04-19-24 COA Agenda1.10:00 A.M. - CALL TO ORDER 2.OATHS OF OFFICE 2.A Commission on Aging Appointment & Oath of Office 3.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 4.APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.A Approval of Minutes dated March 15, 2024 5.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 5.A Election of Chair and Vice Chair 5.B Open Meeting Law - Jenny Potter 6.PRESENTATIONS 6.A Allison Streich, Deputy Director, Carver County CDA 7.GENERAL BUSINESS 7.A Communications Articles and Website Updates 7.B Bridging Program Updates 7.C Memorial Day Participation Updates 7.D 4th of July Bingo, Expo and Senior Tent/seating 8.COMMUNITY PARTNER PRESENTATIONS 8.A Senior Center Updates AGENDA CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2024 FOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 8.B Linnea Fonnest, Chanhassen Library Updates 8.C Carver County Health and Human Services Updates 9.OPEN DISCUSSION 10.ADJOURNMENT 2 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Commission on Aging Appointment & Oath of Office Section OATHS OF OFFICE Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Jenny Potter, Senior Administrative Assistant, will give the oaths of office for the new and re-elected commissioners: Gwen Block, Jim Camarata, and Phyllis Mobley. Commission on Aging Oaths of Office 3 CITY OT CIIAI'IIIASSXN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomonow OATH OF OFFICE I, Phyllis Mobley, do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesot4 and to discharge faithfully the duties of the office of Commissioner for the Commission on Aging of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability, so help me, God. Phyllis Mobley Date: April 19,2024 STATE OF MINNESOTA COI.]NTY OF CARVER Subscribed and swom to before me this _ day of 2024. Notary Public PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 ) ( ) SS 71OO I"IARKEI BOULEVARD .PO BOX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55317 4 CNYMCIIANIIASSXI'I Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow OATH OF OFFICE I, Jim Camarata, do solemnly swear to suppo( the Constitution ofthe United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and to discharge faithfirlly the duties of the office of Commissioner for the Commission on Aging of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability, so help me, God. Jim Camarata Date: April 19,2024 STATE OF MINNESOTA COLINTY OF CARVER Subscribed and swom to before me this _ day of 2024. Notary Public PH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 ) ( ) ss //OO I'4ARKET BOULEVARD ,PO BOX i4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55317 "tI 0t + t fl[S 5 CITY OT CIIANIIASSIN Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow OATH OF OFFICE I, Gwendolyn Block, do solemnly swear to support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties of the offrce of Commissioner for the Commission on Aging of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability, so help me, God. Gwendolyn Block Date: April 19.2024 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER Subscribed and swom to before me this - day of 2024. Notary Public pH 952.227.1100. www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us. FX 952.227.1110 ) ( ) 71OO MARKET BOULEVARD .PO 8OX I4T.CHANHASSEN .MINNESOTA 55317 6 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Approval of Minutes dated March 15, 2024 Section APPROVAL OF MINUTES Prepared By Kate Vogt, Admin Support Specialist Commission on Aging minutes March 15, 2024 7 Page 1 of 3 March 15, 2024 MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Baumtrog, Gwen Block, Jim Camarata, Bhakti Modi, Beth Mason, Kara Cassidy, Ruth Lunde, Ruth Slivken MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator GUESTS PRESENT: Linnea Fonnest, Adult Services Librarian, Gary Spears, Senior Community Services, Barb Solum, Lisa Anderson, Bill Maloney APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Camarata made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Block seconded. All members voted in favor and the motion carried. Agenda was approved. COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES February 16, 2024. A correction request was made stating Linnea Fonnest, Adult Services Librarian presented the update on Bridging Book Club in the absence of Commissioner Slivken at the February 16, 2024 meeting. The correction was noted and accepted. Commissioner Cassidy made the motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Baumtrog seconded. All members voted in favor and the motion carried. Minutes were approved. Visitor Presentations Carver County Health Updates No in person update was given. Senior Community Services Updates Gary Spears, Senior Community Services (SCS), gave a presentation about the services they provide. Their goal is to empower seniors to stay in their houses through offering their Home Help Services. As part of that initiative, Seniors can sign up for one-on-one technology sessions for assistance with phones, laptops, and other personal technology issues. Assisting with access, devices, and usage are the three components of Senior Community Services’ technology help. Senior Community Services’ grants and services mainly reach Hennepin County residents, but is now creating more resources for Carver County. SCS Home Services has three main initiatives • The Interior Home group focuses on inside repairs, technology assistance, and house cleaning. • The Exterior Home group focuses on outdoor lawn care and shoveling. Exterior is not yet in Carver due to State Funding, but discussions are being held to get funding for Carver County. • Outreach and Support for Caregivers, for example Chanhassen hosts a caregiver support group on the first Thursday of every month. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next big step in technology. Chat GPT was discussed as a possible educational session that could be presented to local seniors. Chanhassen Library Update Linnea Fonnest, Adult Services Librarian, discussed the library having material about consumer information and how to avoid fraud and learn about budgets. There is a seed library again for a 8 Page 2 of 3 third year. People can take seed packets to plant seeds. They have a puzzle swap event at the library and there an ongoing puzzle “swap shelf” at the senior center. Chanhassen Library is working with the county career force on the fourth Tuesday of the month for seniors needing jobs Chan-o-laires will be performing on a Saturday in May at the library. The book sale will be the third week in April. Senior Center Updates Mary Blazanin, Senor Center Coordinator The city will be closing off the two parking lots at the Senior Center starting after Labor Day due to new construction. They will be unavailable closed for about a year and a half. During construction, the Senior Center programs will move to the Recreation Center. All library parking will be on the east side of the building. Mary will have a temporary office at the Recreation Center. The Commission on Aging can meet at the location of their choice. Goals and Strategic Plans Motion was made by Commissioner Cassidy, seconded by Commissioner Baumtrog, Strategic Plan was passed. Discussion Items 4th of July Bingo and Information Table Preparation Mary Blazanin will be managing the Bingo and will provide commissioners with lists of the businesses to contact for donations. The July 4th Expo will need volunteers. More Bingo cards were needed last year. Discussion was had for what organization to choose for donating to. Arbor Day There is a group at the High School that would like to partner and assist with Arbor Day. The Environmental Commission is in charge of Arbor Day. The Commission on Aging usually sends a representative to the event. Memorial Day Table for Veterans Project Commissioners need to make a decision on which organization will receive donations collected at this event. Commission Presentations Discussion: Senior Center Web Page Project Commissioner Modi is working with Ari Lyksett to get to the final publishing and going live. Looking to a going live date of April/May. Chanhassen Villager Articles Update Commissioner Camarata gave an update that they still haven’t heard back from anyone at the Villager. Ms. Blazanin had been trying to contact someone at the paper and she and Commissioner Camarata will be working together to get a contact. Bridging Book Club, Ruth Slivken Commissioner Slivken reported that the bridging book club is up and running and they are going 9 Page 3 of 3 to try to continue over the summer. She will be sharing the book list with the Commission. The students that are doing the bridging book club are interested in helping in other ways. They want to work with the Environment and Park & Recreation Commissions on a variety of other project ideas. They are also interested in making greeting cards for people in nursing homes. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Cassidy called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 11:24 a.m. Minutes prepared by Jenny Potter, Senior Administrative Assistant Minutes Submitted by Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator 10 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Election of Chair and Vice Chair Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator 11 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Open Meeting Law - Jenny Potter Section ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Open Meeting Law Bylaws 12 ml DEPARTMENI OF ADMIN!STRATION DATA PRACTIC ES Much of the business conducted by various state bodies is not required or permitted "by law" to be done in a mee6ng. Therefore, many meetngs held by state agencies, boards, commissions or departments are not necessarily subject to the Open Meeting Law (e.9., staff meetings, brainstorming sessions, etc.). While agencies may ultimately determine that some of their groups are not subject to Chapter 13D, they are encouraged to hold open meetings to promote transparency and community engagement. The Open Meeting Law does not contain precise rules about which state groups have to follow the law; the following may be helpful to state agency staff in consultation with their legal counsel in making the determination. General Considerations . How was the group created? . Who appoints the members? . who chairs or provades administrative support for the group? . what gives the group power to make decisions or recommendatons? . What duties and powers have been granted to the body? These types of state bodies generally are subiect to the Open Meeting Law . Multi-member groups where decision-making authority lies with the group (rather than with the Governor, Commissionet or an executive director) such as the Minnesota State Arts Board, Board of Nursing, and the Professional Educator Licensing and standards Board . Multi-member groups created by statute where the chair or the administrative suppon comes from a state agency . Created by the Governor, such as the Drive to Excellence steering committees or the Minnesota Bioscience Council . Created by the Commissioner of a state department or a board under section 15.014 (advisory task forces) . Bodies whose membership is filled under section 15.0597 (Open Appointments Act), or other state law . Multi-member groups established by a state agency on proposed rulemaking (see M.i!-0C59!a-S!a!U!eS,lCgE9!-!L1IXl, subdivision2 {httos://www.revisor.mn.govlstatutes/?id=14.101f stat. 14. 101.2}) . with governmental powers (i.e., the power to regulate, license, make public policy, or determine the use of public resources or otherwise transact public business) State bodies that may not be subject to the Open Meeting Law . Ad-hoc advisory Broups convened by division, bureaus or other unit of a state agency . Those not having ultimate decision-makinS authority (i.e., the Commissioner or Governor makes final decision) . Those not required to transact public business in a meetng Related Advisory Opinions Advisory Opinion O8-O18: The Commissione[ interpreted the phrase "transact public business" to conclude that the legislatively-mandated Drug Formulary Committee appointed by the Commissioner of the Department of Human Services was subiect to the Open Meedng Law. Advisory Opinion O8-O:t4: The Commissioner opined that a task force was akin to a board or commission concluding that the Ulra-High Speed Broadband Task Force created by the Legislature was subject to the Open Meeting Law. State Public Bodies Which state public bodies are subject to the requirements of the Open Meeting Law? Under the Open Meeting law (Minnesota Statutes, Chaplg.UlD-(hspslulus4reyisaf-mn gov/statutes/?id=13D&view=chap!el)), all meetings (including executjve sessions) of a state agency, board, commission, or department, must be open to the public when required or p€rmitted by law to transact public business in a meeting. 13 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2023 l3D.0l 13D.01 MEETINGS MUST BE OPEN TO TIIE PUBLIC; EXCEPTIONS. Subdivision l. In executive branch, local government. All meetings, including executive sessions, must be open to the public (a) ofa state ( I ) agency, (2) board, (3) commission, or (4) department, when required or permitted by law to transact public business in a meeting; (b) ofthe goveming body of a (l ) school district however organized, (2) unorganized territory (3) county, (4) statutory or home rule charter ciry, (5) town, or (6) other public body; (c) of any ( I ) committee, (2) subcommittee, (3) board, (4) departrnent, or (5) commission, ofa public body; and (d) of the goveming body or a committee of: (l) a statewide public pension plan defined in section 356A.01, subdivision 24; or (2) a local public pension plan governed by sections 424A.091 to 424A.096, or chaPter 3544, or Laws 2013, chapter 1 I l, article 5, sections 3l to 42. Subd. 2. Exceptions. This chapter does not apply ( l) to meetings ofthe commissioner of corrections; (2) to a state agency, board, or commission when it is exercising quasi-judicial functions involving disciplinary proceedings; or Official Publication of the State of Minliesota Revisor of Slatutes I 14 l3D.0l MINNESOTA STATUTES 2023 (3) as otherwise expressly provided by statute. Subd. 3. Subject of and grounds for closed meeting. Before closing a meeting, a public body shall state on the record the specific grounds permitting the meeting to be closed and describe the subject to be discussed. Subd.4. Votes to be kept in journal or minutes. (a) The votes of the members of the state agenc, board, commission, or department; or of the goveming body, committee, subcommittee, board, department, or commission on an action taken in a meeting required by this section to be open to the public must be recorded in a joumal or minutes. (b) The vote of each member must be recorded on each appropriation of money, except for payments ofjudgments, claims, and amounts fixed by statute. Subd. 5. Public rccess to journal and minutes. The joumal or any minutes used to record votes of a meeting subject to this chapter must be open to the public during all normal business hours where records ofthe public body are kept. Subd. 6. Public copy of members' materials. (a) ln any meeting which under subdivisions 1, 2, 4, and 5, and section 13D.02 must be open to the public, at least one copy ofany printed materials relating to the agenda items of the meeting prepared or distributed by or at the direction of the goveming body or its employees and: (l) distributed at the meeting to all members ofthe goveming body; (2) distributed before the meeting to all members; or (3) available in the meeting room to all members; shall be available in the meeting room for inspection by the public while the governing body considers their subject matt€r. (b) This subdivision does not apply to materials classified by law as other than public as defined in chapter 13, or 10 materials relating to the agenda items of a closed meeting held in accordance with the procedures in section 13D.03 or other law permitting the closing ofmeetings. History:1957c773s1;1967c462s1;1973cl23art5s7;1973c654s15;1973c680s1,3; 1975 c27ls6; l98l c 174 s 1; 1983 c 137 s 1; 1983c274s18;1984c462s27:1987c313s1;1990c550s 2,3;1991 c 292 art 8 s 12; l99l c 319 s 22; 1994c618artlsi9: 1997c154s2;15p2001 c I0art4s l; 2010 c 359 art I 2 s 3; lSp20l I c 8 art 8 s 2,1 4; 201 3 c I I I art 5 s 4,80; 2021 c I 4 s 2,3 2 Oflicial Publication ofthe Slate of Minnesota Revisor ofStatutes 15 1 COMMISSION ON AGING BY-LAWS The following by-laws are adopted by the Chanhassen Commission on Aging to facilitate the performances of its duties and the exercising of its functions as a Commission established by the City Council pursuant to the provision of Subdivision 1, Section 462.354, Minnesota State Statutes annotated. Section 1 - Duties and Responsibilities 1.1 The Commission on Aging shall serve as an advisory body to the City Council in addressing the special needs of the people over 55 living in Chanhassen. All final decisions are to be made by the City Council. 1.2 The Commission on Aging will consider and make recommendations to the City Council regarding the special needs of seniors in the areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.3 The Commission on Aging will make recommendations to the City Council regarding funding for special services to be provided for the citizens over 55. 1.4 The Commission on Aging may propose needs studies of this age group where necessary and make recommendations to the City Council according to the results. 1.5 The Commission on Aging will coordinate services with other governments and private agencies for this age group. 1.6 Public Hearings. The Commission on Aging shall hold public meeting on issues regarding special needs of seniors in areas of transportation, information and assistance, independent living in the home, social and recreational programs, senior centers and senior housing, but will not be limited to these issues. 1.7 Establishment of Sub-Committees. The Commission on Aging may, as they deem appropriate, establish special sub-committees comprised of their own members and other citizens from the community. Section 2 - Meetings 2.1 Times and Place. Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held on the third Friday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the Fountain Conference Room, 7700 Market Boulevard, unless otherwise directed by the Chairperson, in which case, at least 24 hours notice will be given to all members. Regular meetings shall have a curfew of 12:00 p.m., which may be waived at the discretion of the Chairperson. All unfinished business will be carried over to the next regular meeting. When the regular meeting day falls on a legal holiday, there shall be no meeting. 16 2 2.2 Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be held upon call by the Chairperson, or in her/his absence, the Vice-Chairperson, or any other member with the concurrence of four other members of the Commission and with at least 48 hours of notice to all members on the first Friday of the month. Notice of all special meetings shall be posted on the official city bulletin board. 2.3 Attendance. The Commission on Aging members shall attend not less than 70% of all regular meetings held during a twelve month period and shall not be absent from two consecutive meetings. Failure to meet this minimum attendance requirement may result in removal from the commission. Attendance of special meetings is encouraged. Section 3 - Commission Composition - Terms and Vacancies 3.1 Composition. The Commission on Aging shall consist of seven or eight voting members. Seven or eight members shall be appointed by the City Council and may be removed by the Council. 3.2 Terms and Vacancies. The City Council shall appoint seven or eight members to the commission for terms of three years. Vacancies during the term shall be filled by the Council for the unexpired portion of the term. Every appointed member shall, before entering upon the charge of his/her duties take an oath that he/she will faithfully discharge the duties of his/her office. All members shall serve without compensation. 3.3 Quorum. Four Commission on Aging members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Whenever a quorum is not present, no final or official action shall be taken at such meeting. 3.4 No two members of the same household may serve on the Commission on Aging at the same time. Section 4 - Organization 4.1 Election of Officers. The first meeting in April of each year, the Commission on Aging shall hold an organizational meeting. At this meeting, the Commission shall elect from its membership a chairperson and vice-chairperson. This shall be done by voice vote. Vice- Chairperson shall be elected from the remaining members by the same proceeding. If the Chairperson retires from the Commission on Aging before the next regular organizational meeting, the Vice-Chairperson shall be Chairperson. If both Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson retire, new officers shall be elected at the next regular meeting. If both Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson are absent from a meeting, the Commission shall elect a temporary Chairperson by voice vote. The newly elected officers will begin serving their seats in the month of May. 4.2 Duties of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson, or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall preside at meetings, appoint committees from it's own membership and perform other such duties as ordered by the Commission. 17 3 The Chairperson shall conduct the meeting so as to keep it moving as rapidly and efficiently as possible and shall remind members, witnesses and petitioners to preserve order and decorum and to keep comments to the subject at hand. The Chairperson shall not move for action but may second motions. Section 5 - Procedure 5.1 Procedure. Parliamentary procedure governed by Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be followed at all regular meetings. At special work session meetings, and when appropriate, the Commission may hold group discussions not following any set parliamentary procedures except when motions are before the Commission. 5.2 Commission meeting shall follow an agenda prepared by staff. Section 6 - Public Hearings 6.1 Purpose of Hearings. The purpose of a hearing is to collect information and facts in order for the Commission to develop a rational senior issue recommendation for the City Council. 6.2 Hearing Procedure. At hearings, the following procedures shall be followed in each case: a. The Chairperson shall state the case to be heard. b. The Chairperson shall call upon staff to present the staff report. Required reports from each city department shall be submitted to the Commission on Aging before each case is heard. c. The Chairperson shall ask the applicant to present his/her case. d. Interested persons may address the Commission, giving information regarding the particular proposal. e. Petitioners and the public are to address the Chairperson only, not staff or other commissioners. f. There shall be no dialogue among the Commissioners, giving information regarding the particular proposal. (The Commission on Aging members may ask questions of persons addressing the Commission in order to clarify a fact, but any statement by a member for any other purpose then to question may be ruled out of order.) g. After all new facts and information have been brought forth, the hearing shall be closed and interested persons shall not be heard again. Upon completion of the hearing on each case, the Commission on Aging shall discuss the item at hand and render a decision. The Commission on Aging, if it so desires, may leave the public record open for written comments for a specified period of time. h. The Chairperson shall have the responsibility to inform all of the parties of their rights of appeal on any decision or recommendation of the Commission on Aging. 6.3 Schedule. At meetings where more than one hearing is scheduled, every effort shall be made to begin each case at the time set on the agenda, but in no case may an item be called for hearing prior to the advertised time listed on the agenda. 18 4 Section 7 - Miscellaneous 7.1 Commission on Aging Discussion. Matters for discussion which do not appear on the agenda may not be considered and discussed by the Commission unless, when initiated and presented by the staff and be placed at the end of the agenda. 7.2 Suspension of Rules. The Commission may suspend any of these rules by unanimous vote of the members present. 7.3 Amendments. Amendments of these by-laws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Commission on Aging but only if scheduled on the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting. 7.4 Review. At the first meeting in April of each year, these by-laws shall be read and adopted by the Commission on Aging. 7.5 The Chair of the Commission on Aging shall appoint a member of the Commission on Aging to the Senior Center Volunteer Corps. Adopted this 21st day of April 2023. Chairperson 19 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Allison Streich, Deputy Director, Carver County CDA Section PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Letter 20 An Equal Housing Opportunity/Employer March 19, 2024 Follow up to Chanhassen Commission on Aging Meeting on Friday, February 16, 2024 Dear Commission on Aging: Thank you so much for allowing me to present on Trail’s Edge Senior. Per our discussion, here is your feedback from the meeting. Below is a list of items that were discussed in 2023 for that RFP and that will continue into the 2024 RFP. 1. Coordinate food access/mobile food delivery. The CDA has already discussed mobile food delivery from Gather and Grow. 2. Ensure that microwaves are not mounted. 3. Use cordless window coverings 4. Access to community gardens. 5. A covered entrance into the building as well as the addition of a covered seating area where residents can sit and wait for rides. 6. The installation of grab bars at time of construction in all unit bathrooms. 7. Agreement with walk in showers in units with only one bathroom Here is a list of additional items we discussed at the February meeting: 1. If there is more than one bathroom and install a tub in the second, provide a tub cut out with a door. 2. On the train connection, is it possible to add a bench and a railing? 3. Bookshelves for books in the community room. I appreciate your feedback and questions on both properties. I am working to have answers to this at our next meeting. Respectfully, Allison Streich Allison Streich Deputy Director 952-448-7715, ext. 2803 allisons@carvercda.org 21 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Communications Articles and Website Updates Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator 22 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Bridging Program Updates Section GENERAL BUSINESS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator https://www.chanhassenmn.gov/departments/community-development/natural-resources/forestry- landscaping/arbor-day-event 23 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Senior Center Updates Section COMMUNITY PARTNER PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Summer 2024 Connection Its Greek to Me Trip 24 13 CITY OF CHANHASSEN |SUMMER 2024SUMMER 2024 | CITY OF CHANHASSEN 12 SENIORS Free Tech Help Every second & fourth Tuesday | 1-4 PM | Senior Community Services Get 1:1 tech help to learn or troubleshoot on your smartphone and laptop in a 30 minute session. Age 60+ » Free » Appointments required » 952.227.1124 Medicare Insurance Counseling Every second Thursday | 9 AM-12 PM 1:1 assistance to understand your Medicare options. Age 60+ » Free » Appointment required seven days in advance. Call 800.333.2433 or the Senior Center for scheduling. Caregiver Support Services Every first Thursday | 1:30-3:30 PM Senior Community Services hosts a support group helping caregivers share experiences, resources, challenges, coping strategies, and humor. Free » Walk ins welcome » 612.868.6720 Monthly Foot Care Clinic With a registered nurse The foot clinic includes complete toenail and skin care with an RN assessment—options for 20 or 40 minute sessions. Age 55+ » $45-55 » No walk ins » For appointments, call 952.227.1124 Weekly Programs Fridays Cribbage | 10 AM-12 PM NEW! 500 Cards | 10AM-12PM Chair Yoga | 12:30PM Chanhassen Recreation Center Thursdays Mexican Train Dominoes | 2-4 PM Mondays Guitar Groupies | 10 AM-12 PM Party Bridge | 12:30-3:30 PM Wednesdays Mah Jongg | 9 AM & 1 PM Woodcarving | 9-11:30 AM Quarter BINGO | 12-3:30 PM Tuesdays Chan-o-Laires | 12:30-3 PM (Meets September- May) Help & Wellness 55+ ACTIVE ADULTS55+ ACTIVE ADULTSTo register, stop in or sign up online at ChanhassenMN.gov/Seniors. Unless noted otherwise, program registration deadlines are 7 days before classes start. Sign up for our e-newsletter online at ChanhassenMN.gov. For Active Older Adults: 55+ Chanhassen Senior Center S E NIO R C ENTERNE SSAHNAHCFOYTIC Back in Time Tour Thursday, July 18 | 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Spend a day in history! First, we tour the Oliver Kelley Farm, Elk River, exploring Kelley's time tested vision for modern farming. Lunch follows at Sunset Grill. Then, off to a soda-fountain tour and tasting at the original Blue Sun Soda bottling factory & candy store. $76, all-inclusive » Registration deadline June 27. Bus departs from Chan REC Center Take Me Home: The Music of John Denver Tuesday, August 13 | 9:15 AM-5:15 PM A delightful trip starting with a buffet lunch at Coyote Moon Grille, followed by a John Denver tribute at Paramount Theater, St. Cloud. Denver's hit songs will take you back to Country Roads. $87, all-inclusive » Registration deadline July 9. Bus departs from Chan REC Center Mill City Museum & River Boat Tour Thursday, August 29 | 9 AM-5 PM Explore the influence and majesty of the mighty Mississippi. It's a guided tour of Mill City Museum, with its rich history of river-powered industry, a box lunch picnic in the park, and an afternoon riverboat tour highlighting river bluffs & lock and dam history. $87, all-inclusive » Registration deadline July 29. Bus departs from Chan REC Center Gather Groups Thursday Theater Big screen hits | Free | 2 PM April 18 | The Barbie Movie May 16 | Boys in the Boat Donuts & Documentaries Fascinating Biographies & Historical Events | Free | 10 AM April 30 | Jerry & Marge Go Large May 28 | Horatio's Drive: America's 1st Road Trip Coffee with the Cops Enjoy coffee, treats, and updates with local deputies | 10 AM Thursdays, April 11, May 9, June 13, July 18, August 8 Great British History Lessons Free | Every third Tuesday through May, 2024 | 10 AM Discussions on British history and lore moderated by retired teacher Terry Kubista. Friends, Food, & Fun Song & Dance, by the Synod Senior Band Thursday, May 30 | 3:30-4:30 PM | Free concert | Chaska Enjoy the sounds of this grand, 60+ member wind ensemble band performing music from marches to modern. Free pie and ice cream social in The Lodge after the performance. Free » Chaska Community Center Auditorium | 1661 Park Ridge Drive Call 952.227.1124 to Pre-register Lunch with the Mayor Tuesday, June 18 | 11:30 AM-1 PM Enjoy a delicious Cub Food chicken and sides lunch followed by an always fun and informative city update from Mayor Elise Ryan. $10 » Chanhassen Recreation Center » Registration deadline June 12 Annual Lions Club 55+ Picnic Tuesday, June 25 | 11:30-1 PM Nothing says summer fun like a grill out! The Chanhassen Lions Club is serving up burgers, hot dogs, chips, potato salad, beverages, and dessert. Invite a friend or neighbor, and enjoy a yummy meal, great conversation, and door prizes. Free » Lake Ann Park - Klinglehutz Pavillion » Pre-registration required Located lower level at City Hall | 7700 Market Boulevard | Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM | 952.227.1124 Day Trips & Adventures Two Museums & A Meal Thursday, May 9 | 9 AM-4:30 PM It's an art cruise of sorts! Take a private guided tour of Greek culture at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. Lunch is at Christos Greek Restaurant with your choice of entree. We finish up with a guided tour of a Twin Cities hidden gem, The Museum of Russian Art. $87, all-inclusive » Registration deadline April 29. Bus departs from han REC Center Come From Away - Ordway Theater Thursday, June 13 | 12:30-5:30 PM Come From Away is the true story of 7,000 passengers stranded in Newfoundland on 9/11. SOLD OUT! Waitlist available » $93 all inclusive. MN Twins Game at Target Field Thursday, June 20 | 10:45 AM Let's go Twins! Rain or shine, we have perfect, accessible on the main level, and covered seats as the Twins take on Tampa Bay. SW Transit sponsors our bus transportation from the Chanhassen Recreation Center. $49 includes transportation & admission; food available at the stadium » Registration Deadline May 15. Bus departs Chan REC Center Soup, Salad, & Song with Mike Henry Moments to Remember, Part 1-3 | Tuesday, May 7 | 11 AM | Senior Center Tuesday, June 11 and Tuesday, July 23 | 11 AM | Recreation Center Soak in the sounds of the decades with Mike Henry and his multi-media music show. $10 each event » Recreation Center » Pre-registration required Expand Your Knowledge David Jones Historical Presentations Tuesday, April 23 | 10 AM | Mount Rushmore: Carving | Senior Center Tuesday, July 16 | 10 AM | 1936 Olympics: The Nazi Games | Recreation Center Local history speaker David Jones presents American history in an interesting and well-researched style. Come smart, leave smarter! $5 per class » Coffee & dessert - Pre-registration and walk-ins welcome It's Your Story Funshop Wednesday, May 8, May 15 & May 22 | 10:30-11:15 AM It’s not a workshop – it’s a FUNshop! You have a life story worth passing on. Celebrate your life experiences, knowledge and wisdom by remembering, writing, and reminiscing. Led by awardwinning author/filmmaker Debbie Johnson. $15 » Class limited to 10; register online or call for information Medicare 101 - Information Session Tuesday, May 14 | 10-11 AM Are you new to Medicare or applying soon? This session fills you in on what you need to know in an easy to understand format. Presenter Jennifer Balk, LLC. Free » Pre-registration recommended » Walk ins welcome Veterans' Benefits: For You & Your Spouse Tuesday, May 14 | 3:30 PM Many veterans are missing out on getting their due rewards. Carver County Veterans Services helps you understand benefits, how to secure them, and how doing so may help your family. Free » Call to pre-register » Walk ins welcome Transportation Options at Your Fingertips Wednesday, May 29 | 10:30 AM Learn how to use these great services for everyday errands and medical needs. Sponsored by SW Transit and WeCAB. Free » Walk ins welcome - or call to pre-register Colored Pencil Sketching for All Abilities Fridays, June 14, 21, & 28; July 12, 19 & 26| 10 AM-12 PM Instructor Anne Beckman helps you master color, techniques, and more. Age 18+ » $69 includes supplies; $49, bring your own » 6 Sessions Recreation Center. Register online or in person at REC Center Mah Jongg for Beginners Fridays, April 19-May 24 | 10-11:30 AM Instructor Melinda Colwell teaches this 6 week course for a lifetime of gameplay fun. Age 40+ » $69 » Senior Center » Includes official game card. 55+ Alive Defensive Driver Classes A 4-hour refresher every year saves 10% on car insurance. $28 » Classes May, July, Sept Call or check the website for more information. Construction of the new civic campus begins this summer. With patron safety and parking constraints in mind, all Senior Center classes, programs, and weekly/monthly groups will be shifted to the Chanhassen Recreation Center (2310 Coulter Boulevard) starting June 3, 2024. This is a temporary shift in service until we move into our new space. Stick with us – it will be worth the wait! Change Is On The Way 25 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 45678910111213141516171819202122232425 26 27 28 29 30 31 Friday 1 2 3 4 5 9am-2pm AARP Tax Help. Appts Required 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 10am 500 Card Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 7 8 9 10 11 12 9am-2pm AARP Tax Help. Appts Required 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 10am 500 Card Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:00am Music Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 10am 500 Card Play 10-11:30am Commission on Aging Meeting 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga - REC Center 21 22 23 24 25 26 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 10am 500 Card Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga, REC Center 28 29 30 1 2 3 9:00amMusic Jam Practice - violins 10am Cribbage Play 10am 500 Card Play 12:30-1:30pm Seated Yoga - Rec Center 4 10:00am Guitar Groupies 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 27 10am Guitar Groupies, drop in players group. 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 20 10am Guitar Groupies, drop in players group. 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 13 10am Guitar Groupies, drop in players group. 12:30pm Party Bridge 12:30pm Chan-o-laires Choir 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos 6 For Home Deliverd Meals: CAP Agency 952- 442-5078 *Free Medicare Help 1-800-333-2433 online at trellisconnects.org *Caregiver & Home Support Call SCS: 952-541-1019 Seniorcommunity.org Register for classes, events, trips at: Chan Senior Center, The Chan REC Center, or online at www.chanhassenmn.gov 9am-12 Woodcarving Grp - Help available for learning / Homeschool Teens welcome! 9:30am & 1pm Open Mah Jongg Play 12:30pm Quarter Bingo w/Potluck Lunch 10am-Noon Artists Hangout 2-4pm Mexican Train Dominos April 2024 May '24 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Chanhassen Senior Center 10am Documentary Jerry & Marge Go Large (90 min) Open Hours: 8:30am-4:00pm, Monday-Friday 952.227.1124 mblazanin@chanhassenMN.gov 7700 Market Blvd, Chanhassen, MN 55317 1:30am Caregiver Support Group NOTE: NO Tech Help TODAY - volunteer's spring break 10am-Noon Speaker: Great British History w/Terry Kubista -Donation: $3 at door Coffee/treats 2-4:00pm Free Thursday Theater The Barbie Movie (wear pink!) 8:15am-4:15pm Treasure Island Casino Trip. $30. Sign up by: 4/9 10am Speaker: Mount Rushmore: A Great Endeavor, David Jones -$5 8am-4pm Footcare with RN Katie -$45 Appts required 651-726-4143 10:00am Coffee with the Cops. 10am-Noon Medicare Counseling, Appts. required. 952 -227-1124. Free 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg for Beginners. #1.$69 11:15am-5:15pm Orpheum Trip: Lion King . SOLD OUT. Bus leaves from Chan REC Center 10-11:30am Water Color Pencils #1 (full) 10-11:30am Water Color Pencils #2 10-11:30am Water Color Pencils #3 10-11:30am Water Color Pencils #4 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg for Beginners. #2. 10-11:30am Class: Mah Jongg for Beginners. #3.10-11:30am Water Color Pencils #5 1:00 -4:00pm Personal Tech Help. Call for appointment. 952 -227-1124. Free 3pm Speaker: Lindberg: Triumphs & Tragedies, David Jones -$5 26 27 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Linnea Fonnest, Chanhassen Library Updates Section COMMUNITY PARTNER PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Chan-o-laires Concert Master Gardeners Help Desk Games April 28, 2024 28 www.carverlib.org Music in May The Chan-o-laires Saturday, May 4 at 3pm for all ages Chanhassen Library, 7711 Kerber Blvd. Join us for a musical performance by the Chan-o-laires, the talented Chanhassen Senior Center Choir. Enjoy a wide variety of music: medleys, showtunes, patriotic songs, and sing-a-longs. 29 sb 1/17 Carver-Scott Counties Ask a Master Gardener Help Desk Saturdays, May 4 to September 28 from 10 am to 1 pm at Chanhassen Library 7711 Kerber Blvd. Bring your yard and gardening questions to Carver/Scott County Extension Master Gardener volunteers. More info: https://carverscottmastergardeners.com 30 www.carverlib.org Games&Gatherings ALL AGES 1-4pm Sunday, April 28 Play tabletop games with other fans of all ages. Chanhassen Library - 7711 Kerber Blvd. - 952-227-1500 These Games & Gatherings programs are made possible by the 31 Commission on Aging Item April 19, 2024 Subject Carver County Health and Human Services Updates Section COMMUNITY PARTNER PRESENTATIONS Prepared By Mary Blazanin, Senior Center Coordinator Letter from Samantha Downs 32 (Note: The following are excerpts from recent emails updates by Samantha Downs, Community Health and Promotion Unit Supervisor, Carver County Health and Human Services Good morning, Mary. I am unable to attend the meeting this morning so I thought I would send along updates that I would’ve shared in person. 1) New Public Health Staff starting April 1st, Emmanuel Ngabire. Emmanuel to attend an upcoming commission meeting, most likely May to meet members. Part of Emmanuel’s role will be to oversee our Office of Aging. 2) New COVID Vaccine recommendations: Those 65+ years are recommended to receive an additional dose of the ’23-’24 COVID vaccine if it has been at least 4 months since their prior dose. a. We continue to have vaccine clinics at the government center in Chaska. Persons may schedule ahead of time via our webpage link like usual or walk in and be seen first come/first served. https://my.primary.health/r/carvercountypublichealthvax?registration_type=de fault. b. We would be happy to set up a clinic at the Senior Center if there is interest. 3) Community Health Assessment data is being analyzed and will be shared with partners in the coming months. Introduction of Emmanuel Ngabire. Emmanuel's extensive background encompasses policy development, community health initiatives, and higher education teaching and program management. Holding a Master of Public Health and currently pursuing an MBA in Business Analytics, Emmanuel is adept at integrating evidence-based strategies into public health programming. We are excited for Emmanuel’s contributions toward enhancing health outcomes and fostering a collaborative environment to further the community's well-being. Thank you, Sam Samantha Downs, MA (she/her/hers) Administration Building | 600 East 4th Street | Chaska, MN | 55318 Office Phone: 952.361.1359 | Cell 952.378.0965 | Fax 952.361.1360 Email: sdowns@co.carver.mn.us | Website: www.carvercountymn.gov 33