fulkerson; Michael Leisen; Sean Morgan; Nischay Pattanashetty, youth. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager; Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Morgan moved, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, provided a summary of the Memorial Day Ceremony. He invited the commissioners to attend the Civic Campus Groundbreaking ceremony on May 30. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated April 23, 2024 Commissioner Fulkerson noted that the April 23, 2024, meeting was called to order by Chair Peck. Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Pharis seconded to approve the minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated April 23, 2024, as amended. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: 4 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – May 28, 2024 2 1. Chanhassen Bluffs Community Center Update Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, provided background information about the Chanhassen Bluffs Community Center. Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager, presented images of the Chanhassen Bluffs Community Center and explained the different usages for the areas of the Community Center. Commissioner Pharis asked if the images showed a video board. Ms. Hokkanen confirmed that there was a video board as an example, but it might not be a part of the budget. She stated the basketball courts would be multi-sport. There is a high demand for basketball and pickleball. She showed images to show how the facility could be utilized for graduations. She noted that the facility could be used for events. She commented that the local option sales tax would be on the ballot in the next election which would help fund this facility. She stated that individuals could help provide information about this project to the public. Chair Peck asked for the size of the restaurant. Mrs. Hokkanen answered that the capacity for the restaurant was 160 people, including seating inside, at the bar, and outside. Chair Peck suggested installing outdoor heaters at the restaurant. He asked if there was enough land for a cricket field. Mrs. Hokkanen responded that there was not enough space for a cricket field. Commissioner Fulkerson asked whether the question on the ballot would be for the state levy tax or also include the property tax increase. Mrs. Hokkanen answered that the question would be the local option sales tax. The question would explain how the building of the facility would be funded. Commissioner Swanson asked if the sales tax failed, would there be a backup option. Mrs. Hokkanen responded that if the sales tax failed, the project would die. Commissioner Eidsmo asked if there was any success with funding from the legislature. Ms. Hokkanen confirmed that the funding request from state dollars was not approved. There is time to request bonding next year as well. There would need to be a construction sales tax exemption next year. 5 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – May 28, 2024 3 Commissioner Pharis asked about the timing of the project. Mrs. Hokkanen stated that if the referendum is successful in November, there would be ten to twelve months of design work. The ambitious opening would be in Spring 2027. The realistic opening would be the end of 2027. Commissioner Pharis asked how this would fit with the rest of the Avenda project. Mrs. Hokkanen stated that there are no additional tenants or projects with the Avenda project other than the townhomes. She hoped that other potential retail options would be ahead of this project. Chair Peck asked if they were looking for restaurant people for this project. Mrs. Hokkanen commented that they would need to consider the RFQ. They would like to meet with individuals in the restaurant business, which provides positive feedback. Commissioner Leisen asked if the existing recreation center was assumed in this project. Mrs. Hokkanen explained they would need to assume they would close the existing rec center to address the financing gap. Commissioner Morgan asked if the recreation center would be 100 percent city-owned. Mrs. Hokkanen stated this project was at one time considered to be a private-public partnership, but instead, this facility would be owned and operated by the city. Chair Peck asked if they would rent out hockey facilities. Mrs. Hokkanen confirmed this information and that a facility like this could break even. They could not recover the investment in the facility, and they will not be able to save the need for complete deferred maintenance. Commissioner Fulkerson asked if there would be an opportunity to get developmental figure skating ice. Mrs. Hokkanen confirmed that both hockey and figure skating ice were discussed. 2. North Lotus Lake Park Storm Water Project – Riley Purgatory Creek Bluff Creek Watershed District Terry Jeffery, District Administrator with the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, provided an overview of the watershed districts and ongoing projects. He presented a PowerPoint 6 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – May 28, 2024 4 to explain the water quality standards at Lotus Lake. He explained the project plans to help alleviate the flooding while maintaining the amenities of the park. He reviewed a map of North Lotus Lake Park and explained different usages and access. Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the water to the west is tied to North Lotus Lake. Mr. Jeffery stated that there are two ponds south of the road. They considered how to improve the hydraulics in these ponds. These ponds are not currently tied to North Lotus Lake. Commissioner Eidsmo commented that the ponds used to be high water but it is now inundated with vegetation. Mr. Jeffery responded that stormwater ponds are expensive to maintain. Commissioner Leisen asked if there was a way to bring a view of the lake into the park. Mr. Jeffery confirmed that this could be possible. Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, stated that a boat landing was previously proposed at this lake. Cat tails make up a portion of the vegetative cover. Mr. Jeffery commented that the district would like to work on vegetation management. Commissioner Morgan asked how these projects were funded and if the dynamics were impacted by whether the amenity was aesthetically pleasing. Mr. Jeffery explained how the district covers the costs of parts of the project, while the city covers the costs associated with regular maintenance. Mr. Ruegemer provided an overview of the relationship with Mr. Jeffery throughout different projects. REPORTS: 1. 2024 Summer Program Preview Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, provided an overview of the 2024 summer programming. These programs include track, t-ball, dance camps, and additional options. She commented that the Minnesota Twins are coming for the youth baseball clinic at the high school. The Kids Night Out program is a new option this year. She summarized the teen volunteer program and training. She explained additional programming for teens and adults throughout the summer. Chair Peck asked how many booths there were at the farmer’s market. 7 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – May 28, 2024 5 Ms. Tandon responded that there are approximately twenty to twenty-five regular booths. Chair Peck asked if individuals were charged for the spot. He asked if the funds would go to the city. Ms. Tandon answered that the funds help with the operational costs of the farmer’s market. Youth Commissioner Pattanashetty asked if the teen volunteers still ran the t-ball camps. Ms. Tandon confirmed this information and that the teen volunteers appreciate the experience. 2. 2024 Lake Ann Park Summer Programs Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, reviewed the schedule for the concession stand and watercraft rentals. She stated that the summer concert series would move due to construction and summarized the schedule for the summer. She commented that food trucks and Chanhassen Brewing Company would sell treats and beverages. She reviewed the position of the concession stand manager. She stated that the picnic shelters are already reserved for the three parks. She said that there would not be lifeguards on duty at Lake Ann due to the loss of the contracted lifeguard services. She provided a background on the recommendations for lifeguard services at Lake Ann Park. Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the city received feedback on the removal of lifeguards at Lake Ann. Ms. Tandon responded that there was no initial feedback, but there has been feedback on social media with negative responses. Mr. Ruegemer stated that if parents are keeping an eye on their young children, there will be continued safety at Lake Ann Park. Commissioner Morgan commented that the promotion for the Lake Ann Summer Series was great. Youth Commissioner Pattanashetty asked if the summer concert series would be held in the pavilion since there is reduced seating. Ms. Tandon explained where the band and the seating would be located for the concert series. She stated that parking on Thursday evening may be difficult, but they would communicate parking options. Mr. Ruegemer showed a map to explain the dynamics of the summer concert series. 8 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – May 28, 2024 6 COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director 9 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item Lake Ann Park Preserve Construction Update Item No:G.1 Agenda Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director SUGGESTED ACTION N/A SUMMARY The Lake Ann Park Preserve Project has made advances with 90% of construction design, drawings, approved permits, archeology study, and boardwalk construction to gain access to the preserve. Staff will present an update regarding the construction status and forecast the project timeline moving forward. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Lake Ann Preserve Park Recreation Commission Update June 25 10 Lake Ann Park Preserve Construction Update June 25 Park & Recreation Commission Meeting 11 12 Bid Package #2 •Includes –Trails, Tree Grubbing, Greenwood Shores Parking Lot Improvements, Stormwater BMPs •Advertised After Archeological Study Reports Finalized Providing Clear Direction Moving Forward 13 Greenwood Shores Parking Lot •8 Parking Spots •3 Filtration Ponds •Public Works Staff Still Have Access To Lift Station 14 Project Communication •Website Project Page Updates •March 18 •April 1 •May 20 •June 10 •June 21 •Postcard Mailer –March 8 •GovDelivery List Subscribers -357 15 16 Boardwalk A •Longest Boardwalk –350 ft •Construction Material Delivered -June 21 •Boardwalk Construction Begins –June 24 •6-8 Weeks To Complete •Built Over Met Council Interceptor 17 Met Council Encroachment Agreement •Met Council/Prince Easement Agreement, May 5, 1989 •Update Easement Agreement, February 22, 1990 •City Takes Ownership -Lake Ann Preserve, 2019 •Encroachment Agreement Necessary To Construct Boardwalk Over Interceptor •Encroachment Agreement Approved By City Council, January 22, 2024 18 Boardwalk B Construction 19 Boardwalk B 20 Boardwalk B 21 Boardwalk C 22 Archeology Findings •SHPO Office Identified Lithic Scattering –1977 •Further Archaeological Field Investigations Needed To Be Completed To Delineate Site Boundary •City Hired The 106 Group (Archaeologist) For Field Study •SHPO Allowed The City To Proceed With Boardwalk Construction. Minimal To No Impact on Site •The 106 Group Finalizing Artifact Analysis. Report complete between June 28 -July 12, delivered to SHPO Office •SHPO has 45 -60 Days To Analyze Report 23 •Field Work Performed April/May •The 106 Group Excavated Every 30-40 yards, For The Proposed Designed Trail •Samples Collected & Artifacts Cataloged •Lab Analysis Performed To Produce Report Submitted to SHPO Office 24 106 Group Field Map 25 Archeology Potential Recommendations •The 106 Group recommendations won’t be final until done analysis/reporting •Agencies need to agree with recommendations prior to proceeding. They will also need to agree if Phase II is recommended. •fieldwork could hypothetically get started prior to the full review of the Phase I report, if necessary •FS-01: This is the site with both lithics and ceramics. The discovery of ceramics will often indicate that a site has the potential to provide additional information. Therefore, this one may get recommended as “potentially eligible,” which would require Phase II if it’s going to be impacted by project work •Analysis may change this recommendation, but for the time being it is safer to assume that FS -01 will be recommended potentially eligible •Avoidance may be a realistic option for this site, which would preclude the need for a Phase II, However, any avoidance plan/design should be restricted to the areas already surveyed •If new plan is designed to avoid the site pushes the new route into unsurveyed areas –a new survey is needed in those areas, which could potentially lead to discovering more sites •FS-02: One isolated find; likely 106 Group will be recommending this as “not potentially eligible” and requiring no further work •FS-03: Identified sites would be difficult to route around it, provided the landscape/wetland restrictions, and because the artifacts, while relatively disperse, included a diverse array of artifact types (i.e., different types of lithic artifacts) •It is unlikely this site is connected to the 21CR0042 (1977 site); however, it’s not very far away from it, and the agencies (SHPO, specifically) might push back on a recommendation of “not potentially eligible” due to the sites’ proximity and similar artifact discovery •Archaeologists are leaning toward this one also being recommended “potentially eligible,” pending analysis, and agency concurrence •Phase II would be recommended for any areas where the project would disturb the site. 26 Conclusion •All Boardwalks -Substantial Completion August 30 •Residents Gain Access At All Entry Points •$250K MN DNR Local Connection Trail -Submit Reimbursement (Fall 2024) •Grant Submitted For Boardwalk A •Archeological Delays Won’t Affect Grant Deadlines •SHPO Report Back August/September •Bid Package #2 Delayed? •Stormwater BMP’s, Trail/Parking Lot Construction Delayed to Spring, 2025? 27 Questions? 28 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item Recreation Center Quarterly Report Item No:H.1 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS With the Recreation Center becoming the temporary home of the Senior Center, the kitchenettes were renovated. New full-size refrigerators, stoves, sinks, faucets, and a dishwasher were installed to assist in the transition. A desk was also installed in the manager’s office, as well as behind the front desk for the Senior Center Coordinator to work. The classroom chairs in rooms 1 and 4 were replaced using 2024 capital funding. Marco stacking chairs were purchased. The Rec Center Gymnasium and Studio will be closed for floor refinishing from August 2 to August 16. REC CENTER EVENTS Garden Tool Swap with Carver County Environmental Services was held on Saturday, April 27. Eight volunteers from Chanhassen and Chaska High School Key Clubs, and Green Corps assisted in this event. 125 people dropped off 650 garden tools and miscellaneous items. The items that remained at the end were recycled at the Reuse Center or Home Depot. Dance for Fun Recital: On May 4-5, the Dance for Fun program held the year-end recital at Chanhassen High School. Ninety-two dancers participated in one or both performances and 547 tickets were purchased. 29 PROGRAM UPDATES Christine Pedretti has been offering Gentle Flow and Vinyasa Yoga at the Rec Center for the past thirteen years. In 2024, she has had over 80 people register for classes and an additional 62 drop-ins. She will be adding a new Fusion Flow class in the Fall. Kerry Maus leads a fun, weekly Line Dance class. She has a strong following throughout the metro area. This is a flexible class where participants may register or pay a drop-in fee. In 2024, 115 participants have attended a class. Go Gymnastics is an affordable, mobile gymnastics program that supplies equipment and instruction for children aged 18 months (with adults) through age 8. There are three classes based on age. One hundred twelve children have participated in the class this year. Tae Kwon Do is a community-based program that offers safety classes to students ages 3 and up. Students practice weekly, grow their skills, test their rank, and earn belts. There have been 105 participants this year. Rec Center Sports: Small Fry Sports (ages 3-4) hosted sessions of Soccer (42 participants) and T-ball (53 participants) this spring. Lil’ Star Sports (ages 5-6) offered Soccer (25 participants) and T-ball (22 participants) this summer. UPCOMING EVENTS Chanhassen Community Day at the Rec Center, Saturday, August 17, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. The day includes free trial classes, Chanhassen Fire Department will bring a fire truck and will provide hands-only CPR demonstrations, a Carver County Sheriff Deputy and vehicle will attend, a community Shred-it event starting at 9 a.m., and free admission to the Rec Center all day. Dance for Fun Fall Open Houses: Thursday, August 8, 5:00-7:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 14, 4:30-6:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 20, 5:30-7:00 p.m., and Monday, August 26, 5:00-7:00 p.m. Fit for Life Trial Class, Tuesday, July 25, 10:30-11:30 a.m. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 30 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item 4th of July Celebration Preview Item No:H.2 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY The City of Chanhassen's 41st Annual 4th of July Celebration will be held on July 2, 3, and 4 in downtown Chanhassen. Participation levels can reach up to 70,000 throughout the three-day celebration. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The 41st Annual 4th of July Celebration will be held Tuesday, July 2 through Thursday, July 4. All activities on July 2 and 3 will take place at City Center Park and Chanhassen High School, with the 4th of July activities taking place at City Center Park and Lake Ann Park. July 2 Family Fun Night at the carnival will take place on July 2 from 3-10 p.m. at City Center Park. All rides from 3-8 p.m. will be $3. The Family Fun Night allows families to enjoy the carnival without the noise and crowds of the street dance and beer garden. Special thanks to SERVPRO of Chaska/Chanhassen for sponsoring this year's Family Night! July 3 Activities, games, and events for people of all ages will be available on July 3; most held at City Center Park from 3-11 p.m. These include carnival rides, kiddie games, kiddie parade, the SouthWest Metro 31 Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, Taste of Chanhassen and Beer Garden (presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen), live music, and more. The annual street dance will be held from 5:30-11 p.m., with Up South band opening for Johnny Holm Band, the headlining cover band. A full schedule of July 3 events can be found on the attached event flyer. Special thanks to Xfinity for sponsoring the Street Dance and performance stage, and to Nicolet National Bank for sponsoring this year's kids' entertainment events! July 4 Many family-friendly activities will run on the 4th of July as well, at both Lake Ann Park at City Center Park. These include two fishing contests, a medallion hunt, a sand sculpture contest, live music, Bingo, a llama experience, and more. The Rotary Club of Chanhassen will present the Taste of Chanhassen, Beer Garden, Classic Car Show, beer sales at Lake Ann Park, and the 4th of July Parade. The celebration will end with the annual fireworks display at Lake Ann Park at 10 p.m. The 4th of July parade, produced by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen, will be held on Thursday, July 4 at 2:30 p.m. Prompted by traffic safety concerns with the historical route and and 2024 road projects in the downtown area, a new route was developed for the Annual Fourth of July Parade. The new three-quarter-mile route begins at the intersection of Kerber Boulevard and Santa Vera Drive. The parade will travel south on Kerber Boulevard, turn east on West 78th Street, and end on Market Street, past the entrance to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. The parade will reverse and travel in the opposite direction from the traditional route. As in past years, the parade will kick off with historic planes flying over downtown Chanhassen, produced by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen. The City of Chanhassen is partnering with many organizations and departments to create a safe and enjoyable festival. The Carver County Department of Public Health will provide Responsible Beverage Server Training to those involved in the selling and serving of beer during the celebration. Traci Preciado with Pemberton Homes Realty will provide a nursing and diaper-changing tent on July 3 & 4. Deputies from the Carver County Sheriff's Department will be present throughout the festival, as well as representatives from Chanhassen Fire, who will provide general first aid response throughout the event. The city's Park Maintenance department will provide overall event support and create a safe and welcoming space. In addition, the city has partnered with several other organizations, including the Rotary Club of Chanhassen, SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce, and the Minnesota Twins to offer activities during the celebration. An 8-page magazine was produced and direct-mailed to all residential homes in Chanhassen. Marketing was also done on social media (Facebook and Instagram), and a Facebook event was created for the event. 4th of July T-shirts are available for purchase before the event at City Hall. T-shirts will also be available to purchase on July 3rd and 4th at the event. Adult and youth sizes are available in multiple colors and styles. The 4th of July Celebration is the most anticipated Chanhassen community event of the year; it is presented by the City of Chanhassen, Rotary Club of Chanhassen, SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce, and is sponsored by local 2024 Community Event Sponsors. 32 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2024 Schedule of Events Route Map 2024 5.13 City Council report Historical Parade Route Map 2023 33 TUESDAY, JULY 2 Kiddie Parade Ride Decorating 10 AM-2 PM | KIDDYWAMPUS CHANHASSEN STORE | FREE Sponsored by kiddywampus Chanhassen Family Night at the Carnival Sponsored by SERVPRO of Chaska/Chanhassen 3-10 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY 3-8 PM rides $3 | 8-10 PM rides $4-$6 each | Games and food fees vary. Kids’ Musical Performance Featuring Tricia and the Toonies Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank 4:30-5:30 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | LARGE TENT | FREE Join Tricia and the Toonies for a unique blend of high-energy music, comedy, colorful puppet characters, and lots of audience participation! Face Painting 4:30-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | $3-$15 WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic SESSION I: 9-10:30 AM | SESSION II: 10:30 AM-12 PMCHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL | FREE Learn the fundamentals of hitting, fielding, and throwing! Both sessions are open to all children, ages 6-12. Pre-registration required, sign-up online at ChanhassenMN.gov/4th. Kiddie Parade Ride Decorating Sponsored by kiddywampus Chanhassen 10 AM-2 PM | KIDDYWAMPUS CHANHASSEN STORE | FREE Water Wars 3-10 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | $5 PER BUCKET Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions 3-11 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY 3-5 PM rides $4-$6 each, 5-11 PM UNLIMITED ride wristbands for $25 (games & food not included). Business Expo Presented by the SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce 4-6 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | SMALL TENT | FREE Local businesses and vendors showcase products and services. Businesses can register online now at ChanhassenMN.gov/4th. Merchandise Sales 4-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Kiddie Games 4-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | $0.25/GAME Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank Llama Experience 4-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FREE Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen Permanent Jewelry Studio SLVR Chaska 4-9 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Little Charity Book Truck 4-9 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Taste of Chanhassen Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 4-11 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Food available for purchase from your favorite Chanhassen restaurants and food trucks. No outside food or drinks allowed. Beer Garden Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 4-11 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Beer and seltzer available for purchase. No outside food or drinks allowed. Face Painting, Wacky Hair, & Airbrush Tattoos 4:30-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | $3-$15 Live Music Featuring Up South Band 5:15-7:15 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | LARGE TENT | FREE Country music’s greatest hits and Up South Band originals. This band will get you dancing and the good times rolling! No outside food or drinks. Kiddie Parade Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank & kiddywampus 5:30-6 PM | CHANHASSEN ELEMENTARY EAST PARKING LOT | FREE Decorate your wagons, bikes, or strollers! ROUTE: Laredo Drive and Chan View Drive ending at City Hall. Traffic control provided; adults MUST accompany children. Tae Kwon Do Demo 6 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FREE Chalk It Up Drawing Contest Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank 6-8 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | HOCKEY RINK | FREE Weather permitting. Compete as individuals or groups in three age categories to present a chalk drawing creation. Prizes at 8 PM for most difficult and most creative; some chalk provided. Register day-of at the hockey rink. 3rd Lair Summer Skateboard Series Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank7 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | SKATE PARK | FREE All ages and abilities; limited to 75 skaters. Registration begins at 6 PM. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS July 3 Continued Street Dance Featuring Johnny Holm Band 8-11 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | LARGE TENT | FREE No outside food or drinks allowed. THURSDAY, JULY 4 Adult Fishing Contest 7-10 AM | LAKE ANN PARK | $25 Catch and release. Limited to 50 participants. Prizes for the top three lon- gest Northern and Bass, and door prizes. Pre-registration required. Rules and regulations online at ChanhassenMN.gov/4th. Classic Car Show Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 10 AM-1 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | WEST PARKING LOTS | FREE Face Painting 10 AM-4 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | $3-$15 Taste of Chanhassen Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 10 AM-5 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Food available for purchase from your favorite Chanhassen restaurants and food trucks. No outside food or drinks allowed. Beer Garden Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 10 AM-5 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY Beer and seltzer available for purchase. No outside food or drinks allowed. Midwest Carnival Rides & Concessions 10 AM-6 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FEES VARY 10 AM-3:30 PM rides $4-$6 each; 3:30-6 PM all rides $3. Kids’ Fishing Contest Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank 10:30-11:30 AM | LAKE ANN PARK | FISHING PIER | FREE Trophies and prizes awarded for largest, longest, and smallest fish, in age categories 5-9 and 10-15. Pre-register at ChanhassenMN.gov/4th. Medallion Hunt Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank11 AM | LAKE ANN PARK | FREE Clues posted every 20 minutes at the Lake Ann Beach concession stand. $200 prize package for the winner of the hunt. Sand Sculpture Contest Sponsored by Nicolet National Bank 11 AM-12 PM | LAKE ANN PARK | BEACH | FREE Prizes awarded for most creative and most difficult in age categories: 10 & under, 11-15, and 16+. Compete as an individual or as a group. Register day-of at the beach. Bingo! Presented by the Chanhassen Commission on Aging and Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (Chanhassen) 11 AM-1 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | SMALL TENT | FREE Free Bingo with prizes! All donations and proceeds from Bingo support Semper Fi Flo. Your generous donation will provide support of Semper Fi Flo’s important mission to enrich the lives of military families. CITY CENTER PARK DOWNTOWN LAKE ANN PARK Live Music Featuring American Bootleg 11:45-1:45 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | LARGE TENT | FREE A can’t miss musical performance of classic songs. Llama Experience Presented by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 12:15-1:30 PM | CITY CENTER PARK | FREE 4th of July Parade & Historic Plane Flyover Produced by the Rotary Club of Chanhassen 2:30 PM | DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN | FREE To register a float, visit ChanhassenMN.gov/4th Fireworks Display Presented by the City of Chanhassen & Community Event Sponsors 10 PM | LAKE ANN PARK | FREE Food concessions available at the Lake Ann Beach stand until 10 PM. The trail between Lake Ann Park & Greenwood Shores Park will be closed from 12-11 PM on Thursday, July 4 in preparation for the fireworks display. PRODUCED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF CHANHASSEN 2:30 PM | DOWNTOWN CHANHASSEN ROUTE MAP ON PAGE 6 FOURTH OF JULYPARADE PRESENTED BY CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND COMMUNITY EVENT SPONSORS 10 PM | LAKE ANN PARK Trail between Lake Ann Park & Greenwood Shores Park closed 12-11 PM on July 4 for preparation. FIREWORKS SPECTACULAR FREE NEW ROUTE NEW ROUTE 34 Parade RouteNEW PRODUCED BY: LIBRARY TARGET CUBFOODS CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATREPOWERS BLVD.W 78TH ST.LAREDO DR.W 76TH ST. W 78TH ST. CHAN VIEW SANTA FE TR. MARKET ST . ParadeStaging Only Parade Staging Only Participant Check-In Road Closure Time00:00 Alternate Traffic Route Participants Only Line Up Area Parade Route Food & Beverage Sales 35 City Council Item May 13, 2024 Item Fourth of July Parade Update File No.Item No: I.2 Agenda Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY Prompted by traffic safety concerns with the historical route and 2024 road projects in the downtown area, a new route has been developed for the Annual Fourth of July Parade. The new three-quarter-mile route begins at the intersection of Kerber Boulevard and Santa Vera Drive. The parade will travel south on Kerber Boulevard, turn east on West 78th Street, and end on Market Street, past the entrance to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. The parade will reverse and travel in the opposite direction from the traditional route. BACKGROUND The parade was added to the Annual Fourth of July Celebration in 1996, making 2024 the 28th year of the parade. With minor adjustments, the parade route has remained consistent from 1996-2023. The city and the Rotary Club of Chanhassen partner to produce the annual parade, with the city providing traffic control, public safety management, and overall event management. The Rotary Club 36 manages logistics, coordinates with parade entrants, and manages staging and flow during the parade. DISCUSSION A portion of the historical parade route (Chan View Drive) and float staging area (Iroquois Circle, West 76th Street, and Huron Avenue) will be under construction in July 2024 as part of the City Pavement Rehabilitation Project. Delaying construction along the parade route and staging area until after the Fourth of July was considered, but is not feasible due to significant budgetary implications. The parade would not be able to stage or run through the construction area while maintaining safety. The increased popularity of the Fourth of July Celebration events, increased vehicle traffic downtown on the Fourth of July, and end-of-parade float and pedestrian traffic have resulted in traffic safety concerns with the historical parade route in recent years. Potentially unsafe situations have arisen when trying to clear downtown Chanhassen of vehicles, pedestrians, and float traffic as the first half of the parade has ended and the second half of the parade continues on. Large gaps in the parade have also been a challenge, with gaps of up to 10 minutes between floats. Staff have worked closely as a group with Chanhassen Fire, Public Works, Carver County Sheriff's Office, the Rotary Club of Chanhassen, and local downtown businesses to develop a new parade route that does not overlap construction areas, optimize public safety, minimize impacts to the downtown area, and provides the best viewer experience for residents and visitors. Eight new routes were considered. All route options were kept downtown Chanhassen, to maintain the tradition of the parade and focus on downtown. A primary focus when developing the new route was maintaining access to all downtown businesses and allowing for easy entrance/exit to the downtown area for vehicles before, during, and after the parade, to optimize general safety and safety during the event of an emergency. The new three-quarter-mile route begins at the intersection of Kerber Boulevard and Santa Vera Drive. The parade will travel south on Kerber Boulevard, turn east on West 78th Street, and end on Market Street, past the entrance to the Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. The parade will reverse and travel in the opposite direction from the traditional route. BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Historical Route Map New Route Map (public) New Route Map (internal) 37 Pa radeRoute Produced by: Food, water & beer sales Parade InfoLIBRARY Access Point Check-in Tent Restricted Entrance (Participants & Local Traffic Only) Barricade Set-Up Time Restricted Entrance Alternate Traffic Route Participants Only Line Up Area Parade Route 00:00 00:00 Historical Route38 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item Park Maintenance Quarterly Report Item No:H.3 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Adam Beers, Park Superintendent SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY With summer now in full swing, here is a brief update on what the park maintenance division has been working on and what's coming up! Crews have been busy starting up and repairing the city's irrigation system. All community parks are up and running with just a few locations left to repair downtown. All facilities are up and running and the parks have been getting a lot of use! First applications of fertilizer and broadleaf weed control have been applied to the sports fields. Additional applications to surrounding areas will be completed as the weather allows. Seasonal staff have been hired for the season and we are extremely fortunate to have a great group for the 2024 season! Seasonal staff is responsible for the daily maintenance tasks that are completed throughout the city, which include all mowing, weed whipping, field maintenance, shelter cleaning, event setup, and trash/recycling collection. Seasonal maintenance crews are an integral part of the success of our division and provide a tremendous service to our community. Annual July 4th celebration preparation is in full swing! Crews are busy assembling signage and equipment that will be placed throughout the city. Crews have been busy tree trimming, seeding, and fertilizing City Center Park over the last few weeks. Maintenance staff will continue to prepare for one of the city's largest events. Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Crews are working to install a newly donated drinking fountain from the Chanhassen Lion's Club at Bandimere Park. A big thank you goes out to the Lions for the donation! 39 This spring, seniors from Minnetonka High School participated in their senior service day project. Maintenance crews assisted groups in cleaning up trash, pulling weeds, and mulching areas at Lake Ann Park. Staff would like to pass along a thank you to all the groups that participated in this project. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 40 Park & Recreation Commission Item June 25, 2024 Item Senior Center Quarterly Report Item No:H.4 Agenda Section REPORTS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator SUGGESTED ACTION SUMMARY Senior Center Updates: April - June 25, 2024 Due to construction starting on the new Civic Campus, the Senior Center moved most of its programming to the Chanhassen Recreation Center beginning on June 3. The Meals on Wheels drop- off, Woodcarving Group, Guitar Group, and puzzle exchange shelves remain at the current City Hall site. Because construction needs greatly reduced accessible parking spaces for our patrons, accommodations for the Senior Center programs were made at the Recreation Center. Jodi and Mary are collaborating to organize space as needed for both programs. The move has created a need to adjust program times and dates and may require temporarily reducing the amount of 55+ programming offered due to space restrictions. That said, Jodi and the Rec Center have been accommodating as our patrons adjust to this new phase. In addition, the Chaska Lodge and Chanhassen Senior Center will be partnering on more frequent large events and trips throughout the year, utilizing the Lodge's Active Older Adults space as needed. April, May, and June were packed with programs as we tried to fit in as much as possible before the move. Our participants were enthusiastic and the programs were well attended. Please see the attached breakdown of program numbers for specifics. Senior Center Programs total reach May 1-June 25: 2,479 patrons. Summary: 1. Annual Lions Club Picnic at Lake Ann Park, Tuesday, June 25, estimated attendance: 150-160 41 2. Trips and Partner programs with Chaska Lodge, 6 Day Trips, Total Attendance: 393 3. Speakers, Entertainers, and Classes, 14 Classes, Total Attendance: 209 4. Monthly Gather and Chat Groups, 9 meetings, Total Attendance: 130 5. Weekly Game and Project Groups - Total (weekly cumulative attendance): 1370 6. Help and Wellness, Total Patrons Assisted: 227 As liaison for the Commission on Aging (COA), Mary is also helping the COA organize its July 3 and July 4 events for the city's annual celebration. The COA is hosting a table for Alzheimer's Awareness and Commission information at the Expo on July 3, and hosting the Bingo Game on July 4. Commissioners have been busy gathering prizes for this event, and are seeking more donations from local businesses and organizations. Questions about this event and donations can be directed to Mary at mblazanin@chanhassenmn.gov BACKGROUND DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS July 4th Bingo Flyer June Senior Center Quarterly Report 42 ChanhassenMN.gov/4th For more information or to view a schedule 4th of July of events, scan the QR code. Chanhassen Commission on Aging will host a free BINGO event with great prizes donated by area businesses. 100% of the freewill donations at the event supports Semper Fi Flo, a local non-profit dedicated to enriching the lives of veterans and their families. July 4 | 11 AM-1 PM | City Center Park BINGO 43 Senior Center Quarterly Report #’s April 1st - June 25 th, 2024 Attendance Annual Lions Club Picnic, Lake Anne Park, Tuesday, June 25 150-160 Trips/Partner programs with Chaska Lodge - 6 Day Trips, Total Attendance: 393 Treasure Island Casino 42 Broadway Show at the Orpheum, Lion King 54 Broadway Show at the Ordway, Come From Away 54 It’s Greek to Me: 2 Museums & A Meal 38 MN Twins Game 110 Synod Senior Band Concert 95 Speakers, Entertainers, and Classes – 14 Classes, Total Attendance: 209 David Jones Historical Presentations (2 sessions)28 Mike Henry’s Moments to Remember (2 sessions) 53 Veteran’s Benefits Presentation for Families 21 Medicare 101-Information Session 16 Transportation Options Information Session 18 Great British History classes (3 sessions)29 Defensive Driver Safety Classe (1 session)32 Colored Pencil Art Class (2 sessions)21 Mah Jongg for Beginners (1 session)12 Monthly Gather Groups – 9 meetings/programs - Total Attendance: 130 Donuts and Documentaries – monthly morning movie 30 Matinee Movie – monthly afternoon movies 49 Coffee with the Cops – monthly chats with Deputies 51 Weekly Game and Project Groups – Total (weekly-cumulative attendance): 1370 Party Bridge 308 Chan-o-laires,202 Scrabble Group 8 Woodcarving Group(multigenerational)139 Mah Jongg Open Play 237 Guitar Groupies 44 Potluck Bingo 278 Friday Card Clubs (cribbage/500)92 Mexican Train Dominoes 62 Help and Wellness – Total Patrons Assisted: 227 Foot Care Clinics (offered 1x/month)80 Free AARP 2023 Volunteer Tax Aide 107 Free Medicare Insurance Counseling – Trellis 6 Free Tech Help-Senior Community Services 12 Monthly Caregiver Support Group 32 Seated Yoga 18 Total 2nd Quarter Participation (includes one time as well as cumulative programs) 2479 patrons 44