JUNE 25, 2024
Chair Peck called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Peck, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Rob Swanson; Scott Pharis; Michael
Leisen; Sean Morgan.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Kristin Fulkerson, Nischay Pattanashetty, youth.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Adam Beers, Park
Superintendent; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager; Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager; and Mary
Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Leisen seconded
to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated May 28, 2024
Commissioner Swanson moved, Commissioner Pharis seconded to approve the minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated May 28, 2024 as presented. All voted
in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0.
1. Lake Ann Park Preserve Construction Update
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, summarized the Lake Ann Park Preserve Project,
including the construction design, drawings, approved permits, archeology study, and the
boardwalk construction. He commented that the bridge between Lake Ann and Lake Lucy was
tall enough for a kayak or small fishing boat to pass beneath.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – June 25, 2024
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if one of the lakes allowed motorized boats and the other did not.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that Lake Lucy allows for motorized boats and Lake Ann does not. Mr.
Ruegemer presented additional photos from Boardwalk C. He stated that two of the three
boardwalks have substantial progress. He explained the findings from artifact analysis and the
archeology potential recommendations for the different fields. He said that they will meet with
the 106 Group on July 16. He reviewed the conclusion, including the potential to delay bid
package number two.
Commissioner Leisen asked when the boardwalks are complete and the trails are not and if bid
package two is not complete, if the trails would be torn-up and muddy, or if they would be
Mr. Ruegemer answered that they have not touched the trails at this point so individuals can use
the trails. He hoped that the information would be received in early fall, and that the bid
packages would be out in November or December and the bid would be awarded in January. The
tree grubbing and prep work could be completed before the spawning and migration period. He
hoped the project would be completed in early summer.
Commissioner Swanson asked if Mr. Ruegemer had contacted other towns to see how SHPO
responded in similar circumstances to understand a potential timeline.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that every situation is unique.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if the delays continue, the trails would be foot traffic and not
maintained over the winter.
Mr. Ruegemer confirmed this information and that it would be maintained once the new trail was
Commissioner Eidsmo commented that the finalized project is close and often projects run into
hurdles. He complimented Mr. Ruegemer on his great work.
Commissioner Pharis asked if this project could be stopped where it was.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that they would wait until they heard from SHPO. He stated that site
number three was limited based on topography, so it would be difficult to reroute the trail.
Commissioner Pharis asked if allowing the bridges to be built was a positive sign from SHPO.
Mr. Ruegemer stated that they are waiting for the reports to be received but are ready to go to
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – June 25, 2024
Commissioner Morgan questioned whether there should be a quicker than anticipated turnaround
and if there was a scenario of partial completion of a trail if a further archeological exploration
was necessary.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that bid package two was ready to go out but wanted to see if building
a paved trail on the third section was possible. They are waiting for the report.
Commissioner Morgan asked what the phase two trigger would be and if it was an elongated
process or if it would need to be completed immediately.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that if there was a favorable response from SHPO, they could get phase
two done in a few months. It might be strategic to hold off due to concerns about higher bid
costs. This could pivot quickly. He stated that phase two of the archeological process could drag
on and he explained the process. It would be dependent on 106’s recommendations to SHPO.
Commissioner Swanson asked if they had received any photographs of the findings.
1. Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager, stated that there had been changes to accommodate the move
of the senior center. This included an upgrade to the kitchenette. They are transitioning spaces to
accommodate seniors visiting to do their activities. They replaced chairs in the recreation center.
She provided a summary of programming completed in the spring. She explained the schedule
and participation for fitness classes, taekwondo, and children’s gymnastics at the recreation
center. Community Days will take place August 17.
2. 4th of July Celebration Preview
Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager, provided an overview of the schedule of events for the 4th of
July Celebration. She reviewed the donations received from area businesses to help support
different activities during the 4th of July Celebration. She explained new items during the
celebration, such as a climate-controlled trailer for families to use for changing and nursing
stations, the little charity book truck, and the Carver County Sherrif’s Department mobile
command unit to help monitor safety. The largest change is the parade route because of current
road construction, traffic safety concerns, and gapping.
Commissioner Swanson asked if the City would return to the old parade route in future years.
Ms. Tandon responded that it had not been determined yet. They will evaluate how the new
parade route goes this year.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – June 25, 2024
3. Park Maintenance Quarterly Report
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, introduced himself to the new commissioners. He provided an
overview of the work his crew had completed, including the irrigation. He explained the current
seasonal employees’ daily responsibilities. He reviewed the donation from the Lion’s Club to
receive a lion’s head drinking fountain at Bandimere Park. He thanked the high school students
who volunteered in the spring to help with park maintenance.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked about the use of fields at Lake Ann because of the weather. He
asked who decided if teams could use the fields or not.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that Luke Kegley is the Recreation Supervisor. He communicates
closely with Mr. Beers about the conditions of the fields. If the City deems the fields not
playable for the day, they try to do everything possible to get the games in. These decisions are
made by early afternoon and communicated to the association schedulers who then communicate
to the organizations. He stated if that call is made, they expect that the fields will be closed for
the night.
Commissioner Eidsmo stated he had attended games at Lake Susan and congratulated the Park
and Recreation Department on a job well done.
4. Senior Center Quarterly Report
Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, provided an overview of the adjustments of programs
with the move to the Recreation Center. The Lion’s Club Picnic took place on June 25 and had a
record crowd. She reviewed the different topics of classes that were offered. She reviewed
weekly activities and other services provided and the number of senior citizens who utilize the
space. She stated that the 4th of July Bingo will support the Semper Fi Organization that assists
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director