OCTOBER 22, 2024
Chair Peck called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Peck, Chair; Dan Eidsmo; Rob Swanson; Scott Pharis; Kristin
Fulkerson; Michael Leisen; Sean Morgan; Aayan Shrestha, youth; and Clara Christenson, youth.
STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Wall, Recreation
Manager; and Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Swanson
seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0.
1. Approve Park & Recreation Minutes dated September 24, 2024
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Leisen seconded to approve the minutes of the
Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated September 24, 2024, as presented. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0.
1. 2024 Picnic Season Evaluation
Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor, summarized the reservations that occurred at the three paid
picnic shelters. He reviewed the process for online reservations.
Chair Peck asked if the reservation system ever turns someone down.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – October 22, 2024
Mr. Kegley answered that someone would not be able to make a reservation if another event was
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, stated that residents treated the facilities well.
Mr. Kegley reviewed the constructive feedback received from the picnic shelter survey. The fee
for the shelter reservation was viewed favorably. He explained different problems that occurred
at the facility, including the operation of the lights. He said that he would create a how-to guide
for the 2025 picnic season. He stated that the reservations increased from 2023 to 2024.
Priya Wall, Recreation Manager, explained that weather impacted reservations in 2023 for
different corporate events.
Commissioner Morgan asked about public comments related to the reservation system.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that the staff must ensure that reservations are completed correctly.
They are considering a docu-sign to streamline the reservation process.
Commissioner Swanson asked about plans to update the bathrooms.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that the bathrooms are open 24 hours a day. The staff clean the
bathrooms every day, but other users might make a mess. He stated that the Lake Ann bathrooms
were built in 1993 and are the newest. He noted that the bathrooms could use updating and they
are trying to find funding to modernize the bathrooms. He explained the difficulties of updating
with the glazed cinder blocks.
Commissioner Fulkerson asked about non-profits not being able to complete the reservations
Ms. Wall explained the reservation process for non-profits.
Mr. Ruegemer stated Item 3 will be considered next since it is interconnected with Item 1.
3. Establish 2025 Picnic Reservation Fees
Luke Kegley, Recreation Supervisor, reviewed the 2025 picnic reservation fees. The last increase
was in 2020. He summarized the current fee scale for the picnic reservations for different groups.
He commented that users requested half-day rentals, but this request would be difficult with
current staffing to clean up between events.
Commissioner Leisen asked when the last time the rates changed.
Mr. Kegley answered that rates changed in 2020.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – October 22, 2024
Chair Peck asked a question.
Commissioner Morgan asked an additional question about the rates.
Commissioner Fulkerson moved, Commissioner Pharis seconded to approve the Park and
Recreation Commission Staff’s recommendation to the City Council to approve the 2025
picnic reservation fees for group picnics. All voted in favor and the motion carried
unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0.
2. Lake Ann Park Preserve Update
Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director, provided an update to the Lake Ann Park
Preserve construction update. He explained the two grants received from Great River Greening
to restore natural areas and address invasive species. He noted that the city would have to invest
$42,000 over four years and would receive $350,000.
Commissioner Morgan asked if the grant had to be used specifically for invasive species.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that it was to manage invasive species. He provided examples of how
the grant could be utilized to help with buckthorn and emerald ash borer. He explained how the
buckthorn was previously treated.
Commissioner Morgan asked about the shorelines and lake accessibility.
Mr. Ruegemer answered that the Green River Greening grant would include buckthorn removal
along the shoreline. He summarized the archeological sites that were identified and explained the
different potential recommendations for sites one, two, and three. He explained that any redesign
work would need to return to phase one for additional survey work. He summarized potential
options for the section of the trail on the FS-03 site. He noted the different action items for each
option and the estimated costs. He requested a contract amendment of $50,000 from the City
Council to conduct phase two to identify the archeological findings and whether they are
significant. The results would provide a definitive path forward. He hoped that the survey work
could be completed in 2024.
Commissioner Swanson asked what objects were found and whether there were pictures.
Mr. Ruegemer responded that the findings were flat rocks. They are trying to identify cultural
travel of Native American tribes.
3. Establish 2025 Picnic Reservation Fees
This item was considered following Agenda Item 1.
Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – October 22, 2024
1. Halloween Party Review
Priya Wall, Recreation Manager, summarized the activities provided at the Halloween party. She
noted that there were between 800 to 900 attendees at the Recreation Center. She commented
that pre-registrations are decreasing, and instead, most registrations happen at the door. They
have a square card reader to assist with registration fees. The event is being advertised online
through email and social media and fliers were sent out through the schools. She commented that
sponsorships and registration fees helped cover the costs of the event. She thanked South Lake
Agency Insurance for sponsoring this year’s event and for providing a photo booth.
Mr. Ruegemer stated that there were stormwater challenges at the entry of the recreation center.
They are starting a construction project on these areas on Thursday before the Halloween party.
They are building a temporary two-way road between Bluff Creek Elementary and the recreation
center. The normal recreation center entrance would be closed. This construction would also
impact traffic during election day.
Mr. Ruegemer talked about the Bluff Creek community center on the ballot. Some voters were
disappointed since no swimming pool was included. He said that the city staff provided
information about the recreation center.
Commissioner Pharis moved, Commissioner Morgan seconded to adjourn the meeting. All
voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. The Park and
Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer
Park and Recreation Director