SEPTEMBER 24, 2024
Chair Peck called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Peck, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Rob Swanson; Scott Pharis; Kristin
Fulkerson; Michael Leisen; Sean Morgan; Clara Christenson, youth.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Leisen; Aayan Shrestha, youth.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Adam Beers, Park
Superintendent; Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor; Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager; Mary
Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Eidsmo
seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
1. Chanhassen Farmers Market Presentation
Holly Bustle presented an overview of the Chanhassen Farmers Market.
1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated August 27, 2024
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Swanson seconded to approve the minutes of
the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated August 27, 2024 as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
1. 2024-2025 Ice Skating Rink Location Recommendations
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 24, 2024
Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor, reviewed the 2024-2025 skating season and recommended
flooding 11 ice rinks at six locations. He summarized the skating locations and the warming
house hours. He explained the expenses associated with the skating rink maintenance, wages,
and warming house rentals.
Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to approve the Park and
Recreation Commission Staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve the
following ice-skating rink locations and warming house hours be maintained for the 2024-
2025 season. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
2. Pickleball Court Location Discussion
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, explained the requests that the Park and
Recreation Department received to convert tennis courts to pickleball courts. He discussed the
advantages and disadvantages of converting tennis courts to pickleball courts. He reviewed the
current pickleball court and tennis court locations. He showed a video to demonstrate the noise
associated with pickleball and explained the potential noise complaints of placing pickleball
courts in a neighborhood. He commented that lawsuits about pickleball noise complaints do
Commissioner Eidsmo asked if there were regulations in Chanhassen related to the decibels of
Mr. Ruegemer answered that pickleball was recognized around 70 decibels. He stated that the
sound of pickleball is annoying to residents.
Commissioner Fulkerson stated that she lives two blocks from the Roundhouse pickleball courts
and commented that they hear noise from the courts all day during the summer.
Mr. Ruegemer suggested locating pickleball courts in community parks or at the recreation
center to accommodate parking for pickleball games and to provide distance from residents to
reduce concerns with the noise.
Commissioner Pharis asked how much it cost to convert a tennis court to a pickleball court and
how much it cost to put a pickleball court in from scratch.
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, answered that it cost around $1500 to convert a tennis court
to a pickleball court. He commented that half of the pickleball population would complain about
the height difference between a tennis net and a pickleball net.
Mr. Ruegemer commented that to create four pickleball courts from scratch would be between
$200,000 to $250,000.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 24, 2024
Mr. Beers stated that adding fencing, lights, and painting would be more than $200,000.
Chair Peck asked about how many individuals played tennis and how many individuals played
Mr. Ruegemer answered that he did not know the exact number, but that pickleball is more
Commissioner Eidsmo asked about using the hockey courts as pickleball courts.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that the conditions of the hockey courts was not suitable for a
pickleball court. A skatepark would be relocated at the location of the hockey courts.
Commissioner Morgan asked about the path of the motion and what action would occur.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that the staff was seeking a recommendation from the Park and
Recreation Commission so that the City Council could review the decision. The Park and
Recreation Department is looking for clear direction moving forward.
Commissioner Morgan questioned if there was an ideal ratio of pickleball and tennis courts.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that they could meet the ideal ratio at the community parks through the
creation of additional pickleball courts.
Commissioner Morgan asked about a policy to set an ideal standard for the distance of a
pickleball court to residents.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that it is less likely to have a noise complaint in a community park, as
many residents do not live directly near the parks.
Commissioner Fulkerson stated that Roundhouse Park did not have a lot of parking, and the
traffic had increased exponentially to access the pickleball courts. She commented that small
neighborhood parks cannot accommodate the parking of pickleball.
Commissioner Pharis asked how many pickleball courts would be at the new recreation center if
it was approved.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that there are nine proposed indoor courts.
Commissioner Morgan suggested an amendment to the last clause to state “which will reduce
noise complaints” because they cannot promise no noise complaints. He commented that there
was a typo with the word ample.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 24, 2024
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Fulkerson seconded to approve the Park and
Recreation Commission Staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve that the
city not convert neighborhood tennis courts to pickleball courts and adopt the practice of
locating pickleball courts within Community Parks to create further distance from resident
housing, which will reduce noise complaints, and where ample parking is more available.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0.
1. 2024 Lake Ann Park Concession & Watercraft Rental Evaluation
Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor, summarized the concession and boat rental services for
summer 2025. He noted the successful partnership with Grey Duck Outdoor to provide, license,
and maintain all paddleboards. He reviewed the concession stand and the partnership with Boba
Tonka Bubble Tea, noting that the digital menu boards had a technical issue, but the concession
stand sales were still successful. He provided an overview of the best-selling items at the
concession stand. He commented that the lack of lifeguards and the weather impacted the
attendance at Lake Ann.
Commissioner Eidsmo asked for more information about the lifeguard decision.
Mr. Kegley responded that Lake Ann was able to operate at a desired population.
Mr. Ruegemer stated that Chanhassen did employment campaigns to hire lifeguards but was
unsuccessful. The staff expected a dip in attendance without the lifeguards. He thought that the
numbers would increase in a few years and noted the poor weather throughout the summer. He
stated they received minimal complaints about the lack of lifeguards and received feedback
about parents better engaging with their children in the water.
Commissioner Christensen said that she worked at the Lake Ann Camp, and they were able to
adjust without lifeguards.
Mr. Ruegemer commented that they tried to find lifeguards and it is difficult to find lifeguards
across the nation.
2. Recreation Center Quarterly Update
Jodi Sarles, Rec Center Manager, stated that they had finished the summer cleaning. They
purchased new plastic chairs, which the staff can clean better after birthday parties. The rec
center also replaced a few pieces of exercise equipment, including a bike, a stair stepper, and two
ellipticals. She reviewed different activities that occurred at the rec center and noted the
successes and the attendance. She said that she hired a part-time staff member as a coordinator at
the rec center.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 24, 2024
3. Park Maintenance Quarterly Update
Adam Beers, Park Superintendent, explained how trail projects are normally determined. He said
that with the increased road construction, they were able to build additional trails at 101 North
because of the MnDOT road project. He commented that they were able to redo 101 South from
Highway 5 to Lyman with the County Road project. He reviewed additional trails that were
being fixed, including Bluff Creek Preserve, Stone Creek Park connection, Galpin Road project,
and the South Lotus Lake Park. He provided an overview of the park maintenance that crews
were completing. He recognized the importance of seasonal staff.
Commissioner Fulkerson asked if they could put up QR codes for the see, click, fix so people
can report needed maintenance.
Mr. Beers responded that they would consider this suggestion.
Commissioner Morgan asked if they were working with Shorewood to extend the Galpin Road
trail project.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that this extension had been discussed, but it had been challenging to
figure out a funding source. He stated that they would find out where the project stood with
Shorewood and provide a report.
4. Senior Center Quarterly Update
Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator, reviewed the Senior Center programs and the impact
from the summer slowdown and the relocation to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. She
explained the challenges with the bus trips, including the higher fees for attendees. They had to
cancel a few trips for a lack of enrollment. She summarized the attendance for the different
educational workshops, educational speakers, lunch and learn with Mayor Ryan, and activity
groups. She provided updates from the Commission on Aging.
Commissioner Fulkerson presented information about the Windjammers Synchronized Skating
Program, which held a retreat at Lake Ann Park.
Commissioner Morgan presented information about electric bikes and noted different digital
messages about safety recommendations. He asked about potential positive reinforcements or
messages to encourage safety with electric bikes in a formalized manner.
Chair Peck asked if the city had any ordinances.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – September 24, 2024
Commissioner Fulkerson said that people are supposed to be fifteen to ride the bikes, but it was
not an ordinance.
Mr. Ruegemer reviewed potential issues with electric bikes and noted different regulations that
could be imposed.
Commissioner Eidsmo moved, Commissioner Pharis seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director